Wayne must go' – the staunch NRA supporter out to take down LaPierre


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Hours after the National Rifle Association was hit by a lawsuit from New York’s attorney general on Thursday seeking to have the gun lobby dissolved over allegations that millions of dollars were diverted to pay for the lavish lifestyles of its leaders, the NRA’s CEO, Wayne LaPierre, hit back.

In typically pugnacious fashion, LaPierre issued his own counter-suit against the attorney general, Letitia James. In a rallying cry to NRA members, he accused her of “weaponizing” her regulatory powers and “politicizing” her office in an “affront to democracy and freedom”.

If LaPierre, 70, was hoping to spark a new culture war between the hyper-conservative group he runs and one of New York’s top Democrats, it is not clear the strategy will work this time. For almost 30 years LaPierre has used the same aggressive tactic to build up the NRA into the world’s largest and most feared gun advocacy group, with five million members, steering it in an ever more partisan direction that has culminated with its enthusiastic support for Donald Trump.

Well, this is going to be interesting to watch go down.
N'RA leadership knows that if they keep the members upset and afraid that someone is coming for their guns, they won't notice the millions of dollars they have been scammed out of. Protecting your 2nd amendment rights, and Lapierre stealing money from the members is not the same thing.
I just don't think anyone would have been in a position to do anything about it unless they were able to donate that large of a sum and could not have afforded an attorney to go against him.
To bad those that defend the New York AG doesn’t see the hypocrisy of this crazy partisan. The same case could be made against planned parenthood, BLM and almost any organization. But there are those that will feed on this aggrandizing by this crazy AG.
We desperately need a true 2nd Amendment Super PAC and organization.
One that focuses on 2nd Amendment rights First. The NRA is mostly about hunting rights.
That is NOT the intent of the 2nd.

some of what they say has some truth to it....there is corruption.
But like the post above said, probably not nearly as much as most leftist organizations and PACs
We desperately need a true 2nd Amendment Super PAC and organization.
One that focuses on 2nd Amendment rights First. The NRA is mostly about hunting rights.
That is NOT the intent of the 2nd.

some of what they say has some truth to it....there is corruption.
But like the post above said, probably not nearly as much as most leftist organizations and PACs

Why do you say others are corrupt? Link?
We desperately need a true 2nd Amendment Super PAC and organization.
One that focuses on 2nd Amendment rights First. The NRA is mostly about hunting rights.
That is NOT the intent of the 2nd.

some of what they say has some truth to it....there is corruption.
But like the post above said, probably not nearly as much as most leftist organizations and PACs

Why do you say others are corrupt? Link?

You need a link to know that the murder of 40 million black babies is corrupt?
How racist of you. I didn't realize how much you prefered white Supremacists. wow.
Hours after the National Rifle Association was hit by a lawsuit from New York’s attorney general on Thursday seeking to have the gun lobby dissolved over allegations that millions of dollars were diverted to pay for the lavish lifestyles of its leaders, the NRA’s CEO, Wayne LaPierre, hit back.

In typically pugnacious fashion, LaPierre issued his own counter-suit against the attorney general, Letitia James. In a rallying cry to NRA members, he accused her of “weaponizing” her regulatory powers and “politicizing” her office in an “affront to democracy and freedom”.

If LaPierre, 70, was hoping to spark a new culture war between the hyper-conservative group he runs and one of New York’s top Democrats, it is not clear the strategy will work this time. For almost 30 years LaPierre has used the same aggressive tactic to build up the NRA into the world’s largest and most feared gun advocacy group, with five million members, steering it in an ever more partisan direction that has culminated with its enthusiastic support for Donald Trump.

Well, this is going to be interesting to watch go down.

Okay, so he's a donor.

Frankly, I've been in the org for a few decades and never heard of him.
We desperately need a true 2nd Amendment Super PAC and organization.
One that focuses on 2nd Amendment rights First. The NRA is mostly about hunting rights.
That is NOT the intent of the 2nd.

some of what they say has some truth to it....there is corruption.
But like the post above said, probably not nearly as much as most leftist organizations and PACs

Why do you say others are corrupt? Link?

You need a link to know that the murder of 40 million black babies is corrupt?
How racist of you. I didn't realize how much you prefered white Supremacists. wow.

