We don't need to unite.............................


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
You know, there have been a lot of politicians who have been giving lip service as to how the country needs to "unite" again. Sorry, but I can't really go with that thought. There are over 350 million people who are citizens, and there are more than likely that many differing opinions. Part of what makes this country great is that we are allowed to disagree with each other, and even protest if that is what suits us. However, according to the Constitution (which I swore an oath to support and defend for over 20 years in the Navy), you have to do it PEACEFULLY. That doesn't mean breaking windows, threatening politicians, burning down businesses (that more than likely don't feel strongly one way or the other, they just want to make money), burning people's cars or any of the other idiocy that I've seen coming from BOTH the left and the right. I didn't like it when the BLM or ANTIFA people were stupid and destroying things, nor do I think it's okay for Trump supporters to break into the Capitol and break and steal things. Both were wrong for what they did.

Do we need to unite? Not really, as we all have a different way of looking at the world. However, with that being said, it would be nice if people could agree to disagree PEACEFULLY. An MCPO who was teaching a class on Navy Rights and Responsibilities, when talking about the 1st Amendment summed it up nicely...............he said "while I might not agree with what you have said, I will defend to the death your right to say it". I can disagree with people (and I do it quite often here), but I don't threaten to come to their house and hurt them or destroy their property. And yeah, on occasion, when I'm pushed far enough by their insults, I might insult them back, but hey.............I'm human.

No, we don't need to unite, as differing ideas can be the thing that helps this country progress, but we DO need to throttle back on the name calling. Just because I disagree with many conservatives doesn't make me a Nazi or a Communist, it just means that I don't agree with their viewpoint. And, if I actually was one of those things, then why in the hell did I spend 20 years serving in the military? It makes no sense.

As a nation, we don't need to agree with each other in lockstep, nor do we even have to agree at all. However, the hateful language that some seem to think is normal now, needs to be stopped.
Dude I am not going to agree with you on blowing up everything, we need cheap powerbills, good jobs low taxes
Dude I am not going to agree with you on blowing up everything, we need cheap powerbills, good jobs low taxes

Where did I say that I wanted to blow up everything? I specifically said that if you want to protest, do it PEACEFULLY. If you want to disagree with what I have to say, tell me why and provide the reasons you feel that way, instead of calling names and using hateful language.

Cheap powerbills? I'm all in favor of that. Good jobs? Still something I agree with. Low taxes? I recently became a homeowner, and yeah, paying over 820 dollars for property taxes seems a bit much for the place I currently live. I could go for lower taxes, but that is only as long as my city government has enough to fund the police and fire fighters. Here in Amarillo, we need to worry about wildfires, especially when there is a drought. And, to tell you the truth, if we had universal medical care that was free for whoever needed it, I'd be willing to shell out a bit extra. Had free medical/dental/eye care while I was in the military, and I thought that was how everywhere should be. If medical was free, more people would get regular check ups, which would probably result in a healthier population. Now? People generally only go to the doctor if something is seriously wrong with them.

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