We aren't even going to last as long as the Roman empire

They made it 1000 years. We're not even to a quarter of that yet and the wedge issues are becoming so wide that bridging them may become impossible. And sadly those wedge issues are comprised of mostly morality issues.
With so many convincing themselves that something as simple as BIOLOGY is up for debate how do you negotiate with such ignorance?
Hate crimes, a ridiculous term imo, are on the rise DRAMATICALLY but not in the manner that the elites and media portray.
Boys are coddled as girls & vice versa instead of their mental illness being treated.
Crimes are going unpunished for one segment of society in the name of social justice. Adults are having their lives wrecked for shit they said as a child.
Young adults are being taught that capitalism & being white is a bad thing.
The list goes on and on.
How do we ever recover from this lunacy, or can we?

Sounds to me like when your generation dies off the problem is solved. Seriously, you didn't really post anything other than telling people to get off your lawn.

When our generation dies off, you won't last a year. You pissants are incapable of fending for yourselves.

Going to be fun to watch!

Is that intended for me or the cloud over your head?

You figure it out. Or not, as the case may be.
Def, the cloud.
They made it 1000 years. We're not even to a quarter of that yet and the wedge issues are becoming so wide that bridging them may become impossible. And sadly those wedge issues are comprised of mostly morality issues.
With so many convincing themselves that something as simple as BIOLOGY is up for debate how do you negotiate with such ignorance?
Hate crimes, a ridiculous term imo, are on the rise DRAMATICALLY but not in the manner that the elites and media portray.
Boys are coddled as girls & vice versa instead of their mental illness being treated.
Crimes are going unpunished for one segment of society in the name of social justice. Adults are having their lives wrecked for shit they said as a child.
Young adults are being taught that capitalism & being white is a bad thing.
The list goes on and on.
How do we ever recover from this lunacy, or can we?

Sounds to me like when your generation dies off the problem is solved. Seriously, you didn't really post anything other than telling people to get off your lawn.

When our generation dies off, you won't last a year. You pissants are incapable of fending for yourselves.

Going to be fun to watch!

Is that intended for me or the cloud over your head?

You figure it out. Or not, as the case may be.
Def, the cloud.
Your posts are always so enlightening…
They made it 1000 years. We're not even to a quarter of that yet and the wedge issues are becoming so wide that bridging them may become impossible. And sadly those wedge issues are comprised of mostly morality issues.
With so many convincing themselves that something as simple as BIOLOGY is up for debate how do you negotiate with such ignorance?
Hate crimes, a ridiculous term imo, are on the rise DRAMATICALLY but not in the manner that the elites and media portray.
Boys are coddled as girls & vice versa instead of their mental illness being treated.
Crimes are going unpunished for one segment of society in the name of social justice. Adults are having their lives wrecked for shit they said as a child.
Young adults are being taught that capitalism & being white is a bad thing.
The list goes on and on.
How do we ever recover from this lunacy, or can we?
You are correct. Leftists want Socialism and Socialism kills countries. Rome's biggest issue was multiculturalism. Doesn't work. Not the SAME as racism. Don't care what color you are or race you are but we all need to embrace American values of burgers, football, democracy, etc. If you start imposing crap like socialism, sharia, etc. in pockets and it spreads the country dies.

Another member of 'we're completely fucked and about to collapse' club.

But why would EVER want people like this in leadership roles? Why would we ever want them as part of our government? Nihillism make be the beating heart of the GOP, but its nothing to build a nation around.
What specifically did you disagree with in my post? Learn history. Multiculturalism crushed the Roman Empire. And yeah if we keep censoring opposing views in the media, both traditional and social and allow a tiny minority to control the narrative of the majority because the majority fears that it may offend someone and lose their livelihood then yes, a nation can collapse.
That we're doomed to collapse.

And 'censoring opposing views in the media'? You get that Rome was overwhelming a dictatorship. There was no such thing as 'free press'. And if you opposed the emperor's view, you would frequently be killed, exiled or mutilated.

