"We sounded the alarm, and our dire warnings fell on deaf ears." - Biden Hammered With Bipartisan Criticism


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Biden hit with bipartisan criticism over Afghanistan debacle: 'Our dire warnings fell on deaf ears'

-- Biden critics range from high-ranking Dems to Trump to Romney​

President Biden is the target of relentless criticism for his handling of the military drawdown from Afghanistan, which has resulted in a swift Taliban takeover of the nation, the abandonment of the American embassy and desperate scenes at the Kabul airport, including Afghans clinging to departing aircraft then falling from the sky.

"The President's failure to acknowledge his disastrous withdrawal provides no comfort to Americans or our Afghan partners whose lives hang in the balance. Contrary to his claims, our choice was not between a hasty and ill-prepared retreat or staying forever. The decision to place a higher priority on a political promise than the lives of innocent men, women and children is a stain on America's reputation and undermines our credibility around the world."
-- Mitt Romney

"Biden spent time in Delaware and Camp David as the Taliban routed all resistance and took control of Afghanistan in mere days. He flew from Camp David to the White House briefly for his address Monday before returning to Camp David immediately after speaking."

It was nice of Joe to take time in the middle of his vacation to fly back to the WH long enough to blame everyone except himself for this colossal f*-up.

"These past few days have been difficult to process, and not because the Taliban's progress was surprising. In fact, the opposite. We sounded the alarm, and our dire warnings fell on deaf ears."
-- ," Rep. Chrissy Houlahan, D-Pa.,

'Notably, a separate bipartisan group called on the president to establish a coherent plan to evacuate Afghanistan in June. Houlahan is a member of the House Armed Services and Foreign Affairs Committees. And in the Senate, two committee chairmen said they plan to investigate the United States' failures in Afghanistan, including the botched withdrawal. '

"As the Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, I hope to work with the other committees of jurisdiction to ask tough but necessary questions about why we weren’t better prepared for a worst-case scenario involving such a swift and total collapse of the Afghan government and security forces."
-- Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Mark Warner, D-Va

"Without swift, decisive action from the administration, Afghan civilians will suffer or die at the hands of the Taliban."
-- Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H.

'Swift, decisive action'...from JOE?

Don't hold your breath....


Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse Compares Fall Of Kabul To Saigon As Biden Admin Denies Connection​

A Democratic senator compared the scene in Kabul as the U.S. rushed to evacuate embassy personnel and Afghan allies to the fall of Saigon in 1975 on Monday.

“Sad. My father was our next-to-last ambassador in Saigon, and our ambassador when ‘peace deal’ was negotiated in Laos,” tweeted Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island. “How that all ended deserved more attention.”

“The unmitigated disaster in Afghanistan — the shameful, Saigon-like abandonment of Kabul, the brutalization of Afghan women, and the slaughter of our allies — is the predictable outcome of the Trump-Biden doctrine of weakness”

Joe is getting 'shot in the face' by Republicans and members of his own party....

"Officials from various departments — including State and Defense — informed Senate staffers at a Tuesday morning briefing that they do not know of a way to get those Americans through Taliban checkpoints located outside Kabul, the location of the main airport."

The Biden administration just admitted they don't have a f*ing clue how to save thousands of American citizens now.

What a colossal clusterfu@k!


Knives out: CIA sources tell NBC they warned Biden of fast collapse​

'As the Taliban began seizing provinces across Afghanistan in recent weeks, the CIA’s intelligence assessments began to warn in increasingly stark terms about the potential for a rapid, total collapse of the Afghan military and government, current and former U.S. officials told NBC News.

In the end, the CIA’s description of what a worst-case scenario could look like “was pretty close to what happened,” one former official briefed on the matter said.

The White House won’t confirm whether President Joe Biden ever received such a dire forecast from his national security team. The president himself appeared to dispute a month ago that intelligence suggested the increasing likelihood that the Afghan military would fold.'

In other words, Biden received the CIA brief and ignored it.

CIA officials were taken aback by the rapid pace of the military’s pullout, including the dead-of-night withdrawal from Bagram Air Base in July, according to the former official.

The CIA was 'taken aback' at how quickly Biden was pulling out the MILITARY but completely ignoring the number of Americans that needed to be pulled out.

Biden tried to blame HIS failure on the CIA, and they are not having any of it.
Biden has never been in the military and it shows. Hell he can't even take the advice of his top military commanders who know a hell of a lot more than that jackass ever will.

