Voters Tell Washington to ShutUp and Listen..


Active Member
May 24, 2006

NEW YORK (CNN) -- Hallelujah, brothers and sisters. I'm not even sure what "hallelujah" means, but the word just feels right after witnessing what is at the very least an awakening of the power of the people. I'm hopeful that November 7 was also a declaration that middle-class Americans won't be taken for granted by either political party.

This midterm election was a victory for the Democratic Party. Voters rejected the Republican Party out of hand and gave the Senate and the House of Representatives to the Democrats.

Voters chose to overturn our current one-party political structure and returned checks and balance to our government. November 7 also demonstrated that the American electorate is far more discerning and independent-minded than either political party or our elites would like to believe.

While the Democratic Party was the clear winner, I don't believe for even a moment that the Democrats' ideals prevailed over Republican ideals. Election Day was middle-class America's declaration of independence from a Republican-led administration and Congress that for six years has been telling working men and women and their families in this country to shut up, listen up and go to hell.

The middle class just returned the favor and demonstrated discernment while delivering their loud message to Washington, D.C.

Take for example the state of Arizona, where voters sorted through 19 ballot initiatives, eight House races, one Senate race and chose a governor. Arizona voters approved four separate measures that revealed their frustration with the endless influx of illegal aliens into that state, including one measure that makes English the official language of Arizona. And don't think that the vote was an expression of social conservatism: Arizona also became the first state in the country's history to reject a ban on same-sex marriage, the only state among eight to do so this November.

Arizonans re-elected Senator John Kyl, who co-sponsored tough legislation to establish border security and reject illegal immigration. At the same time, they refused to send anti-illegal immigration candidates Randy Graf and incumbent J.D. Hayworth to Washington.

And voters in six states, including Arizona, approved initiatives raising minimum wages for their lowest-paid citizens. Those six states -- Colorado, Missouri, Montana, Ohio, Nevada and Arizona -- joined 23 other states and Washington, D.C., which have already raised their minimum wage requirements above that of the federal government. The Republican-led Congress refused for nearly a decade to raise the federal minimum wage, despite the fact that the minimum wage's purchasing power is now at the lowest point in more than 50 years and business profits are soaring.

Surveying the long list of initiatives all across the country, it's clear that voters cast their ballots with intelligence and heart far greater than that of their elected officials. California voters, for example, rejected a proposition that would tax oil producers to create a $4 billion alternative energy program to reduce oil consumption by 25 percent. While I support the goal, the proposal was a weak-kneed and poorly considered one that would have simply created a pass-through to California's energy consumers.

Voters in nine states issued a stunning rebuke to all levels of government on the issue of eminent domain. In those states, voters halted the rising national trend of allowing primarily local governments to seize personal property for private commercial development. Democrats as well as Republicans would do well to understand that the record long list of state initiatives represents frustration with elected officials at both the state and federal levels.

For their part, the victorious Democrats have a unique opportunity to put the middle class of this country first and foremost in their policies. If they fail to do so, November 4, 2008, will be an ugly date in their destiny.
Now theres the pot calling the kettle black. Like you arent biased Gunny. What color is the sky in your world anyway ?

Just imagine such an "unbiased" piece of work coming from that stalwart of unbiased reporting, CNN.:cuckoo:
Now theres the pot calling the kettle black. Like you arent biased Gunny. What color is the sky in your world anyway ?

The difference is we admit who we are.....No spin, no fluffy bullshit needed...:tinfoil:

And the fights just begun....For I will not just roll over for the Rats to destroy my life and our Country's.....

You all can put that in your peace pipe, and smoke it.....

Now theres the pot calling the kettle black. Like you arent biased Gunny. What color is the sky in your world anyway ?

My sky's blue. Let me make a point or two that makes your statement pretty damned dumb.

1. I am not a world-wide source of news. If I was, I am quite experienced in relaying actual fact without editorializing.

2. I have NEVER claimed to be personally unbiased. My biases just don't happen to be the ones you have continuously attempted to attribute to me.
Enjoy the next two years...I sure will ..:thup: :rock:

No you won't. Y'all are so giddy with a victory you aren't looking at the facts. The Dems actually have the power to do absolutely NOTHING. They have to play ball the same as the President, or the only result will be gridlock.

But please DO hold your breath waiting on Dems to deliver on whatever promises they seem to be making after the fact.
I dont think I have seen you or anyone else on here call themselves a douchebag.

Oh boy....Musta taken you 24 hours to think up that intelligent response...:tinfoil:

Don't worry, I'm a big girl..You can't say anything that will urt me widdle fweeeinnngggs.....

Enjoy the next two years...

Actually, T Bor, I'm going to enjoy them immensely.

T Bor said:
I sure will ..:thup: :rock:

Of course you will - and, what's more - I recommend that you do so, deriving whatever pathetic, misguided satisfaction you can find in a situation whose ramifications you have so obviously and completely failed to understand. Your party has managed the unique trick of achieving great victory and lame-duck status in the same motion.

For, you see, it is conservative America which decides elections - including this one - ESPECIALLY this one. Take comfort in the preposterous notion that this election was about Iraq, corruption, class envy, or (say it with a smile, now) "change". Join the politicians and pundits on both sides who have chosen to ignore the 900-lb. gorilla in the room with us.

