Washington Post: Democrat obstruction unprecedented


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Looks like the Democrats are embracing being the party of "no" simply because they can't accept losing an election. Let's hope the American people make them pay for this during the 2018 midterms.
  • Of the last seven administrations, three had a full Cabinet confirmed and in place within three weeks of the president’s inauguration.
  • President Barack Obama had all but two nominees confirmed within two weeks of his inauguration. And President Bill Clinton had all but one nominee confirmed within one week after he took the oath of office.
  • So, what about President Donald Trump? At four weeks into his presidency, a mere six of his 15 nominees had not yet been voted on. And at the end of week seven, two of those nominees haven’t even had a single committee hearing.
  • How did this happen? Simple: Senate Democrats decided, as a conference, to block and obstruct Trump’s Cabinet nominees, carelessly smashing Senate norms of procedure and etiquette in the process.
  • Senate Democrats have gone to such extraordinary lengths to sabotage the normal process of a new president staffing his administration that even The Washington Post called their obstruction “unprecedented.”
  • Trump’s Cabinet remains unfilled nearly three months into his presidency. And the rate of confirmation for his other nominees has been just as slow.
  • With more than 1,000 additional positions still needing to be confirmed by the Senate, the bureaucracy will keep humming along without reforms and critical areas of the government will be compromised. Meanwhile, Democrats fill their election war chests and cause a political media frenzy.
Senate Democrats Are Delaying 'Drain the Swamp'
Looks like the Democrats are embracing being the party of "no" simply because they can't accept losing an election. Let's hope the American people make them pay for this during the 2018 midterms.
  • Of the last seven administrations, three had a full Cabinet confirmed and in place within three weeks of the president’s inauguration.
  • President Barack Obama had all but two nominees confirmed within two weeks of his inauguration. And President Bill Clinton had all but one nominee confirmed within one week after he took the oath of office.
  • So, what about President Donald Trump? At four weeks into his presidency, a mere six of his 15 nominees had not yet been voted on. And at the end of week seven, two of those nominees haven’t even had a single committee hearing.
  • How did this happen? Simple: Senate Democrats decided, as a conference, to block and obstruct Trump’s Cabinet nominees, carelessly smashing Senate norms of procedure and etiquette in the process.
  • Senate Democrats have gone to such extraordinary lengths to sabotage the normal process of a new president staffing his administration that even The Washington Post called their obstruction “unprecedented.”
  • Trump’s Cabinet remains unfilled nearly three months into his presidency. And the rate of confirmation for his other nominees has been just as slow.
  • With more than 1,000 additional positions still needing to be confirmed by the Senate, the bureaucracy will keep humming along without reforms and critical areas of the government will be compromised. Meanwhile, Democrats fill their election war chests and cause a political media frenzy.
Senate Democrats Are Delaying 'Drain the Swamp'