He's made another mess right along with our border. What an incompetent jackass.

Knives out: CIA sources tell NBC they warned Biden of fast collapse​

'As the Taliban began seizing provinces across Afghanistan in recent weeks, the CIA’s intelligence assessments began to warn in increasingly stark terms about the potential for a rapid, total collapse of the Afghan military and government, current and former U.S. officials told NBC News.

In the end, the CIA’s description of what a worst-case scenario could look like “was pretty close to what happened,” one former official briefed on the matter said.

The White House won’t confirm whether President Joe Biden ever received such a dire forecast from his national security team. The president himself appeared to dispute a month ago that intelligence suggested the increasing likelihood that the Afghan military would fold.'

In other words, Biden received the CIA brief and ignored it.

CIA officials were taken aback by the rapid pace of the military’s pullout, including the dead-of-night withdrawal from Bagram Air Base in July, according to the former official.

The CIA was 'taken aback' at how quickly Biden was pulling out the MILITARY but completely ignoring the number of Americans that needed to be pulled out.

Biden tried to blame HIS failure on the CIA, and they are not having any of it.
Or the CIA are part of the group actually running things and are doing a CYA thing by dumping it on the meat-puppet. I really begin to believe he was installed to be the scapegoat for their intentional collapse of the nation.
Biden proved that spending 50 years on a job doesn't mean that you will ever get good at it. His record proves that experience in government is not a good thing. Biden justifies voting anti incumbent.
CIA officials were taken aback by the rapid pace of the military’s pullout, including the dead-of-night withdrawal from Bagram Air Base in July, according to the former official.

The CIA was 'taken aback' at how quickly Biden was pulling out the MILITARY but completely ignoring the number of Americans that needed to be pulled out.

Last time I checked, those Americans volunteered to be over there working for NGO's or big corporations trying to profiteer from the war.

They should have gotten out a long time ago, but they didn't.

Here's the bottom line. We all knew that the Afghan Government was going to fold like a cheap suit. It was just a matter of when.

How much longer do you perpetuate a mistake?

Biden hit with bipartisan criticism over Afghanistan debacle: 'Our dire warnings fell on deaf ears'

-- Biden critics range from high-ranking Dems to Trump to Romney​

President Biden is the target of relentless criticism for his handling of the military drawdown from Afghanistan, which has resulted in a swift Taliban takeover of the nation, the abandonment of the American embassy and desperate scenes at the Kabul airport, including Afghans clinging to departing aircraft then falling from the sky.

"The President's failure to acknowledge his disastrous withdrawal provides no comfort to Americans or our Afghan partners whose lives hang in the balance. Contrary to his claims, our choice was not between a hasty and ill-prepared retreat or staying forever. The decision to place a higher priority on a political promise than the lives of innocent men, women and children is a stain on America's reputation and undermines our credibility around the world."
-- Mitt Romney

"Biden spent time in Delaware and Camp David as the Taliban routed all resistance and took control of Afghanistan in mere days. He flew from Camp David to the White House briefly for his address Monday before returning to Camp David immediately after speaking."

It was nice of Joe to take time in the middle of his vacation to fly back to the WH long enough to blame everyone except himself for this colossal f*-up.

"These past few days have been difficult to process, and not because the Taliban's progress was surprising. In fact, the opposite. We sounded the alarm, and our dire warnings fell on deaf ears."
-- ," Rep. Chrissy Houlahan, D-Pa.,

'Notably, a separate bipartisan group called on the president to establish a coherent plan to evacuate Afghanistan in June. Houlahan is a member of the House Armed Services and Foreign Affairs Committees. And in the Senate, two committee chairmen said they plan to investigate the United States' failures in Afghanistan, including the botched withdrawal. '

"As the Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, I hope to work with the other committees of jurisdiction to ask tough but necessary questions about why we weren’t better prepared for a worst-case scenario involving such a swift and total collapse of the Afghan government and security forces."
-- Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Mark Warner, D-Va

"Without swift, decisive action from the administration, Afghan civilians will suffer or die at the hands of the Taliban."
-- Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H.

'Swift, decisive action'...from JOE?

Don't hold your breath....

Sounds more like some democrats doing a CYA.
If they really doubted or questioned Biden they wouldn’t be stupid enough to still be democrats.

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