We Have COVID-19 Vaccines Because Trump Swept Away Regulations


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2020
We Have COVID-19 Vaccines Because Trump Swept Away Regulations

". . . . . . During its coronavirus task force briefing yesterday, the Health and Human Services secretary, Alex Azar, announced that Pfizer will ask for emergency FDA approval for their coronavirus vaccine today and that the Trump administration is gonna ship millions of doses of vaccine within 24 hours of approval. Vice President Pence said that, quote, “Literally we could well be a matter of just a few weeks away from a vaccine being available across this country for the most vulnerable among us.”

Folks, as I said yesterday, I think we Americans, and understandably so, so I don’t want to sound like I’m preaching — we take greatness, many of us, for granted. Because we have come to expect it because we live in America where greatness is part of the daily existence for a lot of people.

And even though there has been a lot of effort made over the years by the Democrat Party to demonize major American corporations like Big Pharma and like Big Tobacco, Big Box Retail, Big Food, big whatever, the American people, even those that end up falling prey for this and end up hating these corporations, nevertheless expect that the products they produce are going to work.

They also resent how much they cost, and they think they’re being gouged but expect them to work. To have a vaccine for something like this in less than a year is unheard of. It’s unprecedented, and to be this effective, 95%. This is something you need to actively take a step back and seriously appreciate. Because it is a major, stunning achievement that could have only happened in this country.

And there’s another big, primary reason why it was able to happen in less than a year. And that’s President Donald Trump, who single-handedly did away with restrictive, penalizing, obstacle-oriented regulations. Had the regulations that were in place when Trump was inaugurated remained in place during this past year, we wouldn’t be talking about nearing the release of a vaccine for anything. We wouldn’t even be talking about being very far down the road in research and development.

We wouldn’t be talking at all about having begun any kind of testing. Had it not been for Trump, who understands the punitive, obstacle-oriented nature of regulations, had he not swept them away, we wouldn’t be anywhere near where we are with this vaccine. This is something for which a lot of people need to have a lot of appreciation.
. . . . . "

This is why Biden is full of shit:
Under Democrats regulations nightmare we would have no drug.
We Have COVID-19 Vaccines Because Trump Swept Away Regulations

". . . . . . During its coronavirus task force briefing yesterday, the Health and Human Services secretary, Alex Azar, announced that Pfizer will ask for emergency FDA approval for their coronavirus vaccine today and that the Trump administration is gonna ship millions of doses of vaccine within 24 hours of approval. Vice President Pence said that, quote, “Literally we could well be a matter of just a few weeks away from a vaccine being available across this country for the most vulnerable among us.”

Folks, as I said yesterday, I think we Americans, and understandably so, so I don’t want to sound like I’m preaching — we take greatness, many of us, for granted. Because we have come to expect it because we live in America where greatness is part of the daily existence for a lot of people.

And even though there has been a lot of effort made over the years by the Democrat Party to demonize major American corporations like Big Pharma and like Big Tobacco, Big Box Retail, Big Food, big whatever, the American people, even those that end up falling prey for this and end up hating these corporations, nevertheless expect that the products they produce are going to work.

They also resent how much they cost, and they think they’re being gouged but expect them to work. To have a vaccine for something like this in less than a year is unheard of. It’s unprecedented, and to be this effective, 95%. This is something you need to actively take a step back and seriously appreciate. Because it is a major, stunning achievement that could have only happened in this country.

And there’s another big, primary reason why it was able to happen in less than a year. And that’s President Donald Trump, who single-handedly did away with restrictive, penalizing, obstacle-oriented regulations. Had the regulations that were in place when Trump was inaugurated remained in place during this past year, we wouldn’t be talking about nearing the release of a vaccine for anything. We wouldn’t even be talking about being very far down the road in research and development.

We wouldn’t be talking at all about having begun any kind of testing. Had it not been for Trump, who understands the punitive, obstacle-oriented nature of regulations, had he not swept them away, we wouldn’t be anywhere near where we are with this vaccine. This is something for which a lot of people need to have a lot of appreciation.
. . . . . "

This is why Biden is full of shit:
Under Democrats regulations nightmare we would have no drug.
We Have COVID-19 Vaccines Because Trump Swept Away Regulations

". . . . . . During its coronavirus task force briefing yesterday, the Health and Human Services secretary, Alex Azar, announced that Pfizer will ask for emergency FDA approval for their coronavirus vaccine today and that the Trump administration is gonna ship millions of doses of vaccine within 24 hours of approval. Vice President Pence said that, quote, “Literally we could well be a matter of just a few weeks away from a vaccine being available across this country for the most vulnerable among us.”

Folks, as I said yesterday, I think we Americans, and understandably so, so I don’t want to sound like I’m preaching — we take greatness, many of us, for granted. Because we have come to expect it because we live in America where greatness is part of the daily existence for a lot of people.

And even though there has been a lot of effort made over the years by the Democrat Party to demonize major American corporations like Big Pharma and like Big Tobacco, Big Box Retail, Big Food, big whatever, the American people, even those that end up falling prey for this and end up hating these corporations, nevertheless expect that the products they produce are going to work.

