Watch DC Protesters Turn Agitator Over To Police, Then Agitator Tries To Start Fight With Police


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
The problem in DC last night was caused by professional agitators. One was turned over to the police then the agitator tried to fight with the police.

It's a white wing hate group by the name of the boogaloo boys. I've never heard of them but apparently they are the ones behind most of the violence.

The video is at the link below along with the article.

The problem in DC last night was caused by professional agitators. One was turned over to the police then the agitator tried to fight with the police.

It's a white wing hate group by the name of the boogaloo boys. I've never heard of them but apparently they are the ones behind most of the violence.

The video is at the link below along with the article.

It's anti-fa, and you know it. Lying about who they are is part of being the revolutionary vanguard.

For them "by any means nessasary" is just that.
Cops are using provocateurs. Cops, or rightwingers and Trumper's.

That assumption fails Occam's Razor.

Anti-fa exists, their purpose is out there for all to see, making these protests engorge into rioting, looting, and assaults on the police falls right into their desire to be the vanguard of the revolution.
"Former FBI assistant director of counterintelligence, Frank Figliuzzi, revealed that his former colleagues and law enforcement he knows recognize that far-right agitators are attempting to start significant conflicts between police and protesters.

“There is a minimal presence of Antifa, but a far more disturbing presence of right-wing race-based hate groups, such as the Boogaloo Boys who think there will be a race-based civil war coming,” he said on MSNBC."

Are you fucking kidding me ......wheres you're tinfoil hat?
Notice how they don't name the guy arrested ....cause he's antifa or working for a left wing org ,or democrat org

Big igloos dont come in paintball gear
They wear real shit or Hawaiian shirts
Dude looks like a grey haired 60's hippie protester that failed in life and is using this recent incident to finally relive his heyday and feel relevant again.
The problem in DC last night was caused by professional agitators. One was turned over to the police then the agitator tried to fight with the police.

It's a white wing hate group by the name of the boogaloo boys. I've never heard of them but apparently they are the ones behind most of the violence.

The video is at the link below along with the article.

So what was the protester’s name?
"Former FBI assistant director of counterintelligence, Frank Figliuzzi, revealed that his former colleagues and law enforcement he knows recognize that far-right agitators are attempting to start significant conflicts between police and protesters.

“There is a minimal presence of Antifa, but a far more disturbing presence of right-wing race-based hate groups, such as the Boogaloo Boys who think there will be a race-based civil war coming,” he said on MSNBC."

Are you fucking kidding me ......wheres you're tinfoil hat?
Notice how they don't name the guy arrested ....cause he's antifa or working for a left wing org ,or democrat org

Big igloos dont come in paintball gear
They wear real shit or Hawaiian shirts
This is their new scam. They need a rightwing boogeyman to blame. They can NEVER take responsibility for their own actions.
Cops are using provocateurs. Cops, or rightwingers and Trumper's.

Apparently professional agitators are doing most of it. I don't know if they have any connection to the cops.

These people are the ones causing the trouble.

Antifa has a very small presence in this according to the police involved.
The problem in DC last night was caused by professional agitators. One was turned over to the police then the agitator tried to fight with the police.

It's a white wing hate group by the name of the boogaloo boys. I've never heard of them but apparently they are the ones behind most of the violence.

The video is at the link below along with the article.

So what was the protester’s name?

It says Bill Johnson on his birth certificate but he changed it to Peace Flower in the 60's. Nowadays he's become nameless because names are labels mannnnn.
Cops are using provocateurs. Cops, or rightwingers and Trumper's.

Apparently professional agitators are doing most of it. I don't know if they have any connection to the cops.

These people are the ones causing the trouble.

Antifa has a very small presence in this according to the police involved.


Anti-fa was the cause celebre of the Trump "resistance". Now that their true colors are showing, it has to be someone else, right?
Cops are using provocateurs. Cops, or rightwingers and Trumper's.

Yup....cops are the ones behind sending in bus-loads of Antifa/BLM-Imposters, throwing Molotov cocktails into police vans with officers in them, destroying stores, burning businesses to the ground, and looting...

You're a TDS-triggered idiot.
Cops are using provocateurs. Cops, or rightwingers and Trumper's.

Yup....cops are the ones behind sending in bus-loads of Antifa/BLM-Imposters, throwing Molotov cocktails into police vans with officers in them, destroying stores, burning businesses to the ground, and looting...

You're a TDS-triggered idiot.
Show us your links proving busloads of Antifa/BLM-Imposters throwing Molotov cocktails. You post more misinformation and lies than anyone on USMB, and that is saying a lot. So, provide your evidence and links. You have no credibility. Lock, load, and defend yourself.
Cops are using provocateurs. Cops, or rightwingers and Trumper's.

Yup....cops are the ones behind sending in bus-loads of Antifa/BLM-Imposters, throwing Molotov cocktails into police vans with officers in them, destroying stores, burning businesses to the ground, and looting...

You're a TDS-triggered idiot.
Show us your links proving busloads of Antifa/BLM-Imposters throwing Molotov cocktails. You post more misinformation and lies than anyone on USMB, and that is saying a lot. So, provide your evidence and links. You have no credibility. Lock, load, and defend yourself.
Links have been posted in several made the claim - show the links showing evidence that COPS are inciting violent looting, attacks, arson, etc...

In another link I posted articles / evidence showing how in 2015 BLM, Antifa, and the Black Fist took money from Russians to promote / spread racial division and violence, how busloads of outside agitators - to include Antifa and BLM were responsible for Baltimore and Charlottesville violence.

I posted the article and link to Obama's own former National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, saying she believes the Russians are behind this again. BLM and Antifa took money from the Russians to do this shit 5 years ago - why is it so hard to believe they would so it again?

And snowflakes just like you were emotionally manipulated and conned back in 2015 into organizing and marching for them.....looks like it's happening again...but it could just be a coincidence.
Cops are using provocateurs. Cops, or rightwingers and Trumper's.

That assumption fails Occam's Razor.

Anti-fa exists, their purpose is out there for all to see, making these protests engorge into rioting, looting, and assaults on the police falls right into their desire to be the vanguard of the revolution.

Of course Antifa exists. Who supports fascism? Only the fascists.

Kristallnacht ring a bell?* This is what is going on today in Cites across America, disaffected persons are destroyers not builders, they use violence against the establishment.


For the entire article on anarchism, see:

Cops are using provocateurs. Cops, or rightwingers and Trumper's.

Yup....cops are the ones behind sending in bus-loads of Antifa/BLM-Imposters, throwing Molotov cocktails into police vans with officers in them, destroying stores, burning businesses to the ground, and looting...

You're a TDS-triggered idiot.
Show us your links proving busloads of Antifa/BLM-Imposters throwing Molotov cocktails. You post more misinformation and lies than anyone on USMB, and that is saying a lot. So, provide your evidence and links. You have no credibility. Lock, load, and defend yourself.
Links have been posted in several made the claim - show the links showing evidence that COPS are inciting violent looting, attacks, arson, etc...

In another link I posted articles / evidence showing how in 2015 BLM, Antifa, and the Black Fist took money from Russians to promote / spread racial division and violence, how busloads of outside agitators - to include Antifa and BLM were responsible for Baltimore and Charlottesville violence.

I posted the article and link to Obama's own former National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, saying she believes the Russians are behind this again. BLM and Antifa took money from the Russians to do this shit 5 years ago - why is it so hard to believe they would so it again?

And snowflakes just like you were emotionally manipulated and conned back in 2015 into organizing and marching for them.....looks like it's happening again...but it could just be a coincidence.
I do not believe you. As I said, you have no credibility.

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