Was a short petite unarmed woman the most dangerous so called insurrectionist during the so called insurrection ?


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
apparently Ashli Babbit a petite unarmed woman was the most dangerous person at the Jan 6 riot ! why would that conclusion be drawn ?? because she was the only person out of hundreds that was shot and killed ! dims have given no explanation on why this short 110 pd unarmed woman was picked out and killed on jan 6th and no one else was ? apparently the only person that posed a threat was a small unarmed woman ! why else would they shoot her ?
They say it was because she was the first to break through the barrier. I think it was a weak reason to shoot her. Handcuffing her would have seem the better option .
who says she was the first person ? what about all the others that came through ?
They say it was because she was the first to break through the barrier. I think it was a weak reason to shoot her. Handcuffing her would have seem the better option .
who says she was the first person ? what about all the others that came through ?
Well if you must know the shooter was Illuminati and he paid a lot to take that life.
Do you know what 'insurrectionist' means?
She got no more than any terrorist deserves and the others were lucky not to share her fate.
Yeah, I do, and apparently, there wasn't one because 5 months out, NOT ONE person was charged with that. NOT ONE. If that cowardly POS that pulled the trigger ever gets doxxed, I hope justice finds him, sooner rather than later.
Do you know what 'insurrectionist' means?
She got no more than any terrorist deserves and the others were lucky not to share her fate.
She was ex military. No doubt she was the leader of her group and they made it pretty close to pence and pelosi. She was leading the charge so the guard put one in the big mouths neck. She shut up.
apparently Ashli Babbit a petite unarmed woman was the most dangerous person at the Jan 6 riot ! why would that conclusion be drawn ?? because she was the only person out of hundreds that was shot and killed ! dims have given no explanation on why this short 110 pd unarmed woman was picked out and killed on jan 6th and no one else was ? apparently the only person that posed a threat was a small unarmed woman ! why else would they shoot her ?
An insurrectionist was shot attempting to overthrow the government.

End of story.
Do you know what 'insurrectionist' means?
She got no more than any terrorist deserves and the others were lucky not to share her fate.
I don't think you do either. Several Federal, state, and local government building have been attacked, hell a group of people took over several blocks in Portland and declared themselves autonomous. You loons didn't call any of that an insurrection. As always you people are just partisan hacks.
Do you know what 'insurrectionist' means?
She got no more than any terrorist deserves and the others were lucky not to share her fate.
I don't think you do either. Several Federal, state, and local government building have been attacked, hell a group of people took over several blocks in Portland and declared themselves autonomous. You loons didn't call any of that an insurrection. As always you people are just partisan hacks.
Yeah, that's a riot. Not an insurrection.

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