Through the immigration issue, George Bush and his minions have exposed themselves - at last - as traitors to American conservatism. Your party is the very temporary beneficiary of open, scorched-earth warfare in the Republican Party. Conservatism will prevail, and - after two years of cut-and-run, tax-and spend, unbridled Reconquista, and abject fealty to U.N.-style world socialism - you're going to think 1994 was the Summer of Love. You won't even see us coming.
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Enjoy the next two years...I sure will ..:thup: :rock:

Once the 100 day plan has run its course I am going to really enjoy the crap out of watching the Dems backtrack....

I expect to hear a ton of things like:

Well, if you break it you have to fix it!

To explain why they aren't defunding the war. And when it is all said and done and they are standing there with, "We're not Bush!" as the only crap they actually ran on this time they'll find that "We're not Bush!" just doesn't replace an actual plan....

Man, I'm going to enjoy the next two years!

NEW YORK (CNN) -- Hallelujah, brothers and sisters. I'm not even sure what "hallelujah" means, but the word just feels right after witnessing what is at the very least an awakening of the power of the people. I'm hopeful that November 7 was also a declaration that middle-class Americans won't be taken for granted by either political party.

This midterm election was a victory for the Democratic Party. Voters rejected the Republican Party out of hand and gave the Senate and the House of Representatives to the Democrats.

Voters chose to overturn our current one-party political structure and returned checks and balance to our government. November 7 also demonstrated that the American electorate is far more discerning and independent-minded than either political party or our elites would like to believe.

While the Democratic Party was the clear winner, I don't believe for even a moment that the Democrats' ideals prevailed over Republican ideals. Election Day was middle-class America's declaration of independence from a Republican-led administration and Congress that for six years has been telling working men and women and their families in this country to shut up, listen up and go to hell.

The middle class just returned the favor and demonstrated discernment while delivering their loud message to Washington, D.C.

Take for example the state of Arizona, where voters sorted through 19 ballot initiatives, eight House races, one Senate race and chose a governor. Arizona voters approved four separate measures that revealed their frustration with the endless influx of illegal aliens into that state, including one measure that makes English the official language of Arizona. And don't think that the vote was an expression of social conservatism: Arizona also became the first state in the country's history to reject a ban on same-sex marriage, the only state among eight to do so this November.

Arizonans re-elected Senator John Kyl, who co-sponsored tough legislation to establish border security and reject illegal immigration. At the same time, they refused to send anti-illegal immigration candidates Randy Graf and incumbent J.D. Hayworth to Washington.

And voters in six states, including Arizona, approved initiatives raising minimum wages for their lowest-paid citizens. Those six states -- Colorado, Missouri, Montana, Ohio, Nevada and Arizona -- joined 23 other states and Washington, D.C., which have already raised their minimum wage requirements above that of the federal government. The Republican-led Congress refused for nearly a decade to raise the federal minimum wage, despite the fact that the minimum wage's purchasing power is now at the lowest point in more than 50 years and business profits are soaring.

Surveying the long list of initiatives all across the country, it's clear that voters cast their ballots with intelligence and heart far greater than that of their elected officials. California voters, for example, rejected a proposition that would tax oil producers to create a $4 billion alternative energy program to reduce oil consumption by 25 percent. While I support the goal, the proposal was a weak-kneed and poorly considered one that would have simply created a pass-through to California's energy consumers.

Voters in nine states issued a stunning rebuke to all levels of government on the issue of eminent domain. In those states, voters halted the rising national trend of allowing primarily local governments to seize personal property for private commercial development. Democrats as well as Republicans would do well to understand that the record long list of state initiatives represents frustration with elected officials at both the state and federal levels.

For their part, the victorious Democrats have a unique opportunity to put the middle class of this country first and foremost in their policies. If they fail to do so, November 4, 2008, will be an ugly date in their destiny.

The Results are In: Americans No Longer Dumb
In the year 2000, Americans stunned the world with their unbelievable stupidity by giving Bush just enough votes to convincingly steal the election. In 2004, they reaffirmed their ignorance, succumbing to the allure of Right-wing jingoism like retarded chimps mesmerized by shiny objects.

Then somehow, in the span of two short years, the American Idiot Collective evolved into intelligent and discerning voters – as they demonstrated Tuesday by returning Congress to its rightful owners. No one knows for sure how it happened, or who deserves the credit for educating the mindless sheeple herd and bringing their collective IQ out of the double digits. Whether it was Cindy Sheehan’s wailing, Al Gore’s bloviating, Hillary Clinton’s screeching, or Barbara Streisand spewing obscenities at her audience, Americans have finally opened their minds to the brilliant light of progressive reason. No longer brainwashed by superstitious beliefs in biblical bugaboos and non-taxable income, they sent the Bush regime a clear message that they want to take America in a New Direction. Exactly which direction isn’t really important, as long as it is a different direction than we are going now. With their newly acquired brains, Americans have finally realized they wasted six long years fighting a hopeless war against terrorists and democrats, and are ready to surrender to both.

It was a wise decision, and the world is already beginning to awake to a Bright New Dawn. The economy is on the upswing, as if anticipating the imminent repeal of Bush’s tax cuts for the wealthiest one percent of Americans. The effects of global warming diminish with each passing day as temperatures rapidly decline all across the country. And most importantly, France likes us again.

Of course, there are still a few isolated pockets of stupidity here and there, as evident by the Republicans getting any votes at all. Luckily, it’s a disease confined mainly to white Christian males and active members of the military – people whose opinion doesn’t really matter anyway.

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