Was it worth it?


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Officer Derek Chauvin had his trial.
The Democrat Cultist burned people's cars, homes and businesses.
They blocked traffic and pulled people out of their cars and beat them.
They trapped LEOs in their police station and then set it on fire.
They burned a court house.
They burned churches.
About three dozen people were killed or murdered.
Billions of dollars in damages.
Some of those backwards Blue cities will suffer for generations,
Many of those businesses and employers are never coming back.
Those City's tax rates and insurance rates will have to go up up up.
The moral to this story is that the trial would have happened without all of the suffering caused by the Democrat Cult violence.
All of that needless violence was just to get a senile pedophile racist corrupt lying crook be elected.
And, ask yourself this question.
If George Floyd had been white would this story have ever made it to the front page of a Newspaper?
Have you ever seen a Newspaper headline that said "Police kill white man"
The Police kill more than twice as many white suspects annually than black suspects.
Why are the Democrat Voters unable to see how they are exploited and manipulated?

Officer Derek Chauvin had his trial.
The Democrat Cultist burned people's cars, homes and businesses.
They blocked traffic and pulled people out of their cars and beat them.
They trapped LEOs in their police station and then set it on fire.
They burned a court house.
They burned churches.
About three dozen people were killed or murdered.
Billions of dollars in damages.
Some of those backwards Blue cities will suffer for generations,
Many of those businesses and employers are never coming back.
Those City's tax rates and insurance rates will have to go up up up.
The moral to this story is that the trial would have happened without all of the suffering caused by the Democrat Cult violence.
All of that needless violence was just to get a senile pedophile racist corrupt lying crook be elected.
And, ask yourself this question.
If George Floyd had been white would this story have ever made it to the front page of a Newspaper?
Have you ever seen a Newspaper headline that said "Police kill white man"
The Police kill more than twice as many white suspects annually than black suspects.
Why are the Democrat Voters unable to see how they are exploited and manipulated?

You may want to ask the families and relatives of those unarmed men killed by police officers if it was worth it. Looks like Floyd was the tipping point. Enough was enough.
I don't care about your veiled rant against black people. I just find it amusing you just dismiss it out of hand, saying it wouldn't have been news if he was white...and you have
the picture of a traitor as your avatar. (See, I just said her name. :))
Officer Derek Chauvin had his trial.
The Democrat Cultist burned people's cars, homes and businesses.
They blocked traffic and pulled people out of their cars and beat them.
They trapped LEOs in their police station and then set it on fire.
They burned a court house.
They burned churches.
About three dozen people were killed or murdered.
Billions of dollars in damages.
Some of those backwards Blue cities will suffer for generations,
Many of those businesses and employers are never coming back.
Those City's tax rates and insurance rates will have to go up up up.
The moral to this story is that the trial would have happened without all of the suffering caused by the Democrat Cult violence.
All of that needless violence was just to get a senile pedophile racist corrupt lying crook be elected.
And, ask yourself this question.
If George Floyd had been white would this story have ever made it to the front page of a Newspaper?
Have you ever seen a Newspaper headline that said "Police kill white man"
The Police kill more than twice as many white suspects annually than black suspects.
Why are the Democrat Voters unable to see how they are exploited and manipulated?

They are just plain STUPID.
Officer Derek Chauvin had his trial.
The Democrat Cultist burned people's cars, homes and businesses.
They blocked traffic and pulled people out of their cars and beat them.
They trapped LEOs in their police station and then set it on fire.
They burned a court house.
They burned churches.
About three dozen people were killed or murdered.
Billions of dollars in damages.
Some of those backwards Blue cities will suffer for generations,
Many of those businesses and employers are never coming back.
Those City's tax rates and insurance rates will have to go up up up.
The moral to this story is that the trial would have happened without all of the suffering caused by the Democrat Cult violence.
All of that needless violence was just to get a senile pedophile racist corrupt lying crook be elected.
And, ask yourself this question.
If George Floyd had been white would this story have ever made it to the front page of a Newspaper?
Have you ever seen a Newspaper headline that said "Police kill white man"
The Police kill more than twice as many white suspects annually than black suspects.
Why are the Democrat Voters unable to see how they are exploited and manipulated?

You may want to ask the families and relatives of those unarmed men killed by police officers if it was worth it. Looks like Floyd was the tipping point. Enough was enough.
I don't care about your veiled rant against black people. I just find it amusing you just dismiss it out of hand, saying it wouldn't have been news if he was white...and you have
the picture of a traitor as your avatar. (See, I just said her name. :))
I would not ask the families of unarmed men killed by police anything, other than don't they think the educational system should be improved to include lessons on how to act during police confrontations.

