Watching MTP this AM..

Amnesty 2.0 for 9 million?

  • Yes, and no wall.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Marion Morrison

Diamond Member
Feb 10, 2017
And they have Beta O'Rourke on, giving him plenty of air time.

Here's what he's proposing: Amnesty 2.0-now with with 3x the amount of illegals (9 million), and undoing all of Trump's immigration policies.

The country has still not recovered from amnesty 1.0 and the border was never secured like the Democrats promised it would be in 1986.

I cannot fathom why Beta thinks this is a good idea, or that it will garner him American votes.
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Democrats don't talk about it, but flipping Texas and Arizona is the Holy Grail for the illegal immigration push. It's all about the numbers and it's all about regaining and holding power. They care nothing about what is best for America or Americans.
Democrats don't talk about it, but flipping Texas and Arizona is the Holy Grail for the illegal immigration push. It's all about the numbers and it's all about regaining and holding power. They care nothing about what is best for America or Americans.

That is their goal. Flip Texas and it's socialism time for libs.
And they have Beta O'Rourke on, giving him plenty of air time.

Here's what he's proposing: Amnesty 2.0-now with with 3x the amount of illegals (9 million), and undoing all of Trump's immigration policies.

The country has still not recovered from amnesty 1.0 and the border was never secured like the Democrats promised it would be in 1986.

I cannot fathom why Beta thinks this is a good idea, or that it will garner him American votes.

It's a numbers game and political overreach that translates to power. Blanket amnesty will be hard-pressed to make happen, (the Dems couldn't/wouldn't do it when they had the White House and both houses of Congress) - but a 'pathway to citizenship' for those who entered the country illegally might seem a 'reasonable' compromise. (in some cases it may be)

Even if that agreement is not reached another ongoing opportunity for increasing political power involves the census. Currently citizenship status is not required when filling out the census. Districts for representation are based on population - flood already left-leaning districts with illegal immigrants and more districts are created, (doesn't matter if they can't vote) more representation in Congress - and possibly increasing electoral votes.

That's partially why Cali and NY openly defy federal law...the stakes are huge and they don't even need to grant amnesty, or allow voting in national elections by illegals.
And they have Beta O'Rourke on, giving him plenty of air time.

Here's what he's proposing: Amnesty 2.0-now with with 3x the amount of illegals (9 million), and undoing all of Trump's immigration policies.

The country has still not recovered from amnesty 1.0 and the border was never secured like the Democrats promised it would be in 1986.

I cannot fathom why Beta thinks this is a good idea, or that it will garner him American votes.

what is MTP?
And they have Beta O'Rourke on, giving him plenty of air time.

Here's what he's proposing: Amnesty 2.0-now with with 3x the amount of illegals (9 million), and undoing all of Trump's immigration policies.

The country has still not recovered from amnesty 1.0 and the border was never secured like the Democrats promised it would be in 1986.

I cannot fathom why Beta thinks this is a good idea, or that it will garner him American votes.

what is MTP?
Meet the Press.
What we need is an internal wall, built upon solid restrictions on employment, banking, housing, licensing, education and government assistance.

In other words, illegals get none of the above.
What we need is an internal wall, built upon solid restrictions on employment, banking, housing, licensing, education and government assistance.

In other words, illegals get none of the above.

That makes too much sense! :eek:
And they have Beta O'Rourke on, giving him plenty of air time.

Here's what he's proposing: Amnesty 2.0-now with with 3x the amount of illegals (9 million), and undoing all of Trump's immigration policies.

The country has still not recovered from amnesty 1.0 and the border was never secured like the Democrats promised it would be in 1986.

I cannot fathom why Beta thinks this is a good idea, or that it will garner him American votes.

What did he have to say about the thousands of Americans killed and raped by these illegals?
And they have Beta O'Rourke on, giving him plenty of air time.

Here's what he's proposing: Amnesty 2.0-now with with 3x the amount of illegals (9 million), and undoing all of Trump's immigration policies.

The country has still not recovered from amnesty 1.0 and the border was never secured like the Democrats promised it would be in 1986.

I cannot fathom why Beta thinks this is a good idea, or that it will garner him American votes.

What did he have to say about the thousands of Americans killed and raped by these illegals?

Not a damn thing, he was just preaching status quo and Orange Man Bad.
What we need is an internal wall, built upon solid restrictions on employment, banking, housing, licensing, education and government assistance.

In other words, illegals get none of the above.
In addition to the physical wall.
And they have Beta O'Rourke on, giving him plenty of air time.

Here's what he's proposing: Amnesty 2.0-now with with 3x the amount of illegals (9 million), and undoing all of Trump's immigration policies.

The country has still not recovered from amnesty 1.0 and the border was never secured like the Democrats promised it would be in 1986.

I cannot fathom why Beta thinks this is a good idea, or that it will garner him American votes.

What did he have to say about the thousands of Americans killed and raped by these illegals?

Not a damn thing, he was just preaching status quo and Orange Man Bad.

Illegals have raped and killed more Americans than died in the 9/11 attacks yet Dem candidates defend illegals and ignore the illegal on American crime wave. Our country is going to shit.
And they have Beta O'Rourke on, giving him plenty of air time.

Here's what he's proposing: Amnesty 2.0-now with with 3x the amount of illegals (9 million), and undoing all of Trump's immigration policies.

The country has still not recovered from amnesty 1.0 and the border was never secured like the Democrats promised it would be in 1986.

I cannot fathom why Beta thinks this is a good idea, or that it will garner him American votes.

It's a numbers game and political overreach that translates to power. Blanket amnesty will be hard-pressed to make happen, (the Dems couldn't/wouldn't do it when they had the White House and both houses of Congress) - but a 'pathway to citizenship' for those who entered the country illegally might seem a 'reasonable' compromise. (in some cases it may be)

Even if that agreement is not reached another ongoing opportunity for increasing political power involves the census. Currently citizenship status is not required when filling out the census. Districts for representation are based on population - flood already left-leaning districts with illegal immigrants and more districts are created, (doesn't matter if they can't vote) more representation in Congress - and possibly increasing electoral votes.

That's partially why Cali and NY openly defy federal law...the stakes are huge and they don't even need to grant amnesty, or allow voting in national elections by illegals.

The 14th Amendment clearly says non-citizens should not be counted for representation. But hey, who gives a shit what the Constitution says. The feds have been ignoring the 14th for decades.

The 14th Amendment clearly says non-citizens should not be counted for representation. But hey, who gives a shit what the Constitution says. The feds have been ignoring the 14th for decades.

Or stretching it thin, at the very least. Only 2 reasons I can think of for obscuring citizenship status - one is federal money based on population #'s and the other is political power based on population #'s.

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