We the People of the United States, are the boogie man of the Congressional pukes. Sessions ended as fears of another insurrection that wasnt there.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
House Cancels Thursday Session After Security Agencies Cite Risk of New Violence (msn.com)
The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Homeland Security issued a joint intelligence bulletin highlighting the belief among some members of the conspiracy-theory group QAnon that former President Donald Trump “will be inaugurated on 4 March or will return to power on 20 May with the help of the U.S. military.” The memo, dated Tuesday and reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, says domestic violent extremists remain inspired by “election fraud and other conspiracy theories associated with the presidential transition.”
The same FBI that had said that Russia Collusion was a thing and had then Civilian Donald Trump, illegally wiretapped. The only law enforcement officials i have any faith in are the USBP, ICE and local police. The rest of the DOJ is nothing but a bunch of shills....

Why The FBI Is Now Nothing More Than a HUGE JOKE As Law Enforcement [Meme] | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
When the government hides behind sand bags and razor-wire fences you have to wonder if there's a problem.
I lived in Maryland for 16 years, and then 4 more in Virginia and watch the idiocy of the establishment in government. When Jimmy Carter allowed mentally ill people to be with their family thinking it would be therapeutic, instead those crazy people who didnt abort their children, have gone on to breed more mentally ill people, which we have seen in the past 20 years take over the government. Back in the day, we all joked about "It would never get this crazy", yet today, Dr, Seuss is banned, men with tits are allowed in girls bathrooms, being white is racist but being black isnt, the world is upside down.....We are heading towards a disaster of Biblical proportions...

All this brouhaha for a 'possible' attack. There isn't one and they know it. Question is...what are they doin' that they want our attention elsewhere?? It's not cause they want a vacation. Maybe they have a date with the black eye club.
Which "We the People of the United States"? There are still traitors out there who talking about another assault on our government and still making threats against members of Congress. It's just prudent to not give this trash a target on their "holiday."
There are still traitors out there who talking about another assault on our government and still making threats against members of Congress. "

it's laughable is what it is. These people are loons. they are greedy loons who are occupying the capital. Putting national guard, fences and barricades in DC for no reason....a possible attack?? the only attack they're having is the one in their heads. And pelousy putting Russell Honore in charge of this? Open your eyes bud. Your freedom and country is being stolen right out from under your virtue signalling snooty nose.
Conservatives are now complaining that the Congress is not in session? Sounds like you guys should be rejoicing.

the only time americans are safe is when this bunch of loons has gone home. So what is your problem that you want them in DC coming up with schemes to steal your money, your freedom, your country.
Which "We the People of the United States"? There are still traitors out there who talking about another assault on our government and still making threats against members of Congress. It's just prudent to not give this trash a target on their "holiday."


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