
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015
Click Here: We Need a Healing Movement

Hello. Discover Medical Knowledge Oprah exuberantly declares is a "game changer."

An Early Brain and Child Development (EBCD) Scientist Explains To Oprah Why Far Too Many #Americans of All AGES Are Hurting:

"Oprah Winfrey Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"

Acclaimed Childhood Trauma Scientist & Researcher Dr. Bruce D. Perry, MD, PhD:

"Dr. Nadine Burke Harris - How early childhood experiences affect children’s future"

'How "Toxic Stress" (CHILD ABUSE) Affects Children's Health'
~California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris

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Gabon Mate, Nadine Burke Harris, Bruce Perry, Declare War.jpg

Peace ♥
Thanks. I have a friend that can use this. This is important work.

It will only get more and more important as our society get more isolated from each other.
With a woman in the workplace and a child at daycare where there's 1 caregiver per every 10 children who need attention from a parent, you have an untenable situation when the family gathers in the evening to a tired mommy, fast food, and parents arguing for dessert, it's not hard to see why the next generation is a disaster as they turn to a best friend who becomes a same-sex lover after being encouraged to be nice to homosexuals and tell others they have to be nice to them, too, it seems a good alternative to the child. And the "Am I a girl or a boy or a girl in a boy's body or a boy in a girl's body?" It's no wonder the future of this great country will be a Sodom and Gomorrah unless we start home schooling our children, supporting families to learn to live within their budgets, and quit making alternative lifestyles free speech. People used to read the story of Lot and his wife and be horrified that people could be so cruel to houseguests, and in two generations, we're looking to become the people screaming inanities outside the homes of decent people to give their guests up for a sex abuse party.

And that's what I think. We need to shut the door on the child abuse of inappropriate information delivered to the wrong people, and turn that task back over to parents. Two gay men adopting a son? Trouble!
Hello. Lacking the resources to reach a larger audience, I'd like to URGE folks learning about Childhood Trauma and how it affects our emotional development, as well as physical health, to SHARE with others this LIFE CHANGING medical info.

Thank you :)


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