Nor was Rome's longevity associated with a 'free press'. There was never any such thing.
Read up on it. Rome was quite progressive.

Dictatorships don't respect freedom of the press, Azog. They never have. And if someone defied the Emperor, they paid for it with their lives.

Indeed. The xiden admin is an EXCELLENT example of a nascent fascist regime.
Because all fascists try to *expand* voting access?
They made it 1000 years. We're not even to a quarter of that yet and the wedge issues are becoming so wide that bridging them may become impossible. And sadly those wedge issues are comprised of mostly morality issues.
With so many convincing themselves that something as simple as BIOLOGY is up for debate how do you negotiate with such ignorance?
Hate crimes, a ridiculous term imo, are on the rise DRAMATICALLY but not in the manner that the elites and media portray.
Boys are coddled as girls & vice versa instead of their mental illness being treated.
Crimes are going unpunished for one segment of society in the name of social justice. Adults are having their lives wrecked for shit they said as a child.
Young adults are being taught that capitalism & being white is a bad thing.
The list goes on and on.
How do we ever recover from this lunacy, or can we?
You are correct. Leftists want Socialism and Socialism kills countries. Rome's biggest issue was multiculturalism. Doesn't work. Not the SAME as racism. Don't care what color you are or race you are but we all need to embrace American values of burgers, football, democracy, etc. If you start imposing crap like socialism, sharia, etc. in pockets and it spreads the country dies.

Another member of 'we're completely fucked and about to collapse' club.

But why would EVER want people like this in leadership roles? Why would we ever want them as part of our government? Nihillism make be the beating heart of the GOP, but its nothing to build a nation around.
What specifically did you disagree with in my post? Learn history. Multiculturalism crushed the Roman Empire. And yeah if we keep censoring opposing views in the media, both traditional and social and allow a tiny minority to control the narrative of the majority because the majority fears that it may offend someone and lose their livelihood then yes, a nation can collapse.
That we're doomed to collapse.

And 'censoring opposing views in the media'? You get that Rome was overwhelming a dictatorship. There was no such thing as 'free press'. And if you opposed the emperor's view, you would frequently be killed, exiled or mutilated.

Nor was Rome's longevity associated with a 'free press'. There was never any such thing.
Read up on it. Rome was quite progressive.

Dictatorships don't respect freedom of the press, Azog. They never have. And if someone defied the Emperor, they paid for it with their lives.
We don't have a lot of freedoms left here. People are digging up tweets from 10 years ago to punish people today. One cannot even say the support Donald Trump publicly in many places and continue to keep their job. Freedoms are waning.

You have tons of freedoms here. Freedom from government interference. What you DON'T have nor have ever had....is freedom from consequence for the stupid shit you say and do.

And that's what conservatives are lamenting about: they want to be free from any consequence.

That's not how life works, my friend.
Actually, no. "Stupid Shit" is subjective.
That's exactly it. Stupid shit is subjective. We each have the freedom to determine for ourselves if someone else is guilty of 'stupid shit'.

And if enough people think you did something stupid.......you face consequences. If you use the n-word, or are blatantly racist, or tell people to kill themselves (Chissy Teigan anyone?), then folks aren't going to want to deal with you.

What 'freedom' is denied you under such an arrangement? Freeedom from consequence is not one you've ever had.

Saying one supports Donald Trump or one believes BLM is a terror organization is not "stupid shit".
I refer to you AzogtheDefiler: "Stupid Shit" is subjective.

Unless you're arguing that YOU get to decide what is subjective for everyone......you just toasted your own argument
Right. So to me there aren't any swear words or racist words. To me that is not "Stupid Shit" but yes that is my opinion. So you consider someone saying they support Donald Trump or Joe Biden to be a critical offense that may cause them to get fired? Really? Honest question.

Me personally? Of course not.

But as you said, stupid shit is subjective. Someone else might disagree. I've met folks that feel that being gay or supporting a woman's right to choose is grounds for firing.

