We need to save America from Washington.

if Trump outlines a plan about how his lack of experience in washington can be overcome to implement strong conservative policies like building the wall, i'd vote for him in a heartbeat, but it's not like that's ever gonna happen
In order to get any of that implemented, you have to purge the RINO 's out, namely Mitch McConnell, Romney, Lindsey Graham, etc. They put up roadblocks to not let Trump fund the building of the Wall. Trump did get 400 miles built through other channels.
In order to save America you must purge the Jewish lobby. Israel firsters in Washington, especially in Biden's cabinet are destroying this country from within. The Jewish dominated media is helping too.


It's a bad idea to be throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Jesus Christ was not only a Jew, he was a Jewish Rabbi. I therefore cannot agree with your assessment.
In order to save America you must purge the Jewish lobby. Israel firsters in Washington, especially in Biden's cabinet are destroying this country from within. The Jewish dominated media is helping too.


The Jews, the Philistines, the Monguls, the Christians, White uneducated America, pick one. It is an old formula that works if you let it. Demonizing your neighbor is a government tool; it is the Swiss Army Knife of the government.
No one is getting it. It has never been about form, it is all about function. When a baseball player throws himself into the dirt to steal a base he gets up soiled from the effort. His form is bad but his function got the job done. Form is propaganda, function is truth. Trust your instincts on this one.
The Founding Fathers gave us the option of changing congress every two years but what do you do when the education system is intended to keep people ignorant and the media becomes the propaganda arm of a criminal regime?
The Founding Fathers gave us the option of changing congress every two years but what do you do when the education system is intended to keep people ignorant and the media becomes the propaganda arm of a criminal regime?
We can start by using the system as intended. My wife and I will vote in a mid-term electon for the first time ever. My guess is we are not alone. This will send a clear message that voter apathy cannot be relied upon.
And Jews killed him meaning Jews are double crossing backstabbers. Wake up, beautress!

And Jews killed him meaning Jews are double crossing backstabbers. Wake up, beautress!
Sorry, but the last good thing my Lord Jesus asked God for was for him to forgive his assassins. And you're telling me he didn't mean what he said? You missed the part about how greatly the Lord wants us to forgive our enemies. Yet there YOU ARE, holding a two thousand year old grudge that is not in accordance with the Kingdom of God according to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I wouldn't be you for the world. The Jews are in god's family the same as Christians, and judgment is in the Hands of I am who I am. If you don't know who that is I direct you to the books of Genesis and Exodus.

Luke 23:34 ~ "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."
Matthew 5:44 ~ "But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."

The Lord's Prayer that Jesus taught his disciples and is still said in my protestant church: "Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors." Other versions say, "Forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive THOSE WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US."

Do the right thing, MAGA Macho Man.

Furthermore, it is no coincidence that when the Continental Congress ran out of money and General Washington was in serious need of cash to feed an clothe his barefooted, often coatless ragtag army, and just guess who came to his aid. You would know that if you had bothered to read Art Schlesinger Jr.'s book "The Almanac of American History." There is a paragraph on his troubles feeding and clothing his troops, and a Jewish man name of Haim Solomon, a financier came forward and gave all he had to General Washington to carry him through one of the bitterest winters in history. When Haim realized General Washington would need a lot more money, and he was broke, he held a meeting with other Jewish financiers who came through with enough money to feed, equip, and clothe his troops on their final battles with the Bloody British, which with this great gift from the Jewish people, enabled Washington to carry on and win the final battles when it had looked like they were finished. God bless the gifts of the Jews in early America to help Washington free the new country from the uncaring King George the Third.

God's first family came through for the Americans. Why do you persecute these fabulous, wonderful people now? Christ forgave them. The Continental Congress never paid these men back, nor were they badgered for it by these patriotic Jews.

You don't know who you are dealing with. The Jewish people were created and loved by God, and most of them are darn good people who are responsible, intelligent, and well-taught in Old Testament theology. The lost tribes went north and are said to have populated Europe thousands of years ago. In this country you had better believe the First Amendment gives these generous, blessed people the right to practice their religion.

It's unamerican to beat up on people who are of various God-fearing religions. You can do what you please, but I recommend you read your Bible a little more closely, and you need to concentrate in particular about the Kingdom of God. Our Constitution IS BASED ON "ALL MEN ARE EQUALS." Try to keep that in mind the next time you plan a head-hunting mission and leave Christian patriots who DO KNOW WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS BECAUSE THEY LEARNED IT FROM THEIR FAMILY'S MEN WHO FOUGHT AND SUPPORTED WWI, WWII, Viet Nam, and on the science fronteir, a number of Jews and Jewesses have earned pulitzers in medicine keeping us healthy and long-lived. You wanna hurt them too because they have a different religion than you? Leave me outta yer witch hunt, buster.
How were the people of the US fooled into thinking that Donald Trump was bad and a rising authoritarian government was good? Most reasonable people knew that Trump’s roots as a rich New York City mogul and a reality show host would automatically disqualify him as a serious candidate for President of the United States. Many of the people who voted for him thought that in the beginning. No one was taking him seriously until they heard him speak. It did not take long for discerning minds to realize that all the other candidates were creatures of Washington and the disappointingly corrupt power structure that was destroying our republic. Our republic is still an experiment that relies on the common wisdom of the people not to be led like sheep to slaughter. We the People, not we the sheep was the primary mechanism that put Donald Trump in office in 2016.

The people of the United States rightly concluded that America’s two-party system had deteriorated from donkeys and elephants to the rats and snakes warned about by the founders of our nation. Americans were awakening to the deadly false wokeness served up to the people by the elites. This was met with an alarming viciousness by professional embedded Washington. Politics, education, and media quickly made a sinister pact with Washington to destroy the people’s attempt to exercise their birthright as free citizens to choose a leader. Our founders knew that rats and snakes would eventually infest our system with propaganda and lies. America is an experiment designed to prevent that. We learned that in school six decades ago; they do not teach that anymore-re-education is firmly on the table. Education in the US has been annexed and contaminated by the elitism that has taken down all civilizations since the beginning.

The rats and snakes will not let go willingly. Their plan is to use fear to change sheep to lemmings. They want to charge Trump with show-trial crimes to disqualify him from running again. We need to see what is right in front of us, not what is presented to us by the rats and snakes. Washington is deconstructing our republic right before our eyes because it sold us out to preserve itself. They are prepared to take away your heating fuel and electricity to bring you to heel. They want you to blame your neighbor for the weather.

Save America and bring Trump back.
Let’s start by letting all the red states fend for themselves during national disasters. Let’s cut their aid from the donor blue states.

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