They also resent how much they cost, and they think they’re being gouged but expect them to work. To have a vaccine for something like this in less than a year is unheard of. It’s unprecedented, and to be this effective, 95%. This is something you need to actively take a step back and seriously appreciate. Because it is a major, stunning achievement that could have only happened in this country.

And there’s another big, primary reason why it was able to happen in less than a year. And that’s President Donald Trump, who single-handedly did away with restrictive, penalizing, obstacle-oriented regulations. Had the regulations that were in place when Trump was inaugurated remained in place during this past year, we wouldn’t be talking about nearing the release of a vaccine for anything. We wouldn’t even be talking about being very far down the road in research and development.

We wouldn’t be talking at all about having begun any kind of testing. Had it not been for Trump, who understands the punitive, obstacle-oriented nature of regulations, had he not swept them away, we wouldn’t be anywhere near where we are with this vaccine. This is something for which a lot of people need to have a lot of appreciation.
. . . . . "

This is why Biden is full of shit:
Under Democrats regulations nightmare we would have no drug.
That’s a lie, nutter butter. They developed vaccines because that’s what drug companies do and the first one out of the box is worth a fortune. No one will take a vaccine that is approved without testing just because the orange psychopath says so.

now go back to your basement and continue drooling on your keyboard
We Have COVID-19 Vaccines Because Trump Swept Away Regulations

". . . . . . During its coronavirus task force briefing yesterday, the Health and Human Services secretary, Alex Azar, announced that Pfizer will ask for emergency FDA approval for their coronavirus vaccine today and that the Trump administration is gonna ship millions of doses of vaccine within 24 hours of approval. Vice President Pence said that, quote, “Literally we could well be a matter of just a few weeks away from a vaccine being available across this country for the most vulnerable among us.”

Folks, as I said yesterday, I think we Americans, and understandably so, so I don’t want to sound like I’m preaching — we take greatness, many of us, for granted. Because we have come to expect it because we live in America where greatness is part of the daily existence for a lot of people.

And even though there has been a lot of effort made over the years by the Democrat Party to demonize major American corporations like Big Pharma and like Big Tobacco, Big Box Retail, Big Food, big whatever, the American people, even those that end up falling prey for this and end up hating these corporations, nevertheless expect that the products they produce are going to work.

They also resent how much they cost, and they think they’re being gouged but expect them to work. To have a vaccine for something like this in less than a year is unheard of. It’s unprecedented, and to be this effective, 95%. This is something you need to actively take a step back and seriously appreciate. Because it is a major, stunning achievement that could have only happened in this country.

And there’s another big, primary reason why it was able to happen in less than a year. And that’s President Donald Trump, who single-handedly did away with restrictive, penalizing, obstacle-oriented regulations. Had the regulations that were in place when Trump was inaugurated remained in place during this past year, we wouldn’t be talking about nearing the release of a vaccine for anything. We wouldn’t even be talking about being very far down the road in research and development.

We wouldn’t be talking at all about having begun any kind of testing. Had it not been for Trump, who understands the punitive, obstacle-oriented nature of regulations, had he not swept them away, we wouldn’t be anywhere near where we are with this vaccine. This is something for which a lot of people need to have a lot of appreciation.
. . . . . "

This is why Biden is full of shit:
Under Democrats regulations nightmare we would have no drug.
That’s a lie, nutter butter. They developed vaccines because that’s what drug companies do and the first one out of the box is worth a fortune. No one will take a vaccine that is approved without testing just because the orange psychopath says so.

now go back to your basement and continue drooling on your keyboard
No one has ever seen a vaccine developed so fast you fat dingbat. Thank you Mr Prsident.
You can all now bet, that the glorious media will hype the ones that die after taking the vaccine.

Meaning, I heard 90 percent effective or 95 percent effective.

Well, blacks are killed by cops in this country around 1 percent of the time. In 2019, 9 unarmed blacks were killed (19 whites but not one hyped by the media) and nearly all of them were justified.

However, the media HYPES that 1 percent. Every media outlet hypes it to the point where THE WORLD thinks there is a MASS EPIDEMIC of this happening, and then if anyone presents THE FACTS, they are immediately labeled as racist or whatever. FOR THE FACTS.

That ought to tell us the plan the media has to deal with these VACCINES IF they are credited to Trump. They will find the ones that it didn't work for and paste them all over the tv screens.

It will matter NOT what the facts are. Just like they never do. Look at the election. Look at THE FACTS they reject.

What a world we live in.
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You can all now bet, that the glorious media will hype the ones that die after taking the vaccine.

Meaning, I heard 90 percent effective or 95 percent effective.

Well, blacks are killed by cops in this country around 1 percent of the time. In 2019, 9 unarmed blacks were killed (19 whites but not one hyped by the media) and nearly all of them were justified.

However, the media HYPES that 1 percent. Every media outlet hypes it to the point where THE WORLD thinks there is a MASS EPIDEMIC of this happening, and then if anyone presents THE FACTS, they are immediately labeled as racist or whatever. FOR THE FACTS.

