War at the Gate???

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
We already wrote in the material American Occupation has Entered the Open Phase in Syria that the US armed forces openly fired at Syrian government troops in Deir ez-Zor
province, causing them heavy losses, using artillery, choppers and gunship AS-130 with the world's most powerful aircraft gun. Already then I got the first pieces of information that the members of a Russian private military company COULD BE in the shot convoy, but since the information was not verified, I did not mention it.

Now the situation has cleared up and the information that members of the Russian private military company "Vagner" were in the convoy, was confirmed and was in all Russian-language Internet resources. And, it was confirmed to that extend that you start to think seriously about what will happen next ...

The Russian Internet resource "Military Review", in particular, published an article titled "A step away from the war," in which the source reported the following: American artillery shot direct-fire at the 5th detachment of the Wagner PMC on the march, after which the "coalition troops", including helicopters and the AS-130, finished the remains of the convoy, that didn't have antiaircraft means..

The result - 215 Russians were killed. In the modern military history of Russia - this is perhaps the hardest one-time losses that were incurred by the troops. (Авиакатастрофа в Подмосковье и военная катастрофа в Сирии: новости и подробности скорбного дня .

The Defense Ministry of Russia said that the US actions once again demonstrated the true goals of the US "coalition" in Syria - not not fight the ISIS, but seeks to seize the country's economic assets (РИА Новости В Сирии при авиаударе коалиции во главе с США погиб россиянин).

It should be taken into account that Putin recently awarded the head of the private military company Wagner and several of his officers the title of Hero of Russia. There is no doubt that Russia will respond to this attack. However, this seems to be what the Pentagon, which, as the leading American political analysts said, is not "controlled by the President" is seeking, - to provoke Russia into an armed conflict.

America leads an undeclared war against Russia on two fronts - in Syria and in Ukraine (Donbas).

In the light of recent events, it should be borne in mind that a few months ago, Russia attacked the ISIS command post with cruise missiles and destroyed it, along with foreign, including American and Israeli instructors, who were illegally there. America could not then make a protest, since its military advisers, according to the statements of the American side, "were not there".

Now the situation is somewhat different: Putin is going to the polls and the absence of a "retaliatory blow" from Russia will be used by his opponents (some active and the passive majority of Russians) as a manifestation of his weakness.

The position of the American president in the country is indicated by the catastrophically declining support rating. The two presidents need something to raise their authority in the eyes of the population. And God forbid, if they choose military actions as a tool to increase it ...

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Our presence in this upcoming war, that draws russia, turkey, iran against israel, will be diminished. Russia is only interested in israels leviathan fields but won't succeed.
="LordBrownTrout, post: 19273319, member: 7538"]Our presence in this upcoming war, that draws russia, turkey, iran against israel, will be diminished. Russia is only interested in israels leviathan fields but won't succeed.

AF: Are you trying to say that Israeli Jews will not show solidarity with Russian Jews, that are in full control of political power in Russia ???
="danielpalos, post: 19273306, member: 53092"]Congress is not authorized to provide for the general warfare or the common offense.

AF: If I'm not mistaken, Congress used its right to declare war for the last time on June 4, 1942... Isn't that strange - so many Americans died in battles since that ?!
="danielpalos, post: 19273306, member: 53092"]Congress is not authorized to provide for the general warfare or the common offense.

AF: If I'm not mistaken, Congress used its right to declare war for the last time on June 4, 1942... Isn't that strange - so many Americans died in battles since that ?!
And, the right wing refuses to pay for it with appropriate tax rates.
="danielpalos, post: 19273306, member: 53092"]Congress is not authorized to provide for the general warfare or the common offense.

AF: If I'm not mistaken, Congress used its right to declare war for the last time on June 4, 1942... Isn't that strange - so many Americans died in battles since that ?!