Come on, Basic. There are 100 threads to do that on.
Hours after the National Rifle Association was hit by a lawsuit from New York’s attorney general on Thursday seeking to have the gun lobby dissolved over allegations that millions of dollars were diverted to pay for the lavish lifestyles of its leaders, the NRA’s CEO, Wayne LaPierre, hit back.

In typically pugnacious fashion, LaPierre issued his own counter-suit against the attorney general, Letitia James. In a rallying cry to NRA members, he accused her of “weaponizing” her regulatory powers and “politicizing” her office in an “affront to democracy and freedom”.

If LaPierre, 70, was hoping to spark a new culture war between the hyper-conservative group he runs and one of New York’s top Democrats, it is not clear the strategy will work this time. For almost 30 years LaPierre has used the same aggressive tactic to build up the NRA into the world’s largest and most feared gun advocacy group, with five million members, steering it in an ever more partisan direction that has culminated with its enthusiastic support for Donald Trump.

Well, this is going to be interesting to watch go down.

Okay, so he's a donor.

Frankly, I've been in the org for a few decades and never heard of him.

I haven't heard of him either. He's suing them.
We desperately need a true 2nd Amendment Super PAC and organization.
One that focuses on 2nd Amendment rights First. The NRA is mostly about hunting rights.
That is NOT the intent of the 2nd.

some of what they say has some truth to it....there is corruption.
But like the post above said, probably not nearly as much as most leftist organizations and PACs

Why do you say others are corrupt? Link?

You need a link to know that the murder of 40 million black babies is corrupt?
How racist of you. I didn't realize how much you prefered white Supremacists. wow.

I didn't ask for your nutbag rant. What makes you think those organizations are corrupt? Be specific.
We desperately need a true 2nd Amendment Super PAC and organization.
One that focuses on 2nd Amendment rights First. The NRA is mostly about hunting rights.
That is NOT the intent of the 2nd.

some of what they say has some truth to it....there is corruption.
But like the post above said, probably not nearly as much as most leftist organizations and PACs

Why do you say others are corrupt? Link?

You need a link to know that the murder of 40 million black babies is corrupt?
How racist of you. I didn't realize how much you prefered white Supremacists. wow.

I didn't ask for your nutbag rant. What makes you think those organizations are corrupt? Be specific.

So you admitted it. You are a white supremacist.

We desperately need a true 2nd Amendment Super PAC and organization.
One that focuses on 2nd Amendment rights First. The NRA is mostly about hunting rights.

Uh, no.

Anyway, GOA.

Also VCDL.

NRA’s usual fans seeing differently
NRA's usual fans seeing differently

The pressure is on the National Rifle Association from typically friendly corners — President Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress — after last week’s deadly mass shootings in Ohio and Texas.

At the White House Friday, the President reiterated his interest in pursuing “meaningful background checks” for firearm purchases, an idea the NRA opposes. Trump, who spoke with NRA chief executive Wayne LaPierre multiple times on the phone earlier this week, told reporters he expects the nation’s biggest pro-gun lobby group to come around.

Meanwhile, Republicans on Capitol Hill say the NRA’s voice has been noticeably absent. “Arrogantly quiet,” was how one GOP Senate aide described the NRA’s response in the days following the El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, attacks, noting the group had made just a few calls in opposition to background checks on the Hill and thought that was sufficient.

For years the NRA has relied on a familiar approach to respond to mass shootings, according to two sources familiar with the process. A small team of the group’s core figures and top executives at its trusted advertising agency, Ackerman McQueen, would craft a crisis communications plan to decide who at the NRA would respond, what they would say and when and where they would say it. The group’s political arm, meanwhile, worked to reassure and pressure allies in Congress to hold fast against strong forces for gun reform.

But now, the NRA’s tight-knit circle is broken. Its top lobbyist, Christopher Cox, has departed. Oliver North, its well-known president and public face, has been pushed out. The NRA’s chief ad man, Angus McQueen, died last month. LaPierre, the NRA’s combative CEO, has just emerged from an attempted coup and finds himself mired in legal battles with Ackerman.

This leaves LaPierre and the NRA in uncharted territory. El Paso and Dayton present them with a crucial test, and many observers — in Congress, among the NRA’s membership and from within the pro-Second Amendment community — are waiting to see how the most influential gun-rights lobby handles this moment.