I wouldn't support that either. But obviously, I don't speak for everyone.
Right so you agree with me that those people are extremists but yet they have significant influence. Especially those that lean left.
I agree that stupid shit is subjective. And if enough people think you've done stupid shit, there are consequences. They won't want to associate with you, hire you, or do business with you.

Remember when you guys were threatening boycotts of the NFL because you didn't like the protests? Or calling for boycotts of Coca-Cola because you didn't like the CEO's politics? Or boycotts of Target because of the policies regarding transgender women using the bathroom?

I thought those were just silly. But it fired you guys up. And y'all tried to impose consequences by not associating with the 'violators' of your subjective 'stupid shit'.

None of which has a thing to do with your 'rights' or 'freedom'. As there's no such thing as freedom from consequence.
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They made it 1000 years. We're not even to a quarter of that yet and the wedge issues are becoming so wide that bridging them may become impossible. And sadly those wedge issues are comprised of mostly morality issues.
With so many convincing themselves that something as simple as BIOLOGY is up for debate how do you negotiate with such ignorance?
Hate crimes, a ridiculous term imo, are on the rise DRAMATICALLY but not in the manner that the elites and media portray.
Boys are coddled as girls & vice versa instead of their mental illness being treated.
Crimes are going unpunished for one segment of society in the name of social justice. Adults are having their lives wrecked for shit they said as a child.
Young adults are being taught that capitalism & being white is a bad thing.
The list goes on and on.
How do we ever recover from this lunacy, or can we?

So more of these collapse of America fantasies?

Old republicans are increasing nihilistic, taking a 'watch the world burn' approach to our nation. This is why I don't vote for them; why would you want people in government who are convinced your nation is doomed?
They've been whining about the end of America like the end of the Roman Empire as long as I can remember.....................

Which is why I haven't voted for Republicans for as long as I can remember. I don't want anyone in a position of leadership that is a nihilist, convinced that our nation is doomed.

Hell, you have NEVER voted for a repub in your life. We all know that.
Republicans used to be decent people...............decades ago. No longer....scum supporting scum.

And yet under the democrat rule the richest one percent became the richest ever on the planet, bar none. And are getting richer. At the expense of the middle class. I don't care how nice someone is to me, i care about what they DO to me. The repubs left me alone. The dems are trying to enslave me.

But you're an idiot so don't care.

Just remember twinkletoes, after the Nazi's got their use out of them, they murdered the gays who helped get them in power.

Read your history.

"Enslave you".....how exactly? Because from where I'm sitting, you may be working yourself up into a frothing lather.
They made it 1000 years. ...

The Holy Roman Empire of German (=United) Nation was about 1000 years from 800 AD - 1806 AD

Rome was founded in 800 BC (1600 years before the Holy Empire had started in 800 AD). In 330 "New Rome" was founded in Byzantium. Since this days we speak about East Rome and West Rome. When New Rome was founded "Old" Rome had been 1130 years. In the year 476 AD Odoacer informed Byzantium that the West needs not any longer an own augustus in Rome and will take shelter under East Rome. In this days Rome had been 1276 years old. In the year 800 West Rome got indeed a new augustus: Kaiser (=Cesar) Karl der Große = Emperor Charlemagne. (Holy empire). In May 29th 1453 Mehmed II had conquered Byzantium. Rome had been 2,253 years old at this moment of history.
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They made it 1000 years. We're not even to a quarter of that yet and the wedge issues are becoming so wide that bridging them may become impossible. And sadly those wedge issues are comprised of mostly morality issues.
With so many convincing themselves that something as simple as BIOLOGY is up for debate how do you negotiate with such ignorance?
Hate crimes, a ridiculous term imo, are on the rise DRAMATICALLY but not in the manner that the elites and media portray.
Boys are coddled as girls & vice versa instead of their mental illness being treated.
Crimes are going unpunished for one segment of society in the name of social justice. Adults are having their lives wrecked for shit they said as a child.
Young adults are being taught that capitalism & being white is a bad thing.
The list goes on and on.
How do we ever recover from this lunacy, or can we?
They were chugging along nicely until the christians took over.
Some say the Roman Empire never fell, it merely changed form. The Vatican is clearly modeled after Roman political divisions.

