War of the Worlds (2019)


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
War of the Worlds (TV Series 2019– ) - IMDb

This is not going to be a rant about how the show has very little to do with the timeless H.G. Wells novel. Suffice it to say the book and the series share titles only. What does piss me off about the show is how on one hand the writers came up with an original and quite terrifying extraterrestrial attack on planet Earth. And a cerebral one at that. I'm an avid sci-fi reader going back to the seventies and I've never come across this particular means of aliens attacking our world in hundreds of novels read in the sub-genre.

Which makes it all the more painful to report that the show is permeated front to back with "woke" radical leftist ideology; a checklist of insane political philosophy. Spoilers Follow . . .

The show praises homosexual relationships (not uncommon these days), but goes farther than most "woke" television programs with painting a mother who refuses to help a dying man as heroic, and a soldier who is sitting guard over a hospital neonatal care ward also as a hero when he allows the alien drones to pass him by and get at the babies even though he's well armed, all the while spouting to other characters how noble and "right" it is to save themselves and let the babies die.

The show also glorifies a mother whose children were killed when she decides to commit suicide (she's some kind of high ranking government minister who the survivors of the alien attack need to lead them), and it explores the incestuous relationship between a brother and sister—in a much darker light than Game of Thrones ever did. And the hits keep coming. A sexual relationship between an adult and a minor. How hating the human race is a noble endeavor, and how murder and dishonesty is justified in order to get your spouse to love you again.

And I'm only up to episode 4 . . .

Is it possible for any major television series creator to make a show without ideological bullshit lacing the entire narrative?

Oh yeah. Almost forgot. About a third of the show's dialogue is spoken in French and there does not seem to be readily available English subtitles. While I am fairly fluent in that language (French), I'd rather not have to stop to think and translate what the characters are saying in every other scene.

What a shame

I rate it a 3/10
I am an avid sci-fi cinephile, having watched thousands of movies ranging from the 50s through the current, including some of the most obscure foreign and domestic titles (those are often my favorites). People would be amazed how little original thought there is in cinema. Literally every major Hollywood production is a regurgitation of something that was done many times in the past.

My take on the War of the Worlds series: It sucked, plain and simple -- wasn't even worth reviewing. I commend you for even taking the time to write that up. It was so bad I couldn't even bring myself to write up a short IMDB review.

Side note: It sounds like you and I would enjoy talking about sci-fi cinema. I will shoot you a PM a little later. Always enjoy talking about movies with fellow cinephiles.
War of the Worlds (TV Series 2019– ) - IMDb

This is not going to be a rant about how the show has very little to do with the timeless H.G. Wells novel. Suffice it to say the book and the series share titles only. What does piss me off about the show is how on one hand the writers came up with an original and quite terrifying extraterrestrial attack on planet Earth. And a cerebral one at that. I'm an avid sci-fi reader going back to the seventies and I've never come across this particular means of aliens attacking our world in hundreds of novels read in the sub-genre.

Which makes it all the more painful to report that the show is permeated front to back with "woke" radical leftist ideology; a checklist of insane political philosophy. Spoilers Follow . . .

The show praises homosexual relationships (not uncommon these days), but goes farther than most "woke" television programs with painting a mother who refuses to help a dying man as heroic, and a soldier who is sitting guard over a hospital neonatal care ward also as a hero when he allows the alien drones to pass him by and get at the babies even though he's well armed, all the while spouting to other characters how noble and "right" it is to save themselves and let the babies die.

The show also glorifies a mother whose children were killed when she decides to commit suicide (she's some kind of high ranking government minister who the survivors of the alien attack need to lead them), and it explores the incestuous relationship between a brother and sister—in a much darker light than Game of Thrones ever did. And the hits keep coming. A sexual relationship between an adult and a minor. How hating the human race is a noble endeavor, and how murder and dishonesty is justified in order to get your spouse to love you again.

And I'm only up to episode 4 . . .

Is it possible for any major television series creator to make a show without ideological bullshit lacing the entire narrative?

Oh yeah. Almost forgot. About a third of the show's dialogue is spoken in French and there does not seem to be readily available English subtitles. While I am fairly fluent in that language (French), I'd rather not have to stop to think and translate what the characters are saying in every other scene.

What a shame

I rate it a 3/10
We have gotten away from good and bad with hope. It seems many entertainment programs are darker and a torture to watch. In everything that a program can be that is superior the Battlestar Galactica series about a decade ago or so was better then the original. Yet I liked the original better. Hope means a better outlook. And to many programs have very little. Made by people who may have worn a uniform never put it all on the line.
I appreciate your review. I have figured out the last few months that I'm buying WAAAY too many books --- movies count, too --- trusting that the writers will be politically neutral, only to have to throw away a leftwing screed. Now I've learned to read reviews and watch for alarms about bad political content, sexual perversions, glorifying blacks, etc. And I write reviews myself, pointing out problems of that sort if it is a corrupt piece. If people want to write crap only for leftists, fine, but make it clear in the book blurb!! So people don't waste their money on Big Lies.
I only saw the first episode. Lots of dubbed French and English accents. At one point I thought the blind girl was driving the car but the steering wheel was on the other side. Ho-hum so far.
I saw the first episode. Looks like PC trash to me. That is too bad. I love SF.
Between this thread, and the many similar comments I've read online recently, it seems there would be a lot of interest in a website that has a running list of movies (perhaps by genre) that are not infected with SJW/"woke" narratives. Or perhaps even a list that identifies which movies do include such force-fed "wokeness" -- maybe even rating it by degree of wokeness -- allowing people to get a heads-up before investing their precious few hours of downtime on a given movie/TV show. Gives me something to think about taking on in my spare time, outside of posting on here (which I'm typically doing while watching obscure movies/TV shows anyhow).

Sounds like a few of us in this thread could put together a pretty good list to start off. Maybe we should get a thread going on here to provide some source material for the later website endeavor.
Between this thread, and the many similar comments I've read online recently, it seems there would be a lot of interest in a website that has a running list of movies (perhaps by genre) that are not infected with SJW/"woke" narratives. Or perhaps even a list that identifies which movies do include such force-fed "wokeness" -- maybe even rating it by degree of wokeness -- allowing people to get a heads-up before investing their precious few hours of downtime on a given movie/TV show. Gives me something to think about taking on in my spare time, outside of posting on here (which I'm typically doing while watching obscure movies/TV shows anyhow).

Sounds like a few of us in this thread could put together a pretty good list to start off. Maybe we should get a thread going on here to provide some source material for the later website endeavor.

Good idea.

Last night on HBO they had a movie called Yesterday. An interesting concept. An an event happens and a musician finds out he is the only person in the world that remembers the Beatles. He gets famous because he wows everyone with great music that they have never heard before.

It would have been great except the lead character was not White. It happen in a country that is mostly White and he has a cute White girlfriend but the assholes that made the show had to show diversity. Ruined the movie. SJW bullshit when there was no need for it.

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