“This is the first mass shooting that the NRA is kind of on their own,” one former employee with the group’s streaming service NRATV told CNN. “The people that Wayne would reach out to to craft their message are gone.”

Even NRA critics from the left notice a difference.

“They’re horribly distracted,” said Kris Brown, the president of Brady United, a gun violence prevention advocacy group. “They have a really hard time focusing on what they’re supposed to be focused on.”
We desperately need a true 2nd Amendment Super PAC and organization.
One that focuses on 2nd Amendment rights First. The NRA is mostly about hunting rights.
That is NOT the intent of the 2nd.

some of what they say has some truth to it....there is corruption.
But like the post above said, probably not nearly as much as most leftist organizations and PACs

Why do you say others are corrupt? Link?

You need a link to know that the murder of 40 million black babies is corrupt?
How racist of you. I didn't realize how much you prefered white Supremacists. wow.

I didn't ask for your nutbag rant. What makes you think those organizations are corrupt? Be specific.

So you admitted it. You are a white supremacist.


You're hallucinating again
We desperately need a true 2nd Amendment Super PAC and organization.
One that focuses on 2nd Amendment rights First. The NRA is mostly about hunting rights.
That is NOT the intent of the 2nd.

some of what they say has some truth to it....there is corruption.
But like the post above said, probably not nearly as much as most leftist organizations and PACs

Why do you say others are corrupt? Link?

You need a link to know that the murder of 40 million black babies is corrupt?
How racist of you. I didn't realize how much you prefered white Supremacists. wow.

I didn't ask for your nutbag rant. What makes you think those organizations are corrupt? Be specific.

So you admitted it. You are a white supremacist.


You're hallucinating again

But, you won't deny it. ruh roh
It's alleged that the NY governor is responsible for the deaths of over 3,000 nursing home residents and NYC is dying but the NY AG is interested in dissolving the NRA. Are there any priorities left in NY? I don't recall New York officials demanding that the American Red Cross be dissolved over similar allegations regarding the agency misusing donations intended for Haitian relief after the earthquakes.
We desperately need a true 2nd Amendment Super PAC and organization.
One that focuses on 2nd Amendment rights First. The NRA is mostly about hunting rights.
That is NOT the intent of the 2nd.

some of what they say has some truth to it....there is corruption.
But like the post above said, probably not nearly as much as most leftist organizations and PACs
Actually, the NRA has a gun safety charter that teaches people to keep guns under lock and key. This means children are less likely to harm themselves or someone else, and encourages gun safety and respect for firearms.

Those who would "rid" this country of a Constitutional right would take a right to live freely from a free people. That is what the old world kept power in royal hands and nothing for the common persons. I don't think that would support a free society and lead to the same despair suffered by the poor where people can never better their lives.
We desperately need a true 2nd Amendment Super PAC and organization.
One that focuses on 2nd Amendment rights First. The NRA is mostly about hunting rights.
That is NOT the intent of the 2nd.

some of what they say has some truth to it....there is corruption.
But like the post above said, probably not nearly as much as most leftist organizations and PACs

Why do you say others are corrupt? Link?

You need a link to know that the murder of 40 million black babies is corrupt?
How racist of you. I didn't realize how much you prefered white Supremacists. wow.

I didn't ask for your nutbag rant. What makes you think those organizations are corrupt? Be specific.

So you admitted it. You are a white supremacist.


You're hallucinating again

But, you won't deny it. ruh roh

I have no reason to deny being a white supremacist. No credible or sane person has made that accusation.
We desperately need a true 2nd Amendment Super PAC and organization.
One that focuses on 2nd Amendment rights First. The NRA is mostly about hunting rights.
That is NOT the intent of the 2nd.

some of what they say has some truth to it....there is corruption.
But like the post above said, probably not nearly as much as most leftist organizations and PACs
Actually, the NRA has a gun safety charter that teaches people to keep guns under lock and key. This means children are less likely to harm themselves or someone else, and encourages gun safety and respect for firearms.

Those who would "rid" this country of a Constitutional right would take a right to live freely from a free people. That is what the old world kept power in royal hands and nothing for the common persons. I don't think that would support a free society and lead to the same despair suffered by the poor where people can never better their lives.

Mostly agree. But if you read the article I posted, it clearly explains what's happened to the NRA.
They lost a lot of their best at the top and are mired in lawsuits, to summarize.

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