Of course, all the European colonial powers were former colonies of Rome: Spain, Portugal, France and England.

Even the USA is modeled after the Roman Republic.

Interestingly enough during the age Diocletian, he lambasted the loss of Roman, i.e. family, values.

It is always the same shit.

It is not always the same shit. If Rome "survived" then it survived because of education. Romans wrote letters at each other about the situation of the empire and all forms of news. To the educated people in the mediteranean world came more and more Germanics and Celts. The ancient city Rome was made for a million people - but in the worst moments of Rome only 10,000 people lived in this quarry any longer. Nevertheless the Roman spirit (peace, law and order, trades, prosperity, arts, science ... ) never died because of so many people who always loved Rome and always lived in the bridge-building spirit of Rome. We all are the children of Rome and Greece. And what do we do? We write letters about ...

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They made it 1000 years. We're not even to a quarter of that yet and the wedge issues are becoming so wide that bridging them may become impossible. And sadly those wedge issues are comprised of mostly morality issues.
With so many convincing themselves that something as simple as BIOLOGY is up for debate how do you negotiate with such ignorance?
Hate crimes, a ridiculous term imo, are on the rise DRAMATICALLY but not in the manner that the elites and media portray.
Boys are coddled as girls & vice versa instead of their mental illness being treated.
Crimes are going unpunished for one segment of society in the name of social justice. Adults are having their lives wrecked for shit they said as a child.
Young adults are being taught that capitalism & being white is a bad thing.
The list goes on and on.
How do we ever recover from this lunacy, or can we?
Dear Grampa Murked U
This is only happening because we let narratives in the media dictate messages and images that divide and distract us.

Why not call out a different message we can all unite around?

If we don't want violent criminals running rampant, and want to stop the trafficking of drugs and victims over borders,
Why not call for Christian leaders on left and right to unite in promoting Christian Spiritual Healing to reduce, cure, or prevent:
* criminal illness and disorders
* physical diseases such as cancer
(Adding specially designed magnetic therapy to the natural mind-body healing process has cured cancer, HIV, and other medical or mental conditions)
* political conflicts from escalating into worse abuse, oppression, and violent attacks.

The other Christian groups I found obstructing and perpetuating the left/right deadlocks are the Libertarian and Anarchist Christians against BOTH left and right because they oppose govt.

So THAT is why we are so divided and disorganized: the factions are triangulated, not just two sides but three.

Can we call on Christian Believers and Leaders to unite, above and beyond any political agenda.

And agree to seek forgiveness, correction and healing?

JohnDB Votto
There is little chance that any nation will last 1,000 years like the Roman Empire did.
The Althing was established in Iceland in the 10th century, which makes it the oldest parliament in the world.
Nevertheless is Athens the center of democratic evolvement - and the Greeks experimented nearly systematically in every polis with another form of society.

The oldest active election of the world is by the way the election of the pope in Rome via electors (=cardinals).
There is little chance that any nation will last 1,000 years like the Roman Empire did.

The biggest part of that is the speed at which things change in our modern world, and how events effect the entire globe instead of small regions.
Ever heard of China ?
They made it 1000 years. We're not even to a quarter of that yet and the wedge issues are becoming so wide that bridging them may become impossible. And sadly those wedge issues are comprised of mostly morality issues.
With so many convincing themselves that something as simple as BIOLOGY is up for debate how do you negotiate with such ignorance?
Hate crimes, a ridiculous term imo, are on the rise DRAMATICALLY but not in the manner that the elites and media portray.
Boys are coddled as girls & vice versa instead of their mental illness being treated.
Crimes are going unpunished for one segment of society in the name of social justice. Adults are having their lives wrecked for shit they said as a child.
Young adults are being taught that capitalism & being white is a bad thing.
The list goes on and on.
How do we ever recover from this lunacy, or can we?
You are correct. Leftists want Socialism and Socialism kills countries. Rome's biggest issue was multiculturalism. Doesn't work. Not the SAME as racism. Don't care what color you are or race you are but we all need to embrace American values of burgers, football, democracy, etc. If you start imposing crap like socialism, sharia, etc. in pockets and it spreads the country dies.