Taking your propaganda straight up, without even a hint of discretion?
Looks like the Democrats are embracing being the party of "no" simply because they can't accept losing an election. Let's hope the American people make them pay for this during the 2018 midterms.
  • Of the last seven administrations, three had a full Cabinet confirmed and in place within three weeks of the president’s inauguration.
  • President Barack Obama had all but two nominees confirmed within two weeks of his inauguration. And President Bill Clinton had all but one nominee confirmed within one week after he took the oath of office.
  • So, what about President Donald Trump? At four weeks into his presidency, a mere six of his 15 nominees had not yet been voted on. And at the end of week seven, two of those nominees haven’t even had a single committee hearing.
  • How did this happen? Simple: Senate Democrats decided, as a conference, to block and obstruct Trump’s Cabinet nominees, carelessly smashing Senate norms of procedure and etiquette in the process.
  • Senate Democrats have gone to such extraordinary lengths to sabotage the normal process of a new president staffing his administration that even The Washington Post called their obstruction “unprecedented.”
  • Trump’s Cabinet remains unfilled nearly three months into his presidency. And the rate of confirmation for his other nominees has been just as slow.
  • With more than 1,000 additional positions still needing to be confirmed by the Senate, the bureaucracy will keep humming along without reforms and critical areas of the government will be compromised. Meanwhile, Democrats fill their election war chests and cause a political media frenzy.
Senate Democrats Are Delaying 'Drain the Swamp'
Its a republican congress, Homer. They can nominate whoever they want and in whatever time frame they want. How dumb can you be
Looks like the Democrats are embracing being the party of "no" simply because they can't accept losing an election. Let's hope the American people make them pay for this during the 2018 midterms.
  • Of the last seven administrations, three had a full Cabinet confirmed and in place within three weeks of the president’s inauguration.
  • President Barack Obama had all but two nominees confirmed within two weeks of his inauguration. And President Bill Clinton had all but one nominee confirmed within one week after he took the oath of office.
  • So, what about President Donald Trump? At four weeks into his presidency, a mere six of his 15 nominees had not yet been voted on. And at the end of week seven, two of those nominees haven’t even had a single committee hearing.
  • How did this happen? Simple: Senate Democrats decided, as a conference, to block and obstruct Trump’s Cabinet nominees, carelessly smashing Senate norms of procedure and etiquette in the process.
  • Senate Democrats have gone to such extraordinary lengths to sabotage the normal process of a new president staffing his administration that even The Washington Post called their obstruction “unprecedented.”
  • Trump’s Cabinet remains unfilled nearly three months into his presidency. And the rate of confirmation for his other nominees has been just as slow.
  • With more than 1,000 additional positions still needing to be confirmed by the Senate, the bureaucracy will keep humming along without reforms and critical areas of the government will be compromised. Meanwhile, Democrats fill their election war chests and cause a political media frenzy.
Senate Democrats Are Delaying 'Drain the Swamp'
Did anyone REALLY expect anything other than this?
Looks like the Democrats are embracing being the party of "no" simply because they can't accept losing an election. Let's hope the American people make them pay for this during the 2018 midterms.
  • Of the last seven administrations, three had a full Cabinet confirmed and in place within three weeks of the president’s inauguration.
  • President Barack Obama had all but two nominees confirmed within two weeks of his inauguration. And President Bill Clinton had all but one nominee confirmed within one week after he took the oath of office.
  • So, what about President Donald Trump? At four weeks into his presidency, a mere six of his 15 nominees had not yet been voted on. And at the end of week seven, two of those nominees haven’t even had a single committee hearing.
  • How did this happen? Simple: Senate Democrats decided, as a conference, to block and obstruct Trump’s Cabinet nominees, carelessly smashing Senate norms of procedure and etiquette in the process.
  • Senate Democrats have gone to such extraordinary lengths to sabotage the normal process of a new president staffing his administration that even The Washington Post called their obstruction “unprecedented.”
  • Trump’s Cabinet remains unfilled nearly three months into his presidency. And the rate of confirmation for his other nominees has been just as slow.
  • With more than 1,000 additional positions still needing to be confirmed by the Senate, the bureaucracy will keep humming along without reforms and critical areas of the government will be compromised. Meanwhile, Democrats fill their election war chests and cause a political media frenzy.
Senate Democrats Are Delaying 'Drain the Swamp'
Did anyone REALLY expect anything other than this?
Republicans controll congress
Looks like the Democrats are embracing being the party of "no" simply because they can't accept losing an election. Let's hope the American people make them pay for this during the 2018 midterms.
  • Of the last seven administrations, three had a full Cabinet confirmed and in place within three weeks of the president’s inauguration.
  • President Barack Obama had all but two nominees confirmed within two weeks of his inauguration. And President Bill Clinton had all but one nominee confirmed within one week after he took the oath of office.
  • So, what about President Donald Trump? At four weeks into his presidency, a mere six of his 15 nominees had not yet been voted on. And at the end of week seven, two of those nominees haven’t even had a single committee hearing.
  • How did this happen? Simple: Senate Democrats decided, as a conference, to block and obstruct Trump’s Cabinet nominees, carelessly smashing Senate norms of procedure and etiquette in the process.
  • Senate Democrats have gone to such extraordinary lengths to sabotage the normal process of a new president staffing his administration that even The Washington Post called their obstruction “unprecedented.”
  • Trump’s Cabinet remains unfilled nearly three months into his presidency. And the rate of confirmation for his other nominees has been just as slow.
  • With more than 1,000 additional positions still needing to be confirmed by the Senate, the bureaucracy will keep humming along without reforms and critical areas of the government will be compromised. Meanwhile, Democrats fill their election war chests and cause a political media frenzy.
Senate Democrats Are Delaying 'Drain the Swamp'
This is also why we are having National Security Leaks.

