Washington Post Reports On Demonic Energy Behind The Left’s Culture War


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
Washington Post Reports On Demonic Energy Behind Left's Culture War

"A Halloween-themed profile of a “teenage witch” in The Washington Post over the weekend reads surprisingly like a backhanded affirmation of the Bible and Christianity. It openly connects gender dysphoria with occult experimentation, and both with unsupervised young people going deep into social media rabbit warrens.

I wrote in July about another profile exploring how TikTok promotes multiple personality disorders that approximate demonic possession. The Washington Post article also reinforces the connections between gender confusion and the demonic, immediately by noting that profile subject Viv Bennett “identifies as nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns.”"

As I noted in July, the use of plural pronouns for a single individual is eerie considered in light of one of the Bible’s depictions of Christ casting out demons. When addressed, that possessed man also spoke of himself in the plural: “My name is Legion, for we are many.”

It doesn’t stop there. The WaPo article also claims that contemporary witches, mediums, and other would-be consorters with false gods and demons strongly support leftist politics. The most prominently mentioned are no surprise to anyone paying attention: child sacrifice, child mutilation, ritual self-mutilation, and sexual abuse. Or, in other words, abortion and LGBT activism."

OP Comments:

Very few modern platforms the American Left run on can be considered pro-human race or even benevolent while most must be considered outright anti-human or evil in the minds of decent folk. What cracks me up in the most funerary way imaginable is how democrats and their surrogates continue to spout off about vanilla political issues such as the economy, education and healthcare while the radical woke left preaches gender theory, mass abortion, euthanasia, child mutilation, sodomy, pedophilia and every other form of debauchery under the sun as, drum roll, normal and desired by Americans. If the democrats ever stopped protecting, enshrining and running with the freaks they might become human and American again. Somehow, I doubt that's gonna happen anytime soon or ever.
Washington Post Reports On Demonic Energy Behind Left's Culture War

"A Halloween-themed profile of a “teenage witch” in The Washington Post over the weekend reads surprisingly like a backhanded affirmation of the Bible and Christianity. It openly connects gender dysphoria with occult experimentation, and both with unsupervised young people going deep into social media rabbit warrens.

I wrote in July about another profile exploring how TikTok promotes multiple personality disorders that approximate demonic possession. The Washington Post article also reinforces the connections between gender confusion and the demonic, immediately by noting that profile subject Viv Bennett “identifies as nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns.”"

As I noted in July, the use of plural pronouns for a single individual is eerie considered in light of one of the Bible’s depictions of Christ casting out demons. When addressed, that possessed man also spoke of himself in the plural: “My name is Legion, for we are many.”

It doesn’t stop there. The WaPo article also claims that contemporary witches, mediums, and other would-be consorters with false gods and demons strongly support leftist politics. The most prominently mentioned are no surprise to anyone paying attention: child sacrifice, child mutilation, ritual self-mutilation, and sexual abuse. Or, in other words, abortion and LGBT activism."

OP Comments:

Very few modern platforms the American Left run on can be considered pro-human race or even benevolent while most must be considered outright anti-human or evil in the minds of decent folk. What cracks me up in the most funerary way imaginable is how democrats and their surrogates continue to spout off about vanilla political issues such as the economy, education and healthcare while the radical woke left preaches gender theory, mass abortion, euthanasia, child mutilation, sodomy, pedophilia and every other form of debauchery under the sun as, drum roll, normal and desired by Americans. If the democrats ever stopped protecting, enshrining and running with the freaks they might become human and American again. Somehow, I doubt that's gonna happen anytime soon or ever.
There is no way to deny the presence of demonic evil except for some to say that everyone who attests to it are lying. That would include a hundred thousand testimonies and thousands of supernatural manifestations. This is absurd. Those who dismiss such idea cavalierly really have no interest in wanting to know the truth. I would never dress my child as a devil or a witch, no matter how ridiculous that sounds to a skeptic. This, once famous, account in Gary, Indiana has been conveniently forgotten by almost all who once knew of it.

The exorcisms of Latoya Ammons
Washington Post Reports On Demonic Energy Behind Left's Culture War

"A Halloween-themed profile of a “teenage witch” in The Washington Post over the weekend reads surprisingly like a backhanded affirmation of the Bible and Christianity. It openly connects gender dysphoria with occult experimentation, and both with unsupervised young people going deep into social media rabbit warrens.

