WaPo Fact-Checker SLAMS Liar in Chief


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012

the Liar in Chief is actually (gasp!) a Lying sack of shit?

You gotta be a special kind of dirtbag to stick up for this piece of shit. You really do

Obama s claim that Keystone XL oil bypasses the U.S. earns Four Pinocchios - The Washington Post


People, four Pinocchios is what's commonly referred to as a 'bald-faced fucking lie'

But, it's a dimocrap. What else is new :dunno:
Yo, its nothing out of the ordinary for this Muslim Obama, they say that a Muslim will lie to your face to get what they want, sounds like he fits the bill every time he opens his mouth!!!


Hey, douchebag. I didn't say it, the Washington Fucking Post said it.

One of the furthest left rags in the Country.

Get off your knees and make me a sandwich, bitch. I'm hungry
Hey, dumbshit, why are you getting your panties in a twist over what I said?

I said the lie about the Keystone pipepine is often regurgitated on this forum. In other words, I SUPPORTED your post, not opposed it.

Jesus, you get dumber every day.
Obama's lying, but it's partisan at this point. If the House was open to compromise on other issue, perhaps there were deals to be had. But "no compromise." So, it cuts both ways. And, I don't see how the pipeline affects the price I pay at the pump.
Obama's lying, but it's partisan at this point. If the House was open to compromise on other issue, perhaps there were deals to be had. But "no compromise." So, it cuts both ways. And, I don't see how the pipeline affects the price I pay at the pump.
Oil if fungible, so every source of oil everywhere in the world affects the price you pay at the pump.

The debate over Keystone is one of the dumbest debates in the history of politics. The Left hates the pipeline reflexively because it involves oil and profits and corporations.
Obama's lying, but it's partisan at this point. If the House was open to compromise on other issue, perhaps there were deals to be had. But "no compromise." So, it cuts both ways. And, I don't see how the pipeline affects the price I pay at the pump.
Oil if fungible, so every source of oil everywhere in the world affects the price you pay at the pump.

The debate over Keystone is one of the dumbest debates in the history of politics. The Left hates the pipeline reflexively because it involves oil and profits and corporations.
It's fungible, but I believe the market is already saturated with tar sand type oil because of price. Further, the link said the gulf coast refineries were now refining crude from S. America (and I'd guess wells in the Gulf). So, unless the refineries are not running at capacity, and I have every reason to believe they are, Keystone has no effect on what I'm paying for gas.

PS, but I couldn't care less whether they build the thing. Trade off the danger of exploding trains v. a leak in the acquifer.
producing Bit oil from Canada is more expensive than drilling. To assume prices will stay low is nothing more than horseshit. Canada and Energy East have my blessings.
producing Bit oil from Canada is more expensive than drilling. To assume prices will stay low is nothing more than horseshit. Canada and Energy East have my blessings.
Yes, but as more tar sand type production ceases due to cost, then there's less oil in the global market, so the price of oil will rise again. However, the ceiling for the cost of oil per gallon will remain lower than it was before the alternate technology kicked in. Possibly natl gas will supplant some petroleum usage, at least in the US, which could possibly reduce consumer cost. In any even, the gasoline we in the US use is refined here. We haven't built a new refinery in decades. Thus, when looking at gas supply for the US market, more is at play than just the cost of oil/gal.

There's this term called "path dependence" which postulates an event may determine subsequent events. The example of a factory gets built, and then a town grows up around the factory. I'd be more logical to have the factory on the outskirts, but it's not. Oil shale tech may have a kind of effect on the price of oil

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