
Apr 22, 2007
ISIS/ISIL are not our friend by any stretch of the imagination. They are our enemy and a threat to us. However, they are killing Muslims in droves. We should not fight another war to protect Muslims. Never again! Let Allah settle it out!
There is some wisdom in the OP. The enemy of our enemy is our friend.

The problem is that this is not between ISIS and Hamas or al-Qaeda. This is a fight between Muslim extremists and semi sane and rational governments in the region.
You don't understand.
ISIS was a small band of extremist that pledged allegiance to Al-Qaeda in 2004.
Look at them today.
The most serious threat from ISIS/ISIL is a severe unsettling of the whole area.
At some point these guys will get strong enough to threaten Israel.
That is when all hell breaks loose. Right now ISIL has only marginal support among most Arabs. That would change if Israel started fighting across borders.
If ISIL even BEGINS to get mass Arab support, we are looking at the very real possibility of WWIII. Which is what they want.
Keep in mind, they now control an area about the size of Texas. Taking in somewhere between $.5 to $2 million a DAY in revenue...there ability to gain strength is real.
With broader Arab support, they could easily quadruple their revenue overnight.
You don't understand.
ISIS was a small band of extremist that pledged allegiance to Al-Qaeda in 2004.
Look at them today.
The most serious threat from ISIS/ISIL is a severe unsettling of the whole area.
At some point these guys will get strong enough to threaten Israel.
That is when all hell breaks loose. Right now ISIL has only marginal support among most Arabs. That would change if Israel started fighting across borders.
If ISIL even BEGINS to get mass Arab support, we are looking at the very real possibility of WWIII. Which is what they want.
Keep in mind, they now control an area about the size of Texas. Taking in somewhere between $.5 to $2 million a DAY in revenue...there ability to gain strength is real.
With broader Arab support, they could easily quadruple their revenue overnight.
You should reread what I said. While I agree that there is some wisdom in a military sense for the OP's opinion, I agree with you that ISIS is damaging the tenuous security in the region.
So far, most governments in the region with sane, rational governments are, at least, verbally condemning ISIS.
The quandary here is how will the Pussy in Chief handle this?
Will he fuck up like he did with Libya and Egypt, or grow a set?
You should reread what I said. While I agree that there is some wisdom in a military sense for the OP's opinion, I agree with you that ISIS is damaging the tenuous security in the region.
So far, most governments in the region with sane, rational governments are, at least, verbally condemning ISIS.
The quandary here is how will the Pussy in Chief handle this?
Will he fuck up like he did with Libya and Egypt, or grow a set?

America needs to take a leadership role in this. And that can only happen if we have a leader in the White House. We don't.
You should reread what I said. While I agree that there is some wisdom in a military sense for the OP's opinion, I agree with you that ISIS is damaging the tenuous security in the region.
So far, most governments in the region with sane, rational governments are, at least, verbally condemning ISIS.
The quandary here is how will the Pussy in Chief handle this?
Will he fuck up like he did with Libya and Egypt, or grow a set?

America needs to take a leadership role in this. And that can only happen if we have a leader in the White House. We don't.
You should reread what I said. While I agree that there is some wisdom in a military sense for the OP's opinion, I agree with you that ISIS is damaging the tenuous security in the region.
So far, most governments in the region with sane, rational governments are, at least, verbally condemning ISIS.
The quandary here is how will the Pussy in Chief handle this?
Will he fuck up like he did with Libya and Egypt, or grow a set?

America needs to take a leadership role in this. And that can only happen if we have a leader in the White House. We don't.

you ARE full of shit.

Mid eastern countries need to take off the training wheels and fight for themselves. If they need support other than boots on the ground, fine. Our $$ and military might have proven to be futile. Not another American soldiers life ....
You should reread what I said. While I agree that there is some wisdom in a military sense for the OP's opinion, I agree with you that ISIS is damaging the tenuous security in the region.
So far, most governments in the region with sane, rational governments are, at least, verbally condemning ISIS.
The quandary here is how will the Pussy in Chief handle this?
Will he fuck up like he did with Libya and Egypt, or grow a set?

America needs to take a leadership role in this. And that can only happen if we have a leader in the White House. We don't.
You should reread what I said. While I agree that there is some wisdom in a military sense for the OP's opinion, I agree with you that ISIS is damaging the tenuous security in the region.
So far, most governments in the region with sane, rational governments are, at least, verbally condemning ISIS.
The quandary here is how will the Pussy in Chief handle this?
Will he fuck up like he did with Libya and Egypt, or grow a set?

America needs to take a leadership role in this. And that can only happen if we have a leader in the White House. We don't.

you ARE full of shit.

Mid eastern countries need to take off the training wheels and fight for themselves. If they need support other than boots on the ground, fine. Our $$ and military might have proven to be futile. Not another American soldiers life ....
So, you're cool with this?
Unlike the Bush administration, Obama actually has partnerships with 6 neighboring Sunni Muslim nations against ISIS. As it should be that he's getting them to participate since ISIS directly affects them more than it does us.

Quite frankly I'm tired of conservatives constantly blaming America for the fact that Iraqis and Syrians are too chickenshit to defend their own selves.
So how else do you cut the head off a rabid dog? As for those possessing isolationist tendencies, subscribers of appeasement, not in the cards, never worked, never will, show me one example that resulted in a peaceful solution. For the weak of heart and resolve your man will give it a 36 month timeline to defeat ISIS. Good luck with that. Terrible precedent, reminds me of trading terrorists for a deserter. You can not double speak, your in or your not, Mr. President stop being a worthless pussy!
So how else do you cut the head off a rabid dog? As for those possessing isolationist tendencies, subscribers of appeasement, not in the cards, never worked, never will, show me one example that resulted in a peaceful solution. For the weak of heart and resolve your man will give it a 36 month timeline to defeat ISIS. Good luck with that. Terrible precedent, reminds me of trading terrorists for a deserter. You can not double speak, your in or your not, Mr. President stop being a worthless pussy!
36 months, huh? He'll be out of office by that time and he and hillary won't have to face yet another epic failure in diplomacy.
So how else do you cut the head off a rabid dog? As for those possessing isolationist tendencies, subscribers of appeasement, not in the cards, never worked, never will, show me one example that resulted in a peaceful solution. For the weak of heart and resolve your man will give it a 36 month timeline to defeat ISIS. Good luck with that. Terrible precedent, reminds me of trading terrorists for a deserter. You can not double speak, your in or your not, Mr. President stop being a worthless pussy!

Peristroika? START?

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