I wrote in July about another profile exploring how TikTok promotes multiple personality disorders that approximate demonic possession. The Washington Post article also reinforces the connections between gender confusion and the demonic, immediately by noting that profile subject Viv Bennett “identifies as nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns.”"

As I noted in July, the use of plural pronouns for a single individual is eerie considered in light of one of the Bible’s depictions of Christ casting out demons. When addressed, that possessed man also spoke of himself in the plural: “My name is Legion, for we are many.”

It doesn’t stop there. The WaPo article also claims that contemporary witches, mediums, and other would-be consorters with false gods and demons strongly support leftist politics. The most prominently mentioned are no surprise to anyone paying attention: child sacrifice, child mutilation, ritual self-mutilation, and sexual abuse. Or, in other words, abortion and LGBT activism."

OP Comments:

Very few modern platforms the American Left run on can be considered pro-human race or even benevolent while most must be considered outright anti-human or evil in the minds of decent folk. What cracks me up in the most funerary way imaginable is how democrats and their surrogates continue to spout off about vanilla political issues such as the economy, education and healthcare while the radical woke left preaches gender theory, mass abortion, euthanasia, child mutilation, sodomy, pedophilia and every other form of debauchery under the sun as, drum roll, normal and desired by Americans. If the democrats ever stopped protecting, enshrining and running with the freaks they might become human and American again. Somehow, I doubt that's gonna happen anytime soon or ever.

Yes to all of this. Some people do not know they are courting the demonic. Some people openly do so. It's beyond sad; it's tragic either way.
Washington Post Reports On Demonic Energy Behind Left's Culture War

"A Halloween-themed profile of a “teenage witch” in The Washington Post over the weekend reads surprisingly like a backhanded affirmation of the Bible and Christianity. It openly connects gender dysphoria with occult experimentation, and both with unsupervised young people going deep into social media rabbit warrens.

I wrote in July about another profile exploring how TikTok promotes multiple personality disorders that approximate demonic possession. The Washington Post article also reinforces the connections between gender confusion and the demonic, immediately by noting that profile subject Viv Bennett “identifies as nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns.”"

As I noted in July, the use of plural pronouns for a single individual is eerie considered in light of one of the Bible’s depictions of Christ casting out demons. When addressed, that possessed man also spoke of himself in the plural: “My name is Legion, for we are many.”

It doesn’t stop there. The WaPo article also claims that contemporary witches, mediums, and other would-be consorters with false gods and demons strongly support leftist politics. The most prominently mentioned are no surprise to anyone paying attention: child sacrifice, child mutilation, ritual self-mutilation, and sexual abuse. Or, in other words, abortion and LGBT activism."

OP Comments:

Very few modern platforms the American Left run on can be considered pro-human race or even benevolent while most must be considered outright anti-human or evil in the minds of decent folk. What cracks me up in the most funerary way imaginable is how democrats and their surrogates continue to spout off about vanilla political issues such as the economy, education and healthcare while the radical woke left preaches gender theory, mass abortion, euthanasia, child mutilation, sodomy, pedophilia and every other form of debauchery under the sun as, drum roll, normal and desired by Americans. If the democrats ever stopped protecting, enshrining and running with the freaks they might become human and American again. Somehow, I doubt that's gonna happen anytime soon or ever.

The entire purpose to what the left is doing is to slowly deconstruct this country and its institutions.
-The family
-Respect for the founders and what they created
-Respect and value we hold in our own nation
sadly they're winning.

Watch levin and you will see that this all came about by communist taking over our colleges and media. The goal is to destroy America.
It would have been shocking 100 years ago maybe and in the closet but not anymore.
On the bright side... it was predicted in scripture a couple thousand years ago and what's coming soon is going to finally crush the evil, once, for all time. I'd truly hate to be in the shoes of those adults who have deceived these youth down this path.
On the bright side... it was predicted in scripture a couple thousand years ago and what's coming soon is going to finally crush the evil, once, for all time. I'd truly hate to be in the shoes of those adults who have deceived these youth down this path.
Jesus Himself declared that those who have deceived children would be better off if a millstone were tied around their necks and they were thrown into the sea.

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