You are correct. WW2 was a thorough victory. Since then, we've been involved in quagmires, korea, vietnam, iraq.
We already wrote in the material American Occupation has Entered the Open Phase in Syria that the US armed forces openly fired at Syrian government troops in Deir ez-Zor
province, causing them heavy losses, using artillery, choppers and gunship AS-130 with the world's most powerful aircraft gun. Already then I got the first pieces of information that the members of a Russian private military company COULD BE in the shot convoy, but since the information was not verified, I did not mention it.

Now the situation has cleared up and the information that members of the Russian private military company "Vagner" were in the convoy, was confirmed and was in all Russian-language Internet resources. And, it was confirmed to that extend that you start to think seriously about what will happen next ...

The Russian Internet resource "Military Review", in particular, published an article titled "A step away from the war," in which the source reported the following: American artillery shot direct-fire at the 5th detachment of the Wagner PMC on the march, after which the "coalition troops", including helicopters and the AS-130, finished the remains of the convoy, that didn't have antiaircraft means..

The result - 215 Russians were killed. In the modern military history of Russia - this is perhaps the hardest one-time losses that were incurred by the troops. (Авиакатастрофа в Подмосковье и военная катастрофа в Сирии: новости и подробности скорбного дня .

The Defense Ministry of Russia said that the US actions once again demonstrated the true goals of the US "coalition" in Syria - not not fight the ISIS, but seeks to seize the country's economic assets (РИА Новости В Сирии при авиаударе коалиции во главе с США погиб россиянин).

It should be taken into account that Putin recently awarded the head of the private military company Wagner and several of his officers the title of Hero of Russia. There is no doubt that Russia will respond to this attack. However, this seems to be what the Pentagon, which, as the leading American political analysts said, is not "controlled by the President" is seeking, - to provoke Russia into an armed conflict.

America leads an undeclared war against Russia on two fronts - in Syria and in Ukraine (Donbas).

In the light of recent events, it should be borne in mind that a few months ago, Russia attacked the ISIS command post with cruise missiles and destroyed it, along with foreign, including American and Israeli instructors, who were illegally there. America could not then make a protest, since its military advisers, according to the statements of the American side, "were not there".

Now the situation is somewhat different: Putin is going to the polls and the absence of a "retaliatory blow" from Russia will be used by his opponents (some active and the passive majority of Russians) as a manifestation of his weakness.

The position of the American president in the country is indicated by the catastrophically declining support rating. The two presidents need something to raise their authority in the eyes of the population. And God forbid, if they choose military actions as a tool to increase it ...


We will lose in Syria, we need to get the heck out of there and leave it to Russia. We have no vested interest nor does it hold any strategic importance for the US. I do belive that Russia would start WWIII over Syria, it is that important to them.
We already wrote in the material American Occupation has Entered the Open Phase in Syria that the US armed forces openly fired at Syrian government troops in Deir ez-Zor
province, causing them heavy losses, using artillery, choppers and gunship AS-130 with the world's most powerful aircraft gun. Already then I got the first pieces of information that the members of a Russian private military company COULD BE in the shot convoy, but since the information was not verified, I did not mention it.

Now the situation has cleared up and the information that members of the Russian private military company "Vagner" were in the convoy, was confirmed and was in all Russian-language Internet resources. And, it was confirmed to that extend that you start to think seriously about what will happen next ...

The Russian Internet resource "Military Review", in particular, published an article titled "A step away from the war," in which the source reported the following: American artillery shot direct-fire at the 5th detachment of the Wagner PMC on the march, after which the "coalition troops", including helicopters and the AS-130, finished the remains of the convoy, that didn't have antiaircraft means..

The result - 215 Russians were killed. In the modern military history of Russia - this is perhaps the hardest one-time losses that were incurred by the troops. (Авиакатастрофа в Подмосковье и военная катастрофа в Сирии: новости и подробности скорбного дня .

The Defense Ministry of Russia said that the US actions once again demonstrated the true goals of the US "coalition" in Syria - not not fight the ISIS, but seeks to seize the country's economic assets (РИА Новости В Сирии при авиаударе коалиции во главе с США погиб россиянин).