Another member of 'we're completely fucked and about to collapse' club.

But why would EVER want people like this in leadership roles? Why would we ever want them as part of our government? Nihillism make be the beating heart of the GOP, but its nothing to build a nation around.
What specifically did you disagree with in my post? Learn history. Multiculturalism crushed the Roman Empire. And yeah if we keep censoring opposing views in the media, both traditional and social and allow a tiny minority to control the narrative of the majority because the majority fears that it may offend someone and lose their livelihood then yes, a nation can collapse.

But the Roman empire was evil,

It was what?

based on greed, slavery, imperialism, colonialism, terrorism, murder, racism, religious fanaticism, militarism, and all sorts of bad things.

It was based on peace - and also on bread and games. Who behaved bad aginats a slave was called to be a barbar. Racism? In Rome? Rome was in all questions of polytheism very tolerant - and it had only 1 soldier (=policeman) per 100,000 inhabitants. And I fear in Rome existed "bad things" which names you never had heard in your 20 lifes.

The only good thing to say about Rome is that for a very short time then claimed to understand the good points of a republic, that only lasted about 400 years, from 509 BC, to 27 BC.

"Only" 400 years?

And they never made rights universal, so even that was corrupt.

Only in Rome existed legal certainty. A law had to be written down.

But at no time in Rome did anyone care what anyone else thought or felt.

Interesting that you use "Rome" here as a variable for every society and nation of the world - but nevertheless everywhere some take care.

It was an extremely narcissistic society.

The "USA first" - Donald Trump - is an extremely narcissistic society. And much younger than 400 years.

Rome was good at technology though, like weapons, military strategy, etc.

Some kings gave their empires for nothing to the Romans, because this meant for the own people to be able to live in peace within the Roman empire.

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There is little chance that any nation will last 1,000 years like the Roman Empire did.

The biggest part of that is the speed at which things change in our modern world, and how events effect the entire globe instead of small regions.
Ever heard of China ?

Yes, I have obviously heard of China. The People's Republic was formed in 1949. So the China, in it's present form, is only 72 years old.
They made it 1000 years. We're not even to a quarter of that yet and the wedge issues are becoming so wide that bridging them may become impossible. And sadly those wedge issues are comprised of mostly morality issues.
With so many convincing themselves that something as simple as BIOLOGY is up for debate how do you negotiate with such ignorance?
Hate crimes, a ridiculous term imo, are on the rise DRAMATICALLY but not in the manner that the elites and media portray.
Boys are coddled as girls & vice versa instead of their mental illness being treated.
Crimes are going unpunished for one segment of society in the name of social justice. Adults are having their lives wrecked for shit they said as a child.
Young adults are being taught that capitalism & being white is a bad thing.
The list goes on and on.
How do we ever recover from this lunacy, or can we?

While ever you vote in a whore jockey as president married to a porn star, expect nothing less.

I think you'll find thise wondrrful him an attributes existed and flourished under the Romans. Remember Caligula?
The US will fail because we let all these filthy ass third worlders flood into our country since Jimmy Carter changed the immigration policies to favor Black and Brown assholes instead of White Europeans. With them and the damn Illegals now we are on a path to be being a Socialist shithole and that is the end of the US.

