Weakest Speaker Of The House Ever ? Remains to be seen......

Sixties Fan

Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2017
Kevin McCarthy was voted Speaker Of The House yesterday after 15 attempts. From first to 15th Vote he had to make a lot of concessions to those Republicans who would refuse to vote for him.

All of those concessions are in the House Rules which will be voted on this coming Monday.

The question is, will the Rules be voted in, or will it be voted down? Who may vote them down and why?

If voted down, will there be a need to re-negotiated? How will the process work?

Also, if Kevin McCarthy's role as Speaker is so weakened because he had to give up so much, make so many promises, what will happen in the next two years? What will be done and not done?

How will any of this will affect the running of the country?

I will be following what happens from Monday on and we will see together what will happen with that vote and then what may or may not work, and see what the consequences to each is.

Round 1 to the Freedom Caucus....It really did not matter who the mouthpiece was....It was the concessions that mattered.

Boy, I bet the dems feel "all back of the bus" now because it does not matter what they (or The Turtle over in the Senate) want, enough measures have been put in place to prevent what we saw in the Omnibus a couple of weeks back.

Hopefully "Billions For Ukraine Friday" is over too. ;)
If they are not voted in I imagine the show will be even better than the one we just saw.
McCarthy has unwittingly created a situation that will highlight everything wrong with republican rule. Why he even wants the job now is beyond me. All the blame and no way to do anything about it? He's an idiot.

The rule that any one member may call for the removal of the speaker has been in place since 1801 and put there by Thomas Jefferson. It was removed in 2018 and it's being demanded that it be put back. As it should.

It wasn't Republican rule that had it removed.
Kevin McCarthy was voted Speaker Of The House yesterday after 15 attempts. From first to 15th Vote he had to make a lot of concessions to those Republicans who would refuse to vote for him.

All of those concessions are in the House Rules which will be voted on this coming Monday.

The question is, will the Rules be voted in, or will it be voted down? Who may vote them down and why?

If voted down, will there be a need to re-negotiated? How will the process work?

Also, if Kevin McCarthy's role as Speaker is so weakened because he had to give up so much, make so many promises, what will happen in the next two years? What will be done and not done?

How will any of this will affect the running of the country?

I will be following what happens from Monday on and we will see together what will happen with that vote and then what may or may not work, and see what the consequences to each is.

You would think that after that filthy crazy deranged hate speech by the stupid low IQ Hakeem Negro that he thought he was elected Speaker of the House, wouldn't you?

The Republican Party got stuck with a real stinker as Speaker in 2017-18. They didn't want to make the same mistake and get an out-of-control goofball again.

So they were cautious.
You would think that after that filthy crazy deranged hate speech by the stupid low IQ Hakeem Negro that he thought he was elected Speaker of the House, wouldn't you?

Who is Charlie Kirk?
We don't pay the deficit. We continue deficit spending.

What is President Biden doing about it?

The Far Left used to be such deficit hawks when the Trumpster was in charge, but ever since their hero seized power, they've been awfully quiet about it.
A dysfunctional Congress isn't necessarily a bad things. A functional one has us $31 trillion in debt.

I don't know why you stupid Moon Bats are concerned with McCarthy. He is a RINO that will kiss the ass of the Democrats and give the bastards pretty much anything they want. He has a record of doing that.

He has a "F" rating from the Liberty Poll, which measures Conservative voting records.

You have your boy as Leader of the House, just not quite as bat shit crazy as the Hakeem Negro,
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We don't pay the deficit. We continue deficit spending.
Debt = the money a country loans

Deficit. = the money which it pays on a monthly basis.

It is no different from getting a loan for a house or a car.

If one pays regularly, without defaulting, one keeps a good credit.

The USA rating is A, because it has never defaulted on its payments (except once when the Republican Party would not raise the debt ceiling in 2011)

The US IS the wealthiest country in the world.

It is not facing bankruptcy as Greece and Italy have in recent history, as I recall.

The money is there to be spent on infrastructure and many other things. If not spent, things can fall apart, places close, etc. And that includes Government.

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