It should be taken into account that Putin recently awarded the head of the private military company Wagner and several of his officers the title of Hero of Russia. There is no doubt that Russia will respond to this attack. However, this seems to be what the Pentagon, which, as the leading American political analysts said, is not "controlled by the President" is seeking, - to provoke Russia into an armed conflict.

America leads an undeclared war against Russia on two fronts - in Syria and in Ukraine (Donbas).

In the light of recent events, it should be borne in mind that a few months ago, Russia attacked the ISIS command post with cruise missiles and destroyed it, along with foreign, including American and Israeli instructors, who were illegally there. America could not then make a protest, since its military advisers, according to the statements of the American side, "were not there".

Now the situation is somewhat different: Putin is going to the polls and the absence of a "retaliatory blow" from Russia will be used by his opponents (some active and the passive majority of Russians) as a manifestation of his weakness.

The position of the American president in the country is indicated by the catastrophically declining support rating. The two presidents need something to raise their authority in the eyes of the population. And God forbid, if they choose military actions as a tool to increase it ...


We will lose in Syria, we need to get the heck out of there and leave it to Russia. We have no vested interest nor does it hold any strategic importance for the US. I do belive that Russia would start WWIII over Syria, it is that important to them.
Except Russia didn't start it, we did.
We already wrote in the material American Occupation has Entered the Open Phase in Syria that the US armed forces openly fired at Syrian government troops in Deir ez-Zor
province, causing them heavy losses, using artillery, choppers and gunship AS-130 with the world's most powerful aircraft gun. Already then I got the first pieces of information that the members of a Russian private military company COULD BE in the shot convoy, but since the information was not verified, I did not mention it.

Now the situation has cleared up and the information that members of the Russian private military company "Vagner" were in the convoy, was confirmed and was in all Russian-language Internet resources. And, it was confirmed to that extend that you start to think seriously about what will happen next ...

The Russian Internet resource "Military Review", in particular, published an article titled "A step away from the war," in which the source reported the following: American artillery shot direct-fire at the 5th detachment of the Wagner PMC on the march, after which the "coalition troops", including helicopters and the AS-130, finished the remains of the convoy, that didn't have antiaircraft means..

The result - 215 Russians were killed. In the modern military history of Russia - this is perhaps the hardest one-time losses that were incurred by the troops. (Авиакатастрофа в Подмосковье и военная катастрофа в Сирии: новости и подробности скорбного дня .

The Defense Ministry of Russia said that the US actions once again demonstrated the true goals of the US "coalition" in Syria - not not fight the ISIS, but seeks to seize the country's economic assets (РИА Новости В Сирии при авиаударе коалиции во главе с США погиб россиянин).

It should be taken into account that Putin recently awarded the head of the private military company Wagner and several of his officers the title of Hero of Russia. There is no doubt that Russia will respond to this attack. However, this seems to be what the Pentagon, which, as the leading American political analysts said, is not "controlled by the President" is seeking, - to provoke Russia into an armed conflict.

America leads an undeclared war against Russia on two fronts - in Syria and in Ukraine (Donbas).

In the light of recent events, it should be borne in mind that a few months ago, Russia attacked the ISIS command post with cruise missiles and destroyed it, along with foreign, including American and Israeli instructors, who were illegally there. America could not then make a protest, since its military advisers, according to the statements of the American side, "were not there".

Now the situation is somewhat different: Putin is going to the polls and the absence of a "retaliatory blow" from Russia will be used by his opponents (some active and the passive majority of Russians) as a manifestation of his weakness.

The position of the American president in the country is indicated by the catastrophically declining support rating. The two presidents need something to raise their authority in the eyes of the population. And God forbid, if they choose military actions as a tool to increase it ...


We will lose in Syria, we need to get the heck out of there and leave it to Russia. We have no vested interest nor does it hold any strategic importance for the US. I do belive that Russia would start WWIII over Syria, it is that important to them.
Except Russia didn't start it, we did.

I am aware of that, one more reasons we need to get out of dodge! There is no winning side for the US there.

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