voting is a civic duty


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
imho....voters should educate themselves on local, state and national issues. they should be aware of the basic issues apart from partisan parrotting. being a good citizen is a duty and a responsiblity that should be taken seriously.

you should be active at the local level...regardless of party...just be actiive...find out what is going on with the school board and the county commissioners etc. then carry that all the way to the national level.

i am bothered by much that has gone on in the last 20 or so years. the media is no longer objective. there is no real respected sourse of facts. is that the media's fault or the people's fault for making talking heads the main source of news....are we simply that shallow that we now mistake entertainers for news sources?
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People "should" do lots of stuff. But they don't. They should eat moderately, drink moderately, not smoke, exercise a little, and budget their finances.
But they don't.
ANd they won't stop to do research to find out if a politician's views on something are really good for the country or not. Instead they base their decisions on something as superficial as what color skin he has or how much he promises them.
This is why the Founders were OK with restricting the franchise to people who actually had something to lose, because their self interest would induce them to care enough to get educated.
i am bothered by much that has gone on in the last 20 or so years. the media is no longer objective. there is no real respected sourse of facts. is that the media's fault or the people's fault for making talking heads the main source of news....are we simply that shallow that we now mistake entertainers for news sources?


...firstly, this rotten political fraud has been going on A LOT longer than a mere stinking 20 years!!!..

...and the stinking motherfucking 'media' HAS NEVER BEEN 'OBJECTIVE..'

...and in my opinion, when the only 'political candidates' we have are 25$-haircuts-on-5$-heads-republicrats, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU DO NOT AFFIRM/'VOTE FOR" ANY OF THESE FRAUDS!!

..why would anyone not a fucking fool support, IN ANY WAY, 99% of these phony republicrats?!? one wag put it, "these stoooopid fuck republicrats are always yacking about illion$ when they don't even honestly understand what one i$!" ;) another wag put it, 'don't vote, it only encourages the fucking republicrat fools!'

...have a good day!
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Damned hard for voters to be good stewarts of their society if they're purposefully mislead, don't you think?

We've legalized monopolies in the media.

The SCOTUS has told us that money = free speech.

Campaigns are mostly gigantic media extravaganzas that demand enormous amounts of money to sway voters.

Put those three things together and we have created the conditions for a propaganda lead shamocracy which is really an oligarchy controlled by the superwealthy and their servant classes.
Damned hard for voters to be good stewarts of their society if they're purposefully mislead, don't you think?

We've legalized monopolies in the media.

The SCOTUS has told us that money = free speech.

Campaigns are mostly gigantic media extravaganzas that demand enormous amounts of money to sway voters.

Put those three things together and we have created the conditions for a propaganda lead shamocracy which is really an oligarchy controlled by the superwealthy and their servant classes.

"Monopolies in the media."
Another lefty talking point. Look at the viewership of national television news shows. Look at the readership of newspapers. Both have declined precipitously over the last 20 years. Where did all those people go for news?
There is no media monopoly.
imho....voters should educate themselves on local, state and national issues. they should be aware of the basic issues apart from partisan parrotting. being a good citizen is a duty and a responsiblity that should be taken seriously.

you should be active at the local level...regardless of party...just be actiive...find out what is going on with the school board and the county commissioners etc. then carry that all the way to the national level.

i am bothered by much that has gone on in the last 20 or so years. the media is no longer objective. there is no real respected sourse of facts. is that the media's fault or the people's fault for making talking heads the main source of news....are we simply that shallow that we now mistake entertainers for news sources?

As far as state and local goes, the trend seems to be voters caring less and less and electing dumber people to office -then deciding that since the legislature is a bunch of idiots, they should get the referendum, so then you have a bunch of people not only voting for people they know nothing about, but laws they know nothing about.

My state regularly has up to a dozen or so ballot initiatives. Like I have the time to sit down and really learn the law and background needed to fully understand the consequences of each one. I vote on them all but rarely do I feel fully informed.
People should do lots of things.
They should fill out the census forms and mail them in by April 2nd. You have a job because people don't do as they should.

Free citizens do as they please and take the consequences.

And really those who don't take the extra effort to go out of their way to get informed.... Do we want their opinions anyway?
imho....voters should educate themselves on local, state and national issues. they should be aware of the basic issues apart from partisan parrotting. being a good citizen is a duty and a responsiblity that should be taken seriously.

you should be active at the local level...regardless of party...just be actiive...find out what is going on with the school board and the county commissioners etc. then carry that all the way to the national level.

i am bothered by much that has gone on in the last 20 or so years. the media is no longer objective. there is no real respected sourse of facts. is that the media's fault or the people's fault for making talking heads the main source of news....are we simply that shallow that we now mistake entertainers for news sources?
You make a good point. There are few news sources that even try to be objective. Very few people have the time it takes to research the issues. They get their news from news commentators who stereotype and polarize America. We label people as liberal or conservative and vote accordingly. The people that represent us vote neither their conscience nor the will of the people that elected them, but rather the will the party. Is it any wonder that people consider voting a duty rather than a privilege?

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