The idea is to keep the subversive Obama\Clinton traitors in place to do as much damage to America for as long as is possible.
Looks like the Democrats are embracing being the party of "no" simply because they can't accept losing an election. Let's hope the American people make them pay for this during the 2018 midterms.
  • Of the last seven administrations, three had a full Cabinet confirmed and in place within three weeks of the president’s inauguration.
  • President Barack Obama had all but two nominees confirmed within two weeks of his inauguration. And President Bill Clinton had all but one nominee confirmed within one week after he took the oath of office.
  • So, what about President Donald Trump? At four weeks into his presidency, a mere six of his 15 nominees had not yet been voted on. And at the end of week seven, two of those nominees haven’t even had a single committee hearing.
  • How did this happen? Simple: Senate Democrats decided, as a conference, to block and obstruct Trump’s Cabinet nominees, carelessly smashing Senate norms of procedure and etiquette in the process.
  • Senate Democrats have gone to such extraordinary lengths to sabotage the normal process of a new president staffing his administration that even The Washington Post called their obstruction “unprecedented.”
  • Trump’s Cabinet remains unfilled nearly three months into his presidency. And the rate of confirmation for his other nominees has been just as slow.
  • With more than 1,000 additional positions still needing to be confirmed by the Senate, the bureaucracy will keep humming along without reforms and critical areas of the government will be compromised. Meanwhile, Democrats fill their election war chests and cause a political media frenzy.
Senate Democrats Are Delaying 'Drain the Swamp'
Its a republican congress, Homer. They can nominate whoever they want and in whatever time frame they want. How dumb can you be

Sorry that's not how it works, democrats get to ask questions, and they kick and scream and pitch a fit to every cabinet pick.
You liberals are now only hurting America. Do y'all not see that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Looks like the Democrats have learned their lesson well from Republicans on how to rule as a minority

Republicans reap what they have sown
Patriot was drunk or not sentient the eight years of Obama's terms concerning GOP obstructionism.

Trump is the most divisive president in our history.
Looks like the Democrats are embracing being the party of "no" simply because they can't accept losing an election. Let's hope the American people make them pay for this during the 2018 midterms.
  • Of the last seven administrations, three had a full Cabinet confirmed and in place within three weeks of the president’s inauguration.
  • President Barack Obama had all but two nominees confirmed within two weeks of his inauguration. And President Bill Clinton had all but one nominee confirmed within one week after he took the oath of office.
  • So, what about President Donald Trump? At four weeks into his presidency, a mere six of his 15 nominees had not yet been voted on. And at the end of week seven, two of those nominees haven’t even had a single committee hearing.
  • How did this happen? Simple: Senate Democrats decided, as a conference, to block and obstruct Trump’s Cabinet nominees, carelessly smashing Senate norms of procedure and etiquette in the process.
  • Senate Democrats have gone to such extraordinary lengths to sabotage the normal process of a new president staffing his administration that even The Washington Post called their obstruction “unprecedented.”
  • Trump’s Cabinet remains unfilled nearly three months into his presidency. And the rate of confirmation for his other nominees has been just as slow.
  • With more than 1,000 additional positions still needing to be confirmed by the Senate, the bureaucracy will keep humming along without reforms and critical areas of the government will be compromised. Meanwhile, Democrats fill their election war chests and cause a political media frenzy.
Senate Democrats Are Delaying 'Drain the Swamp'
Its a republican congress, Homer. They can nominate whoever they want and in whatever time frame they want. How dumb can you be

