We Can Add Hirono To the List Of Stupid LeftWing Senators

Sun Devil 92

Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2015
she's smart, she's sharp, she's quick on her feet, i bet someday she will be the 1st female president of the United States

she's aMAZIEing
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Imagine that ignorant-ass pineapple fucker trying to match wits with the likes of Ms. Amy Coney Barrett... what a bizarro world we live in....

In the midst of a super charged partisan hearing where the left is going to show it's collective buttcrack to everyone....she is fucking stupid enough to ask a question like that.

One to many coconuts dropped on her small head.
Imagine that ignorant-ass pineapple fucker trying to match wits with the likes of Ms. Amy Coney Barrett... what a bizarro world we live in....
She tried matching wits with the pineapple. The pineapple won. Not a well known fact but the pineapple passed on the winning prize of fucking her. It was too demeaning to pineapples.
That Europhobic monster Hirohito or whatever its name is hates Whites and especially White males. Actually almost all democrat senators seem like retards who can't even speak English at a high school level. Looking at her background it seems like another Obama type, never had a real job, not a real American, suddenly appears in government office.
Imagine that ignorant-ass pineapple fucker trying to match wits with the likes of Ms. Amy Coney Barrett... what a bizarro world we live in....
She tried matching wits with the pineapple. The pineapple won. Not a well known fact but the pineapple passed on the winning prize of fucking her. It was too demeaning to pineapples.

The pineapple should be tested for STD.
What he fuck ?

This bitch is one of the best Hawaii can produce.

Asking if Barrett ever asked for sexual favors.

Lecturing her on the use of the term sexual preferences. It's offensive to he LGBT community.

So the fuck what. Most of what the left says is offensive.

I mean .......motherfucker.

How pathetic. Asking a married mother of 7 if she has ever asked for sexual favors and then sits on her high horse about the term “sexual preference” being offensive to LGBT.
Hey...character assassination is what the Democrats went to with Brett Kavanaugh...why wouldn't you expect the same thing with ACB? God knows they can't find anything to criticize with her intellect! The woman sat at that desk without notes and calmly lectured the Judicial Committee on how our justice system works. She'll make a fine Justice and they know it. So they asked absurd questions like Hirono. It's all they could think of to do. She's obviously more intelligent than ANY of the Democrats sitting on that Committee!
She said she asks it of everyone.

I'd like to see if anyone ever asked her that question (and didn't throw up at the thought).

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