Was the 9/11 "Truther" Movement Anti-Semitic?


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
I use the past tense because the movement is deader than my great-Granny's Granny. The fact remains that some (or most) 9/11 "Truthers" were simply rabid anti-Semites doing what they do ... looking to blame the Jew. Within minutes of the attack on the 2nd Tower, the "story" surfaced on new social media (MySpace) that no Jews were killed in the attacks and therefore "the Jew did it!" It didn't matter that it was based on a lie. It was fodder for weak-minded haters and fuel for the new "Truther" Movement. Pedro A. Sanjuan, a former United Nations diplomat, alleged in his book The UN Gang that antisemitic 9/11 conspiracy theories were quite common at high levels of the UN following 9/11. The theory gained traction throughout the Arab/Muslim World and among anti-Semites in the US and Europe. When Charlie Veitch - who once hobnobbed with "Truther" royalty - finally admitted there was no "search for truth" in the 9/11 "truther" Movement he was asked if he found anti-Semitism in the Movement. His response?
“Loads. Loads."
When asked if talk of the ‘Illuminati’ or ‘Reptiles’ actually referred to Jews he answered “It’s slightly complicated but, mostly, yes.”
In short, the 9/11 "Truther" Movement was not a search for 9/11 truth but rather just another vicious canard foisted on the Jews by anti-Semitic twits and a cover for their hatred.

The 9 11 conspiracy theorist who changed his mind - Telegraph
The OP constitutes speculation upon speculation.
What is the REAL proof that 9/11/2001 was indeed a false flag.
Note the alleged aircraft crashes where there isn't any forensic identification of any of the alleged wreckage and there isn't any recognizable fragment of wing, tail, fuselage to be seen at all in any of the crime scene pix. The concept that "FLT11" & "FLT175" could have penetrated the WTC wall(s) completely to disappear inside and leave the wing shaped gash in the side of the tower(s), this is beyond incredible its absolutely mad!
No not at all, just because Zionist and neocons, mainly Zionist are behind it doesn't make it anti Semitic.
The OP constitutes speculation upon speculation.
What is the REAL proof that 9/11/2001 was indeed a false flag.
Note the alleged aircraft crashes where there isn't any forensic identification of any of the alleged wreckage and there isn't any recognizable fragment of wing, tail, fuselage to be seen at all in any of the crime scene pix. The concept that "FLT11" & "FLT175" could have penetrated the WTC wall(s) completely to disappear inside and leave the wing shaped gash in the side of the tower(s), this is beyond incredible its absolutely mad!

:biggrin: You just validated the OP. Thanks for playing.
The OP constitutes speculation upon speculation.
What is the REAL proof that 9/11/2001 was indeed a false flag.
Note the alleged aircraft crashes where there isn't any forensic identification of any of the alleged wreckage and there isn't any recognizable fragment of wing, tail, fuselage to be seen at all in any of the crime scene pix. The concept that "FLT11" & "FLT175" could have penetrated the WTC wall(s) completely to disappear inside and leave the wing shaped gash in the side of the tower(s), this is beyond incredible its absolutely mad!

:biggrin: You just validated the OP. Thanks for playing.

OK, exactly what bit of what I posted, constitutes "validation"?
The OP constitutes speculation upon speculation.
What is the REAL proof that 9/11/2001 was indeed a false flag.
Note the alleged aircraft crashes where there isn't any forensic identification of any of the alleged wreckage and there isn't any recognizable fragment of wing, tail, fuselage to be seen at all in any of the crime scene pix. The concept that "FLT11" & "FLT175" could have penetrated the WTC wall(s) completely to disappear inside and leave the wing shaped gash in the side of the tower(s), this is beyond incredible its absolutely mad!

:biggrin: You just validated the OP. Thanks for playing.

OK, exactly what bit of what I posted, constitutes "validation"?