Sorry that's not how it works, democrats get to ask questions, and they kick and scream and pitch a fit to every cabinet pick.
You liberals are now only hurting America. Do y'all not see that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hey azzhole, do you remember a Supreme Court pick that republicans refused to vote on, or how bout a whole bunch of federal judges that never had a chance to be voted on. Where was your anger then, Homer?
Looks like the Democrats are embracing being the party of "no" simply because they can't accept losing an election. Let's hope the American people make them pay for this during the 2018 midterms.
  • Of the last seven administrations, three had a full Cabinet confirmed and in place within three weeks of the president’s inauguration.
  • President Barack Obama had all but two nominees confirmed within two weeks of his inauguration. And President Bill Clinton had all but one nominee confirmed within one week after he took the oath of office.
  • So, what about President Donald Trump? At four weeks into his presidency, a mere six of his 15 nominees had not yet been voted on. And at the end of week seven, two of those nominees haven’t even had a single committee hearing.
  • How did this happen? Simple: Senate Democrats decided, as a conference, to block and obstruct Trump’s Cabinet nominees, carelessly smashing Senate norms of procedure and etiquette in the process.
  • Senate Democrats have gone to such extraordinary lengths to sabotage the normal process of a new president staffing his administration that even The Washington Post called their obstruction “unprecedented.”
  • Trump’s Cabinet remains unfilled nearly three months into his presidency. And the rate of confirmation for his other nominees has been just as slow.
  • With more than 1,000 additional positions still needing to be confirmed by the Senate, the bureaucracy will keep humming along without reforms and critical areas of the government will be compromised. Meanwhile, Democrats fill their election war chests and cause a political media frenzy.
Senate Democrats Are Delaying 'Drain the Swamp'
How in the fuck are democrats at fault, when you got a lying bag of horse shit who tweets lies day in and day out every gotdamned weekend? You white mf's elected a fuckin maniac as your clown in chief, own it and stop pointing fuckin fingers at everybody but that orange white bitch, you call Trump!!
Looks like the Democrats are embracing being the party of "no" simply because they can't accept losing an election. Let's hope the American people make them pay for this during the 2018 midterms.
  • Of the last seven administrations, three had a full Cabinet confirmed and in place within three weeks of the president’s inauguration.
  • President Barack Obama had all but two nominees confirmed within two weeks of his inauguration. And President Bill Clinton had all but one nominee confirmed within one week after he took the oath of office.
  • So, what about President Donald Trump? At four weeks into his presidency, a mere six of his 15 nominees had not yet been voted on. And at the end of week seven, two of those nominees haven’t even had a single committee hearing.
  • How did this happen? Simple: Senate Democrats decided, as a conference, to block and obstruct Trump’s Cabinet nominees, carelessly smashing Senate norms of procedure and etiquette in the process.
  • Senate Democrats have gone to such extraordinary lengths to sabotage the normal process of a new president staffing his administration that even The Washington Post called their obstruction “unprecedented.”
  • Trump’s Cabinet remains unfilled nearly three months into his presidency. And the rate of confirmation for his other nominees has been just as slow.
  • With more than 1,000 additional positions still needing to be confirmed by the Senate, the bureaucracy will keep humming along without reforms and critical areas of the government will be compromised. Meanwhile, Democrats fill their election war chests and cause a political media frenzy.
Senate Democrats Are Delaying 'Drain the Swamp'
we all know that the biggest fear is about another five million people finding work by 2018,,,,then the rats are done!!!
Looks like the Democrats are embracing being the party of "no" simply because they can't accept losing an election. Let's hope the American people make them pay for this during the 2018 midterms.
  • Of the last seven administrations, three had a full Cabinet confirmed and in place within three weeks of the president’s inauguration.
  • President Barack Obama had all but two nominees confirmed within two weeks of his inauguration. And President Bill Clinton had all but one nominee confirmed within one week after he took the oath of office.
  • So, what about President Donald Trump? At four weeks into his presidency, a mere six of his 15 nominees had not yet been voted on. And at the end of week seven, two of those nominees haven’t even had a single committee hearing.
  • How did this happen? Simple: Senate Democrats decided, as a conference, to block and obstruct Trump’s Cabinet nominees, carelessly smashing Senate norms of procedure and etiquette in the process.
  • Senate Democrats have gone to such extraordinary lengths to sabotage the normal process of a new president staffing his administration that even The Washington Post called their obstruction “unprecedented.”
  • Trump’s Cabinet remains unfilled nearly three months into his presidency. And the rate of confirmation for his other nominees has been just as slow.
  • With more than 1,000 additional positions still needing to be confirmed by the Senate, the bureaucracy will keep humming along without reforms and critical areas of the government will be compromised. Meanwhile, Democrats fill their election war chests and cause a political media frenzy.
Senate Democrats Are Delaying 'Drain the Swamp'
Its a republican congress, Homer. They can nominate whoever they want and in whatever time frame they want. How dumb can you be

