We Either Separate the Races, or the Death and Destruction Continue

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Fucking seriously, people.

Flash mobs.

London riots.

Hate crimes at the county fair.

A country run by a black, on the brink of disaster (U.S., or Pick Your African Nation)

Terrorism. Illegals. Economic mess. You name it, race is at the bottom of it.

Why not separate the races? First, nobody's hurt by this. You just live SOMEWHERE ELSE. It's not "the holocaust" all over again. But it will be if we don't do something. Why not just admit that the races don't get along and NEVER WILL? It's been fucking centuries.

A black president was supposed to fix it all.

It didn't.

People are more pissed about race than ever.

I don't (usually) hate blacks, Hispanics or Jews. I just think WE DON'T WORK VERY WELL IN THE SAME SOCIETY. How much more fucking obvious can it be?
Dignity and respect to ALL HUMAN RACES. A separation process that is honorable, peaceful, respectful, FAIR TO ALL. I say GOD BLESS the Jews trying to make a country in Israel. I say GOD BLESS the Palestinians seeking their own state, as well.

But guys, they ain't hangin' together AT ALL.
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Dignity and respect to ALL HUMAN RACES. A separation process that is honorable, peaceful, respectful, FAIR TO ALL.

But guys, they ain't hangin' together AT ALL.
i would be willing to give blacks the 3 states that are the richest in natural resources just to get them out of our hair!!provided that we assist them for only the 1st 10 yrs of their independence.that way in 30 yrs time they will have died out and we could take the land back!!
We dont need to separate the races. If anything we should work harder to UNITE the races. What we need to do is eliminate the disgusting vermin from the races.
I think Jews tried to separate themselves and start their own country. Last I checked, we're still getting blamed for the world's ailments.
Something that always entertains me about racists.... they never let facts get in the way of their opinions.
I think Jews tried to separate themselves and start their own country. Last I checked, we're still getting blamed for the world's ailments.

That's because a small group of Jews have monopolized Business and de legitimized Politicians. They also have a very destructive agenda...... I say, Fuck Them.
Just in case you aren't aware of who they are, they are the the Bilderbergs. You know have something to contemplate.
Not only that only 40% of the Jews on the planet live in Israel. The rest out out in the world trying to make there way like the rest of us.

I think Jews tried to separate themselves and start their own country. Last I checked, we're still getting blamed for the world's ailments.

That's because a small group of Jews have monopolized Business and de legitimized Politicians. They also have a very destructive agenda...... I say, Fuck Them.
Just in case you aren't aware of who they are, they are the the Bilderbergs. You know have something to contemplate.
Not only that only 40% of the Jews on the planet live in Israel. The rest out out in the world trying to make there way like the rest of us.


Good thing I'm a member of the Heeb Society. I'm pretty much set for life.
I think Jews tried to separate themselves and start their own country. Last I checked, we're still getting blamed for the world's ailments.

That's something that has always puzzled me - the extremely widespread dislike of jews. I read somewhere that there is even widespread anti-semitism in mainland china, a place where there are almost no jews. I know the whole history, and some causitive factors, but overall, it remains a mystery.
Why not separate the races? First, nobody's hurt by this. You just live SOMEWHERE ELSE.

Are you going to amend the Constitution or attempt to get Brown and its prodigy overturned?

Setting the inconvenience of the law aside, who determines the criteria for ‘relocation’? Or will you merely channel Pol Pot?
The races are separated, well except for white folks they can't seem to shake the brown folks off their tail.
Why not separate the races? First, nobody's hurt by this. You just live SOMEWHERE ELSE.

Are you going to amend the Constitution or attempt to get Brown and its prodigy overturned?

Setting the inconvenience of the law aside, who determines the criteria for ‘relocation’? Or will you merely channel Pol Pot?
behavior in the black community has brought them to the brink of destruction.whites are waking up!!and are getting angry!!their is nothing good about the black community!! soon the proverbial straw will break the camel's back and whites [who actually know how to shoot and out number blacks 8 to 1 ] are going to go ballistic.....AND HISTORY TELLS YOU WHAT CAN HAPPEN !!!the catalyst for this slaughter of blacks will be rioting after Obama loses by a land slide!!!and white libs will not come to their aid [libs are cowards] but will hide away till it's over!!to say America is immune from another civil war defies human history.blacks will not and cannot assimilate into a capitalistic, democratic ,free ,modern,society...for the sake of the black race they need to be separated!!!
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Ain't gonna happen, William.

Demographics aren't on your side.

Plan accordingly.
Why not separate the races? First, nobody's hurt by this. You just live SOMEWHERE ELSE.

Are you going to amend the Constitution or attempt to get Brown and its prodigy overturned?

Setting the inconvenience of the law aside, who determines the criteria for ‘relocation’? Or will you merely channel Pol Pot?

Dont bother with logic from idiots like this human piece of trash.

I think he would actually slice children in half who were of mixed race to accomplish his "goals".

He is who I would like to Separate from our society.
I think Jews tried to separate themselves and start their own country. Last I checked, we're still getting blamed for the world's ailments.

That's something that has always puzzled me - the extremely widespread dislike of jews. I read somewhere that there is even widespread anti-semitism in mainland china, a place where there are almost no jews. I know the whole history, and some causitive factors, but overall, it remains a mystery.

1) It's linked with Marxist-Leninist-Mao thought.
2) Chinese people hate everyone who is not Chinese. Even to each other, Chinese people have strong ethnocentric ties.
3) That damned book.

Blacks in China are far worse off than Jews are. Jews may be viewed as seedy or whatever, but we're good businessmen (or so they say). We control everything, economy included.

(For 12 years of my childhood) Stepdaughter of a Chinese family
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Dont bother with logic from idiots like this human piece of trash.

But others read these forums and may be interested to research the facts for themselves.

He is who I would like to Separate from our society.

No, he’s needed in society – he serves as a reminder of how far we’ve come and how much we’ve accomplished.

And how far we have yet to go.

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