The Democrats have figured out how to steal elections and the flood gate for millions more welfare Illegals are flooding in and we are screwed. The US experiment is pretty much over now. We are fucked.
After reading five pages of poor attitudes I can tell you that there is a damn good reason as to why I avoid other humans, your negativity is self destructive. I will have no part of your self demise vindication. How defeatist. The US will be just fine.
After reading five pages of poor attitudes I can tell you that there is a damn good reason as to why I avoid other humans, your negativity is self destructive. I will have no part of your self demise vindication. How defeatist. The US will be just fine.
IMHO Politics brings out the negativity, I find most people to be fairly optimistic in general. Heck the world just went through a global pandemic and most folks stuck it out by staying upbeat on the future.

Smile, other humans are not that bad. :)
After reading five pages of poor attitudes I can tell you that there is a damn good reason as to why I avoid other humans, your negativity is self destructive. I will have no part of your self demise vindication. How defeatist. The US will be just fine.
IMHO Politics brings out the negativity, I find most people to be fairly optimistic in general. Heck the world just went through a global pandemic and most folks stuck it out by staying upbeat on the future.

Smile, other humans are not that bad. :)
I don't buy that but thanks..Staying positive even in the hardest of times is a virtue.
They made it 1000 years. We're not even to a quarter of that yet and the wedge issues are becoming so wide that bridging them may become impossible. And sadly those wedge issues are comprised of mostly morality issues.
With so many convincing themselves that something as simple as BIOLOGY is up for debate how do you negotiate with such ignorance?
Hate crimes, a ridiculous term imo, are on the rise DRAMATICALLY but not in the manner that the elites and media portray.
Boys are coddled as girls & vice versa instead of their mental illness being treated.
Crimes are going unpunished for one segment of society in the name of social justice. Adults are having their lives wrecked for shit they said as a child.
Young adults are being taught that capitalism & being white is a bad thing.
The list goes on and on.
How do we ever recover from this lunacy, or can we?
Dear Grampa Murked U
This is only happening because we let narratives in the media dictate messages and images that divide and distract us.

Why not call out a different message we can all unite around?

If we don't want violent criminals running rampant, and want to stop the trafficking of drugs and victims over borders,
Why not call for Christian leaders on left and right to unite in promoting Christian Spiritual Healing to reduce, cure, or prevent:
* criminal illness and disorders
* physical diseases such as cancer
(Adding specially designed magnetic therapy to the natural mind-body healing process has cured cancer, HIV, and other medical or mental conditions)
* political conflicts from escalating into worse abuse, oppression, and violent attacks.

The other Christian groups I found obstructing and perpetuating the left/right deadlocks are the Libertarian and Anarchist Christians against BOTH left and right because they oppose govt.

So THAT is why we are so divided and disorganized: the factions are triangulated, not just two sides but three.

Can we call on Christian Believers and Leaders to unite, above and beyond any political agenda.

And agree to seek forgiveness, correction and healing?

JohnDB Votto
Christianity in the U.S. was part of most people to varying degrees until the late 1960's. Now it is one part of a chorus of groups that has a war going against it. Most are in the forefront of the scripture they believe in but also try to follow what not to do as written. To varying degrees. Today what not todo as written is pretty much a normal thing in our nation. With agendists calling it their freedom steamrolling over all others while we lose unalienable rights in a parallel to social justice rights gained.
They made it 1000 years. We're not even to a quarter of that yet and the wedge issues are becoming so wide that bridging them may become impossible. And sadly those wedge issues are comprised of mostly morality issues.
With so many convincing themselves that something as simple as BIOLOGY is up for debate how do you negotiate with such ignorance?
Hate crimes, a ridiculous term imo, are on the rise DRAMATICALLY but not in the manner that the elites and media portray.
Boys are coddled as girls & vice versa instead of their mental illness being treated.
Crimes are going unpunished for one segment of society in the name of social justice. Adults are having their lives wrecked for shit they said as a child.
Young adults are being taught that capitalism & being white is a bad thing.
The list goes on and on.
How do we ever recover from this lunacy, or can we?
Look at how whites are acting....look in the mirror. Are you proud of what you post here? I can't imagine what you're like in real life. What is so "good" about being white compared to being black, brown, etc...

PS: Check your math. Perhaps it will signal what is actually damaging the nation.

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