Sorry that's not how it works, democrats get to ask questions, and they kick and scream and pitch a fit to every cabinet pick.
You liberals are now only hurting America. Do y'all not see that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hey azzhole, do you remember a Supreme Court pick that republicans refused to vote on, or how bout a whole bunch of federal judges that never had a chance to be voted on. Where was your anger then, Homer?
These mf's have a bad bad case of CAN'T REMEMBER SHIT!! For 8 years they gave Obama and the democrats hell, now all of a sudden, we're suppose to just roll over and play dead....Get the fuck outta here
Its a republican congress, Homer. They can nominate whoever they want and in whatever time frame they want. How dumb can you be
If only you weren't an ignorant asshat, you would know that Congress doesn't approve appointments - the Senate does. Congress is made up of two chambers you high school dropout, the House & the Senate. And Dumbocrats have enough in the Senate to obstruct.
Its a republican congress, Homer. They can nominate whoever they want and in whatever time frame they want. How dumb can you be
If only you weren't an ignorant asshat, you would know that Congress doesn't approve appointments - the Senate does. Congress is made up of two chambers you high school dropout, the House & the Senate. And Dumbocrats have enough in the Senate to obstruct.
The Senate is not a part of Congress?
Obama's cabinet was not confirmed until late April. Trump can suck it. What did he expect to get from his hate and division?
"President Barack Obama had all but two nominees confirmed within two weeks of his inauguration."

If only you hadn't dropped out of school...
Obama's cabinet was not confirmed until late April. Trump can suck it. What did he expect to get from his hate and division?
"President Barack Obama had all but two nominees confirmed within two weeks of his inauguration."

If only you hadn't dropped out of school...
No full cabinet until late April. Trump can suck it. He should have expected this after his hate-fueled campaign.
Its a republican congress, Homer. They can nominate whoever they want and in whatever time frame they want. How dumb can you be
If only you weren't an ignorant asshat, you would know that Congress doesn't approve appointments - the Senate does. Congress is made up of two chambers you high school dropout, the House & the Senate. And Dumbocrats have enough in the Senate to obstruct.
The Senate is not a part of Congress?
You're so dumb you thought Congress approves appointments. They don't buttercup. The House doesn't "advise and consent". Only the Senate does.

Not only that - but you were too stupid to realize the Dumbocrats have enough seats in the Senate to obstruct. :laugh:

Why are you here? You literally have no idea how your own government functions.

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