The majority of "unarmed" men killed by policemen, were killed because they allowed their hands to disappear from the cops view, making it mandatory for the cop to shoot them (as is taught in every police academy). But while this is taught to cops in their police academies (as self-defense for them), it is NOT TAUGHT in our nation's schools, by liberal teachers, clueless about cops, guns, and law enforcement.
Officer Derek Chauvin had his trial.
The Democrat Cultist burned people's cars, homes and businesses.
They blocked traffic and pulled people out of their cars and beat them.
They trapped LEOs in their police station and then set it on fire.
They burned a court house.
They burned churches.
About three dozen people were killed or murdered.
Billions of dollars in damages.
Some of those backwards Blue cities will suffer for generations,
Many of those businesses and employers are never coming back.
Those City's tax rates and insurance rates will have to go up up up.
The moral to this story is that the trial would have happened without all of the suffering caused by the Democrat Cult violence.
All of that needless violence was just to get a senile pedophile racist corrupt lying crook be elected.
And, ask yourself this question.
If George Floyd had been white would this story have ever made it to the front page of a Newspaper?
Have you ever seen a Newspaper headline that said "Police kill white man"
The Police kill more than twice as many white suspects annually than black suspects.
Why are the Democrat Voters unable to see how they are exploited and manipulated?

They learned it from the Trump Cult party!
Officer Derek Chauvin had his trial.
The Democrat Cultist burned people's cars, homes and businesses.
They blocked traffic and pulled people out of their cars and beat them.
They trapped LEOs in their police station and then set it on fire.
They burned a court house.
They burned churches.
About three dozen people were killed or murdered.
Billions of dollars in damages.
Some of those backwards Blue cities will suffer for generations,
Many of those businesses and employers are never coming back.
Those City's tax rates and insurance rates will have to go up up up.
The moral to this story is that the trial would have happened without all of the suffering caused by the Democrat Cult violence.
All of that needless violence was just to get a senile pedophile racist corrupt lying crook be elected.
And, ask yourself this question.
If George Floyd had been white would this story have ever made it to the front page of a Newspaper?
Have you ever seen a Newspaper headline that said "Police kill white man"
The Police kill more than twice as many white suspects annually than black suspects.
Why are the Democrat Voters unable to see how they are exploited and manipulated?

You may want to ask the families and relatives of those unarmed men killed by police officers if it was worth it. Looks like Floyd was the tipping point. Enough was enough.
I don't care about your veiled rant against black people. I just find it amusing you just dismiss it out of hand, saying it wouldn't have been news if he was white...and you have
the picture of a traitor as your avatar. (See, I just said her name. :))
Just as in any business, there are crappy employees. The police force is no exception. That said, if blacks don't want seriously negative outcomes with their encounters with the police, I might offer two solutions (and don't quote any REALLY RARE CASES, as I said there are bad cops) :
If they do that, they get to go home, or jail if they did commit a crime, but "almost" certainly, will be alive at the end of the day. If they committed a serious felony, there's no guarantee they will survive the prison stint though.
Believe it or not, cops don't cruise the high crime black areas of the inner-city for fun. They cruise them because of the HIGH CRIME! They also don't arrest people on whims (Hey...let's just harrass and arrest the person on the corner for fun). When they arrive at the location of a crime having been committed, they are almost always there because someone...for some strange reason....called 911. Go figure. If the person they were called about is or has indeed, committed a crime that warrants more than a spanking, they are obligated to arrest that person. If he/she RESISTS...well, that just increased the likelihood of a more negative action against the CRIMINAL.
If you are one of those imbeciles that think that just because a person is black, they can commit crimes and not be arrested, you need to be institutionalized. For some strange reason, every nation and I do mean EVERY nation (including Africa) has police forces that enforce laws.
If you still don't like that....contact your political representative and demand that he/she put forth a bill that would stipulate that all crime be acceptable in society. Good luck with that.
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Officer Derek Chauvin had his trial.
The Democrat Cultist burned people's cars, homes and businesses.
They blocked traffic and pulled people out of their cars and beat them.
They trapped LEOs in their police station and then set it on fire.
They burned a court house.
They burned churches.
About three dozen people were killed or murdered.
Billions of dollars in damages.
Some of those backwards Blue cities will suffer for generations,
Many of those businesses and employers are never coming back.
Those City's tax rates and insurance rates will have to go up up up.
The moral to this story is that the trial would have happened without all of the suffering caused by the Democrat Cult violence.
All of that needless violence was just to get a senile pedophile racist corrupt lying crook be elected.
And, ask yourself this question.
If George Floyd had been white would this story have ever made it to the front page of a Newspaper?
Have you ever seen a Newspaper headline that said "Police kill white man"
The Police kill more than twice as many white suspects annually than black suspects.
Why are the Democrat Voters unable to see how they are exploited and manipulated?

You may want to ask the families and relatives of those unarmed men killed by police officers if it was worth it. Looks like Floyd was the tipping point. Enough was enough.
I don't care about your veiled rant against black people. I just find it amusing you just dismiss it out of hand, saying it wouldn't have been news if he was white...and you have
the picture of a traitor as your avatar. (See, I just said her name. :))

That is an excellent idea. My bet is that the majority of the families impacted by relatives being shot by police officers would disagree with the actions of destroying cities and/or using their tragedy to justify burning, looting, and murder. Further, they would see that this retaliation is only going to hurt the communities. Why should businesses operate in cities if they are going to be a target for a riot and have people and politicians supporting those riots? The risk is now been increased to operate in the cities. Call this racist but it is not about, Blacks, Whites, or any other group. It’s about the dollar.

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