Your dependence upon your thoroughly discredited "No Planes" theory and insistence - without a shred of evidence - that 9/11 was a "false flag" are evidence of your irrationality, and you many months ago revealed your bottom line ... the Jooo did it! Ya can't put your worms back into that can, Princess, so eat 'em.
No not at all, just because Zionist and neocons, mainly Zionist are behind it doesn't make it anti Semitic.

Another validation of the OP. This is easier than shooting fish in a barrel. Thanks for playing!
No not at all, just because Zionist and neocons, mainly Zionist are behind it doesn't make it anti Semitic.

Another validation of the OP. This is easier than shooting fish in a barrel. Thanks for playing!

Everyone is an anti-Semitic if they aren't a Jew. I could careless ,if it makes me an anti jew, Zionist anti neocons Zionist so be it. I could give 10 you know whats.
They tend to coincide. Jews have been the targets of conspiracy theorists needing a scapegoat for years, and so when paranoid schizophrenics are exposed to the sort of Islamist propaganda that utilizes it, they just take it in as their own.

Antisemitism is a social disease spread by contact between worthless things needing a handy target for all their own failings. It works on the level of a brand of disturbed psychology exhibited through shared belief. The fact that so many share in it gives comfort to all the useless creatures.
The OP constitutes speculation upon speculation.
What is the REAL proof that 9/11/2001 was indeed a false flag.
Note the alleged aircraft crashes where there isn't any forensic identification of any of the alleged wreckage and there isn't any recognizable fragment of wing, tail, fuselage to be seen at all in any of the crime scene pix. The concept that "FLT11" & "FLT175" could have penetrated the WTC wall(s) completely to disappear inside and leave the wing shaped gash in the side of the tower(s), this is beyond incredible its absolutely mad!

:biggrin: You just validated the OP. Thanks for playing.

OK, exactly what bit of what I posted, constitutes "validation"?

Your dependence upon your thoroughly discredited "No Planes" theory and insistence - without a shred of evidence - that 9/11 was a "false flag" are evidence of your irrationality, and you many months ago revealed your bottom line ... the Jooo did it! Ya can't put your worms back into that can, Princess, so eat 'em.

So in the total absence of me speculating about who did it, you take it upon yourself to judge the fact that I KNOW that there were no airliners hijacked that day to mean that I'm really anti-Semitic ..... Thank U ever so much for that bit of twisted logic.
So in the total absence of me speculating about who did it, you take it upon yourself to judge the fact that I KNOW that there were no airliners hijacked that day to mean that I'm really anti-Semitic ..... Thank U ever so much for that bit of twisted logic.

Your subscription to loony 9/11 CTs is not evidence of anti-Semitism and I may have inadvertently lumped you in with KooKoo, 9/11HandJob and Paulitician, all of whom are out of the closet. In any event, the evidence provided in the OP certainly suggests that the "Truther" Movement is as much or more a vehicle for anti-Semites than it is a search for truth.
The OP constitutes speculation upon speculation.
What is the REAL proof that 9/11/2001 was indeed a false flag.
Note the alleged aircraft crashes where there isn't any forensic identification of any of the alleged wreckage and there isn't any recognizable fragment of wing, tail, fuselage to be seen at all in any of the crime scene pix. The concept that "FLT11" & "FLT175" could have penetrated the WTC wall(s) completely to disappear inside and leave the wing shaped gash in the side of the tower(s), this is beyond incredible its absolutely mad!

:biggrin: You just validated the OP. Thanks for playing.

OK, exactly what bit of what I posted, constitutes "validation"?

Your dependence upon your thoroughly discredited "No Planes" theory and insistence - without a shred of evidence - that 9/11 was a "false flag" are evidence of your irrationality, and you many months ago revealed your bottom line ... the Jooo did it! Ya can't put your worms back into that can, Princess, so eat 'em.

So in the total absence of me speculating about who did it, you take it upon yourself to judge the fact that I KNOW that there were no airliners hijacked that day to mean that I'm really anti-Semitic ..... Thank U ever so much for that bit of twisted logic.
so there were airliners and you just deny it for fun?
fact is you have to believe, which is a poor substitute for knowing, that no planes were used on 911.
spammy you are anti reality you being anti Semitic is no big stretch.

