WaPo Erases Unflattering Anecdote About Harris From 18-Month-Old Story


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
WaPo Erases Unflattering Anecdote About Harris From 18-Month-Old Story

WaPo erases unflattering anecdote about Harris from 18-month-old story (hotair.com)
22 Jan 2021 ~~ By Allahpundit

Eric Boehm of Reason has done all the work here so I’m going to force you to read his post to get the full story. The short version: This passage, which opened a long Washington Post profile of Kamala Harris in July 2019, has simply disappeared from the archived version on the paper’s website. How come?
“I actually got sleep,” Kamala said, sitting in a Hilton conference room, beside her sister, and smiling as she recalled walks on the beach with her husband and that one morning SoulCycle class she was able to take. “That kind of stuff,” Kamala said between sips of iced tea, “which was about bringing a little normal to the days, that was a treat for me.”​
“I mean, in some ways it was a treat,” Maya said. “But not really.”​
“It’s a treat that a prisoner gets when they ask for, ‘A morsel of food please,’ ” Kamala said shoving her hands forward as if clutching a metal plate, her voice now trembling like an old British man locked in a Dickensian jail cell. “‘And water! I just want wahtahhh….’Your standards really go out the f—ing window.”
Kamala burst into laughter.​
You can see that passage in the version of the WaPo story reprinted at the time in this newspaper. The new version on WaPo’s site, dated January 11, 2021, has been rewritten to open with anodyne background material on Harris’s sister Maya. Boehm notes that the updated story features a new byline that includes a WaPo writer who’s written several fluffy pieces about Harris lately.
Update: Annnnd now the new bowdlerized version of the original piece contains a link to the original piece featuring the prisoner story. Question: Why was a new version of the original story prepared at all? They’re substantially similar. WaPo could have simply posted links to its old Harris coverage this month to satisfy readers curious to know more about the new VP. Was the point of the new version chiefly to jettison that unflattering anecdote?
Update: Mmm, yes, perhaps memory-holding content isn’t wise:

Remember when Kamaltoe Harris promoted the Smollet hoax in an effort to garner support for a divisive lynching bill that was nothing more than political theatre?
It wouldn't surprise me if Harris and Booker got Jussie to do that hoax. It was just after they were running their mouths about we need an anti lynching law as if murder isn't already illegal. But then again pandering to low iq low information is their specialty.
It wouldn't surprise me if Harris and Booker got Jussie to do that hoax. It was just after they were running their mouths about we need an anti lynching law as if murder isn't already illegal. But then again pandering to low iq low information is their specialty.
Huh. I wonder if you are right, that it was a collusion. Harris did jump all over that hoax and promote it.

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