Was Obama The Most Racist President In Mordern History?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
If Trump's 'Bigotry' Is an Impeachable Offense, Why Did Obama Get a Pass? | RealClearPolitics

Time and time again we have heard people call Trump racist, but Trump has taken pictures with blacks, he even dated a black once, he lowered black unemployment more than Obama -- and he is endorsed by the one of the most, if not, the most brilliant black mind in the past 100 years, Candace Owens....there is no specific evidence that proves Trump is racist -- not even him being sued by the Justice Dept for racial discrimination in housing, that was just good business strategy....

However, one could DEFINITELY argue that Obama is the most racist president in US history -- and if you ever need specific evidence, here is some proof...

"If Trump could be impeached for inciting bigotry, would this standard apply to President Barack Obama? Could he have been impeached for making false accusations about racism and exaggerating its impact? For example, by meeting with representatives of the so-called Black Lives Matter movement, Obama gave credibility to a campaign that rose to prominence based on the lie that Ferguson, Missouri, suspect Michael Brown held up his hands while imploring a cop, "Don't shoot."

Now his support of the racist BLM terrorist group [some believe he also secretly controlled the group] is probably the most racist thing a president ever done, even more so than Woodrow Wilson's love of the KKK and his re-segregation of federal government -- since at the time of Woodrow Wilson, the KKK was a popular freedom fighting group trying to defend conservative values...which is why Wilson said about them "The white men of the South were aroused by the mere instinct of self-preservation to rid themselves, by fair means or foul, of the intolerable burden of governments sustained by the votes of ignorant negroes and conducted in the interest of adventurers." <<-- now how anyone can call that racist is beyond me.....Obama had far more racist quotes than any president in human history....perhaps his most famous racist quote aside from what he said about black thug Trayvon Martin -- was this quote:

" [Obama falsely claimed] 'more young black men languish in prison than attend colleges and universities across America." This is not even remotely true. There are twice as many black men attending colleges and universities than in prisons and jails. If one focuses on college-age black men, there are five times as many attending colleges and universities than in state and federal prisons."

So yes, Obama is definitely more racist than anyone else who was ever president -- sure, you can claim presidents over a hundred years ago were racist, but they were just taking a principled stand in defense of their culture -- Obama on the other hand was trying to pull off the total destruction of white American culture by the use of white genocide via Black Lives Matter and muslims -- and Trump stopped him, now that is why they call Trump racist. The "BLACKS" should apologize for the part they played in bringing us an Obama presidency if they truly want this country to heal and move forward -- this racism thing is on them...
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Americans are very intelligent in regard to this topic.

President Barack Obama's presidency was a historic event. (I never thought it would happen in my lifetime.)

Americans realize that his election was a statement to the world that the United States of America was a very different nation from the past.

His election helped a lot to give pride to a certain group that had long been discriminated against.

So it does not matter what President Obama did or did not do. It does not matter what he said or did not say.

He is a hero to many Americans.

Let him keep that honor, whether one agrees or not.

It is time to move on and deal with today's challenges.
White racism increased and became more angry and virulent during Obama, proving that the US had not moved so far past racism as many whites wanted to tell themselves. The election of trump was a backlash to the Obama presidency.
..I've linked many times how Obama is much more racist than Mr Trump and how Obama is a cop/America hater

No doubt that Obama was the most racist President in USA history toward, negros, as he spit on negros/his own Black people for 6.75 of his 8 years in the White House.

Did you know that despite racist White cops gunning down many, many unarmed negros...in their 8 years Obama and Holder did absolutely, refuse, to charge any White cop with civil rights violations??

In contrast, over his first 2.9 years as President, the negro-loving Trump had charged three (3) White racist cops with violating the civil rights of Negro citizens. Obama is a White devil. Go check. Trayvon Martin Michael Brown Tamir Rice Sandra Bland Philando Castille Alton Sterling Marlon Brown Eric Garner etc...not one cop, ever got charged, and Obama/Holder investigated 300+ cops in those 8 years. Never, even once, did they rule that a White cop violated an unarmed negro's civil rights when he executed them.

I would not be surprised if Black citizens do reeeeally hate America now, after how Obama raped them for their vote.
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White racism increased and became more angry and virulent during Obama, proving that the US had not moved so far past racism as many whites wanted to tell themselves. The election of trump was a backlash to the Obama presidency.

I agree. As according to the post above this one.
..I've linked many times how Obama is much more racist than Mr Trump and how Obama is a cop/America hater

No doubt that Obama was the most racist President in USA history toward, negros, as he spit on negros/his own Black people for 6.75 of his 8 years in the White House.

