Was the Columbus, OH., police officer justified shooting the knife wielding girl? (poll)

Do you support the police officer shooting the knife wielding girl protecting the unarmed girl?

  • Yes, the shooting was justified.

    Votes: 111 94.1%
  • No, I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 7 5.9%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
IMHO there is no justification for the police to allow anyone to murder an unarmed person.
The girl with the knife is attempting to murder an unarmed girl, totally unacceptable.
Anyone who blames the cop for anything other than doing his job "protecting" the unarmed girl is a racist gaslighting POS.


The Biden admin just can't stop blaming cops instead of blaming criminals!? The GOP has lots of ammo for 2022 and 2024.
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Amost certainly NO.

A more proficient police officer would have been able to remedy the situation so that it didn't result in death.

Death was the outcome and that can never be seen as a successful handling of the situation.

Once again it simply boils down to bad policing that's due to a lack of police concern for black lives.

It would be a near certainty that had the knife wielder been a white child and the intended victim a black child, the outcome would have been different and more desirable.

Americans can't understand this and so the fight to reform their police will be long, which will most likely result in police pushing the envelope on their right to kill to even greater heights.
Amost certainly NO.

A more proficient police officer would have been able to remedy the situation so that it didn't result in death.

Death was the outcome and that can never be seen as a successful handling of the situation.

Once again it simply boils down to bad policing that's due to a lack of police concern for black lives.

It would be a near certainty that had the knife wielder been a white child and the intended victim a black child, the outcome would have been different and more desirable.

Americans can't understand this and so the fight to reform their police will be long, which will most likely result in police pushing the envelope on their right to kill to even greater heights.

It happened so fast, that he had to shoot the woman who was STABBING the victim.

What is boils down are stupid people stabbing other people that YOU seem to overlook in your attack on the police who come to stop it based on a phone call long after the attacks began.

You didn't watch the video at all.
Amost certainly NO.

A more proficient police officer would have been able to remedy the situation so that it didn't result in death.

Death was the outcome and that can never be seen as a successful handling of the situation.

Once again it simply boils down to bad policing that's due to a lack of police concern for black lives.

It would be a near certainty that had the knife wielder been a white child and the intended victim a black child, the outcome would have been different and more desirable.

Americans can't understand this and so the fight to reform their police will be long, which will most likely result in police pushing the envelope on their right to kill to even greater heights.

Oh? you must be speaking of Superman, the Man of Steel no doubt could have blitzed forward, stopped the knife thrust with his hands of steel, and then calmly lifted the attacking girl up and flown her away to the North pole to cool off.

Normal human beings however, don't have that option.
Amost certainly NO.

A more proficient police officer would have been able to remedy the situation so that it didn't result in death.

Death was the outcome and that can never be seen as a successful handling of the situation.

Once again it simply boils down to bad policing that's due to a lack of police concern for black lives.

It would be a near certainty that had the knife wielder been a white child and the intended victim a black child, the outcome would have been different and more desirable.

Americans can't understand this and so the fight to reform their police will be long, which will most likely result in police pushing the envelope on their right to kill to even greater heights.

It happened so fast, that he had to shoot the woman who was STABBING the victim.

You didn't watch the video at all.

He doesn't care either way because he is a troll.
The Biden admin just can't stop blaming cops instead of blaming criminals!? The GOP has lots of ammo for 2022 and 2024.

Good! More ammo is probably the best way forward to a solution for America. The streets must run red with the blood of it's citizens.

It can also serve to harden the opinions of the rest of the world on America's turn to fascism.

Not to mention the leg up it all gives to China!
Amost certainly NO.

A more proficient police officer would have been able to remedy the situation so that it didn't result in death.

Death was the outcome and that can never be seen as a successful handling of the situation.

Once again is simply boils downt bab policing that's due to a lack of police concern for black lives.

It would be a near certainty that had the knife wielder been a white child and the intended victim a black child, the outcome would have been different and more desirable.

Americans can't understand this and so the fight to reform their police will be long, which will most likely result in police pushing the envelope on their right to kill to even greater heights.
1. There was no other option than to shoot the murdering perp, white or black to protect the unarmed girl.
Your answer is to let the murder happen??????? Unacceptable.

2. In 2022 and 2024 the voters will decide what type of police forces they want.
The Biden admin just can't stop blaming cops instead of blaming criminals!? The GOP has lots of ammo for 2022 and 2024.

Good! More ammo is probably the best way forward to a solution for America. The streets must run red with the blood of it's citizens.

It can also serve to harden the opinions of the rest of the world on America's turn to fascism.