That ought to tell us the plan the media has to deal with these VACCINES IF they are credited to Trump. They will find the ones that it didn't work for and paste them all over the tv screens.

It will matter NOT what the facts are. Just like they never do. Look at the election. Look at THE FACTS they reject.

What a world we live in.

Great post. Thank you.
Its the Trump Vaccine

no question about it

if hillary were president it would take years for the vaccine to be approved by the regulators in washington

and the same goes for biden, harris, obama, bernie, you name it
Its the Trump Vaccine

no question about it

if hillary were president it would take years for the vaccine to be approved by the regulators in washington

and the same goes for biden, harris, obama, bernie, you name it

You are correct sir
We Have COVID-19 Vaccines Because Trump Swept Away Regulations

". . . . . . During its coronavirus task force briefing yesterday, the Health and Human Services secretary, Alex Azar, announced that Pfizer will ask for emergency FDA approval for their coronavirus vaccine today and that the Trump administration is gonna ship millions of doses of vaccine within 24 hours of approval. Vice President Pence said that, quote, “Literally we could well be a matter of just a few weeks away from a vaccine being available across this country for the most vulnerable among us.”

Folks, as I said yesterday, I think we Americans, and understandably so, so I don’t want to sound like I’m preaching — we take greatness, many of us, for granted. Because we have come to expect it because we live in America where greatness is part of the daily existence for a lot of people.

And even though there has been a lot of effort made over the years by the Democrat Party to demonize major American corporations like Big Pharma and like Big Tobacco, Big Box Retail, Big Food, big whatever, the American people, even those that end up falling prey for this and end up hating these corporations, nevertheless expect that the products they produce are going to work.

They also resent how much they cost, and they think they’re being gouged but expect them to work. To have a vaccine for something like this in less than a year is unheard of. It’s unprecedented, and to be this effective, 95%. This is something you need to actively take a step back and seriously appreciate. Because it is a major, stunning achievement that could have only happened in this country.

And there’s another big, primary reason why it was able to happen in less than a year. And that’s President Donald Trump, who single-handedly did away with restrictive, penalizing, obstacle-oriented regulations. Had the regulations that were in place when Trump was inaugurated remained in place during this past year, we wouldn’t be talking about nearing the release of a vaccine for anything. We wouldn’t even be talking about being very far down the road in research and development.

We wouldn’t be talking at all about having begun any kind of testing. Had it not been for Trump, who understands the punitive, obstacle-oriented nature of regulations, had he not swept them away, we wouldn’t be anywhere near where we are with this vaccine. This is something for which a lot of people need to have a lot of appreciation.
. . . . . "

This is why Biden is full of shit:
Under Democrats regulations nightmare we would have no drug.
You be the first to take that vaccine. I double dare you.

Why do we need a vaccine for a virus that kills less than 1% of those infected? It’s dumb and indicates there are ulterior motives in play.

Why should people get vaccinated for a virus that over 99% of them will easily survive anyway? Why not simply attain “herd immunity” through natural infection spread and antibodies? The mainstream will continue to ignore these questions because they are inconvenient to the wider agenda.

Also, why should anyone trust a vaccine that was rushed out in less than a year’s time? China and the rest of the world spent over a decade trying to develop a vaccine for SARS unsuccessfully, but we are supposed to believe that they created a vaccine for SARS related Covid 19 within months?

The last time the government rushed out a vaccine for a viral epidemic was the 1976 swine flu scare, and that ended with numerous permanently damaged or dead individuals due to faulty vaccines.

Now Is the Time for Americans To Rebel Against Lockdowns, Mask Laws, And Forced Vaccinations - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Democrats would leave regulations in place - and even add more - and then put their boot on peoples' necks to force compliance.

Just ask BP.
Democrats would leave regulations in place - and even add more - and then put their boot on peoples' necks to force compliance.
And the regulations would not apply to democrat politicians as we have seen time after time across America from pelosi to cuomo to newsome
Its the Trump Vaccine

no question about it

if hillary were president it would take years for the vaccine to be approved by the regulators in washington

and the same goes for biden, harris, obama, bernie, you name it

What did Trump do to make Phizer vaccine happen?

Absolutely NOTHING is the correct answer.
The thing about the vaccines to be mad about is the speed at which they were developed. It's the dirty secret of the pharma industry that vaccines and cures are not nearly as profitable as treatments. A year to a vaccine suggests that they have the ability rid us of all sorts of disease but prefer to develop treatments that a patient will have to take the rest of their lives.
What did Trump do to make Phizer vaccine happen?

Absolutely NOTHING is the correct answer.
Reduce regulations and inspire drug companies to go full speed ahead

Pfizer and several other companies started developing their vaccines long before Warp Speed.
That's what happens when a new virus shows up on their radar. They get to work.
But if you want to exalt your savior, go right ahead. He's all done in January. :)
Pfizer and several other companies started developing their vaccines long before Warp Speed.
That's what happens when a new virus shows up on their radar. They get to work.

But knowing the snails pace that over regulation in washington moves at how soon could the vaccine reach the public?

under washington swamp rat leadership as defined by obama, hillary, biden, bush or romney it could take years

but trump made sure that didnt happen

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