Did you know that despite racist White cops gunning down many, many unarmed negros...in their 8 years Obama and Holder did absolutely, refuse, to charge any White cop with civil rights violations??

In contrast, over his first 2.9 years as President, the negro-loving Trump had charged three (3) White racist cops with violating the civil rights of Negro citizens. Obama is a White devil. Go check. Trayvon Martin Michael Brown Tamir Rice Sandra Bland Philando Castille Alton Sterling Marlon Brown Eric Garner etc...not one cop, ever got charged, and Obama/Holder investigated 300+ cops in those 8 years. Never, even once, did they rule that a White cop violated an unarmed negro's civil rights when he executed them.

I would not be surprised if Black citizens do reeeeally hate America now, after how Obama raped them for their vote.

Actually Holder did charge the ferguson police department with violating mike browns civil rights and for multiple constitutional violations against black citizens. They also made police departments sign and follow consent decrees that trump ended. It's funny how white people do this when we blacks know that if Obama had taken harsher action, he would have been accused of racism just like many whites do to him in here now.
Actually Holder did charge the ferguson police department with violating mike browns civil rights and for multiple constitutional violations against black citizens. They also made police departments sign and follow consent decrees that trump ended. It's funny how white people do this when we blacks know that if Obama had taken harsher action, he would have been accused of racism just like many whites do to him in here now.

Actually Holder took action against Ferguson PD for their culture of anti-Negro racism, over many years, and it had very little to do with Mike Brown being illegally executed. They were perfectly fine with Darren Wilson's conduct, and that's why he was never charged with violating Mike Brown's civil rights. Lets keep it factual here.

And no, it's not funny how Whites do this when negros discuss if Obama had taken harsher actions. So it's good that plenty of White people ---and even more negros!--- all complained about Obama's disregard for Black citizens ...tell me if you need links.

White woman Arianna Huffington (HuffPost, owner) even risked her friendship with the Obamas after speaking out about their disregard for Black people one time while The Obama's were visiting the Southern California area. Plus, I posted a video here recently where Min. Farrakhan lights into Obama's ass for his disregarding Blacks for 80-90% of his Presidency.

And of course, we have the prophetic words of Ann Coulter, which ring truer with each passing day since she said this futuristic statement ---that dumb negros like to disregard, when they continually support Dems:

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..I've linked many times how Obama is much more racist than Mr Trump and how Obama is a cop/America hater

Obama did criticize the black guy that ambushed and kill 4 or 5 cops in Dallas. He said, if I remember correctly, there is no way to justify that.
Actually Holder did charge the ferguson police department with violating mike browns civil rights and for multiple constitutional violations against black citizens. They also made police departments sign and follow consent decrees that trump ended. It's funny how white people do this when we blacks know that if Obama had taken harsher action, he would have been accused of racism just like many whites do to him in here now.

Actually Holder took action against Ferguson PD for their culture of anti-Negro racism, over many years, and it had very little to do with Mike Brown being illegally executed. They were perfectly fine with Darren Wilson's conduct, and that's why he was never charged with violating Mike Brown's civil rights. Lets keep it factual here.

And no, it's not funny how Whites do this when negros discuss if Obama had taken harsher actions. So it's good that plenty of White people ---and even more negros!--- all complained about Obama's disregard for Black citizens ...tell me if you need links.

White woman Arianna Huffington (HuffPost, owner) even risked her friendship with the Obamas after speaking out about their disregard for Black people one time while The Obama's were visiting the Southern California area. Plus, I posted a video here recently where Min. Farrakhan lights into Obama's ass for his disregarding Blacks for 80-90% of his Presidency.

And of course, we have the prophetic words of Ann Coulter, which ring truer with each passing day since she said this futuristic statement ---that dumb negros like to disregard, when they continually support Dems:

We will not agree here. For whites needed to have more self awareness and understand how we knew how whites would react if Obama went strict on whites instead of what you're doing now. I disregard Coulters racist ass. And I was not happy with everything Obama did regarding race. But what happened in Ferguson was a result of Darren Wilsons murder and to get Wilson and not the entire police department would have been weak. But had Obama done what I wanted to see, he would have been killed.
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..I've linked many times how Obama is much more racist than Mr Trump and how Obama is a cop/America hater

Obama did criticize the black guy that ambushed and kill 4 or 5 cops in Dallas. He said, if I remember correctly, there is no way to justify that.
Yeah and no one white called him a racist for doing that, but to say how if he had a son he would look like Trayvon sent saltines everywhere into a fragility laced tantrum.

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