Not to mention the leg up it all gives to China!

And we see you supporting your masters in the CCP yet again. How long have you been a communist Chinese stooge?
Amost certainly NO.

A more proficient police officer would have been able to remedy the situation so that it didn't result in death.

Death was the outcome and that can never be seen as a successful handling of the situation.

Once again it simply boils down to bad policing that's due to a lack of police concern for black lives.

It would be a near certainty that had the knife wielder been a white child and the intended victim a black child, the outcome would have been different and more desirable.

Americans can't understand this and so the fight to reform their police will be long, which will most likely result in police pushing the envelope on their right to kill to even greater heights.

It would be a near certainty that had the knife wielder been a white child and the intended victim a black child, the outcome would have been different and more desirable.
Only to a racist.
The Biden admin just can't stop blaming cops instead of blaming criminals!? The GOP has lots of ammo for 2022 and 2024.

Good! More ammo is probably the best way forward to a solution for America. The streets must run red with the blood of it's citizens.

It can also serve to harden the opinions of the rest of the world on America's turn to fascism.

Not to mention the leg up it all gives to China!

You are another troll who didn't watch the video which is calling YOU a liar!
Amost certainly NO.

A more proficient police officer would have been able to remedy the situation so that it didn't result in death.

Death was the outcome and that can never be seen as a successful handling of the situation.

Once again it simply boils down to bad policing that's due to a lack of police concern for black lives.

It would be a near certainty that had the knife wielder been a white child and the intended victim a black child, the outcome would have been different and more desirable.

Americans can't understand this and so the fight to reform their police will be long, which will most likely result in police pushing the envelope on their right to kill to even greater heights.

Oh? you must be speaking of Superman, the Man of Steel no doubt could have blitzed forward, stopped the knife thrust with his hands of steel, and then calmly lifted the attacking girl up and flown her away to the North pole to cool off.

Normal human beings however, don't have that option.
Police action resulting in death is pretty obviously your accepted priority billie.
I'm here to point that out and leave no ambiguity on the question.

The more you bark off your ignorant cakehole, the more fuel for your fires!
Amost certainly NO.

A more proficient police officer would have been able to remedy the situation so that it didn't result in death.

Death was the outcome and that can never be seen as a successful handling of the situation.

Once again it simply boils down to bad policing that's due to a lack of police concern for black lives.

It would be a near certainty that had the knife wielder been a white child and the intended victim a black child, the outcome would have been different and more desirable.

Americans can't understand this and so the fight to reform their police will be long, which will most likely result in police pushing the envelope on their right to kill to even greater heights.

Fuck you propagandist, the officer did his job.

The Biden admin just can't stop blaming cops instead of blaming criminals!? The GOP has lots of ammo for 2022 and 2024.

Good! More ammo is probably the best way forward to a solution for America. The streets must run red with the blood of it's citizens.

It can also serve to harden the opinions of the rest of the world on America's turn to fascism.

Not to mention the leg up it all gives to China!
The context of "ammo" I was going for is "GOP law and order" vs. "Democrat's chaos and anarchy, by defunding the police". There is enough "blood in the streets" of big cities like Chicago already. Your post shows you to be an anti-American POS.
The context of "ammo" I was going for is "GOP law and order" vs. "Democrat's chaos and anarchy, by defunding the police". There is enough "bl;ood in the streets" of big cities like Chicago already. Your post shows you to be an anti-American POS.
At least have the balls to stand by your evil. LOL
Amost certainly NO.

A more proficient police officer would have been able to remedy the situation so that it didn't result in death.

Death was the outcome and that can never be seen as a successful handling of the situation.

Once again it simply boils down to bad policing that's due to a lack of police concern for black lives.

It would be a near certainty that had the knife wielder been a white child and the intended victim a black child, the outcome would have been different and more desirable.

Americans can't understand this and so the fight to reform their police will be long, which will most likely result in police pushing the envelope on their right to kill to even greater heights.
Wow, you are a flaming racist.

It was very good policing. If it had been a white girl holding an unarmed black girl down and in the act of stabbing the black girl, it would have been a good shooting. This racism about if it had been a white needs to be addressed by this forum and you should be shunned.

The largest single threat to the United States is people who think as you do.
The context of "ammo" I was going for is "GOP law and order" vs. "Democrat's chaos and anarchy, by defunding the police". There is enough "bl;ood in the streets" of big cities like Chicago already. Your post shows you to be an anti-American POS.
At least have the balls to stand by your evil. LOL
You want to see defunding of the police. I want to see some reforms. How about if some city police departments strike for a few days. If it works out, then you hit a homer.

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