As this relates to 9/11, whether or not any American and/or Israeli Jews were directly involved in the planning and execution of the operation, there is absolutely no question as to whose agendas have been served by the resulting destabalization of the worst effected regions - the Zionists'.

As this relates to 9/11, whether or not any American and/or Israeli Jews were directly involved in the planning and execution of the operation, there is absolutely no question as to whose agendas have been served by the resulting destabalization of the worst effected regions - the Zionists'.

Indeed! Many BILLIONS of US dollars have poured into Pakistan! What I don't get is your reference to Jewish involvement in the planning and execution of the 9/11 attacks on America but I guess one must be a Nazi to get the connection. Perhaps you'd be good enough to explain it?
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SAYIT said:
...What I don't get is your reference to Jewish involvement in the planning and execution of the 9/11 attacks...

Well, since the connection couldn't be any simpler, it comes as no surprise to me that you don't get it.

Nevertheless, I'll try to help you, just because that's the kind of guy I am. You see, by implying that it doesn't fucking matter whether any Jews were directly involved in the planning/execution of the crime, I was simply trying to establish that the group with the most obvious motive should be identified on the three-fold basis of their ideology, actions, and fulfillment of long-established agendas...not their ethnicity. This I did primarily because the overwhelming majority of Zionists in the world are non-Jewish Christians.

Regarding the "BILLIONS" in bribes that have been paid to keep the Pakastanis from interfering in the CIA's opiate cultivation and pipeline security programs, as potential motives go, it pales in comparison to the fulfillment of PNAC's highly publicized longing for "a new Pearl Harbor" and the resulting maylay that has seemingly followed the Yinon Plan nearly to the letter. The hundreds of billions (if not trillions) of dollars that have been raked-in by western military contractors along the way, the smokescreen for clearing the matured security bonds that were pillaged from the 'former Soviet Union', and placing the issue of the trillions missing from the US's defense ledgers on the back burner...are also great candidates for potential motives, but the one thing they have in common is that they can all be traced to pro-Zionist actors.

Your calling me a Nazi won't dissuade me from speaking my mind here, any more than some bonehead calling me an anti-Catholic would prevent me from condemning the pedophilic actions of a few Catholic priests.
SAYIT said:
...What I don't get is your reference to Jewish involvement in the planning and execution of the 9/11 attacks...

Well, since the connection couldn't be any simpler, it comes as no surprise to me that you don't get it.

Nevertheless, I'll try to help you, just because that's the kind of guy I am. You see, by implying that it doesn't fucking matter whether any Jews were directly involved in the planning/execution of the crime, I was simply trying to establish that the group with the most obvious motive should be identified on the three-fold basis of their ideology, actions, and fulfillment of long-established agendas...not their ethnicity. This I did primarily because the overwhelming majority of Zionists in the world are non-Jewish Christians.

Regarding the "BILLIONS" in blood money that have been paid to keep the Pakastanis from interfering in the CIA's opiate cultivation and pipeline security programs, as potential motives go, it pales in comparison to the fulfillment of PNAC's highly publicized longing for "a new Pearl Harbor" and the resulting maylay that has seemingly followed the Yinon Plan nearly to the letter. The hundreds of billions (if not trillions) of dollars that have been raked-in by western military contractors along the way, the smokescreen for clearing the matured security bonds that were pillaged from the 'former Soviet Union', and placing the issue of the trillions missing from the US's defense ledgers on the back burner...are also great candidates for potential motives, but the one thing they have in common is that they can all be traced to pro-Zionist actors.

Your calling me a Nazi won't dissuade me from speaking my mind here, any more than some bonehead calling me an anti-Catholic would prevent me from condemning the pedophilic actions of a few Catholic priests.

Sooo ... you have nothing that implicates any Jews in the planning or perpetration of the 9/11 attacks on America but you needed to slip that in anyway. Got it.

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