VOTERS BEWARE: Are you basing your vote on propaganda a lies?


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
There is a relentless and concerted effort taking place among political partisan journalists, and Democrats running for office, to win this coming election based upon outright lies and deceptions about our President, while avoiding a discussion about the Democrat Party Leadership’s specific plans for “transforming” the United States.

For example, not only is Joe Biden avoiding laying out the specifics about his plans to "transform" America, but he actually lies about President Trump’s plans. His most recent lie is an assertion about Trump’s Social Security Plan . . . that under Trump’s Social Security plan, “Social Security would become permanently depleted by the year 2023”.

The truth is, President Trump has no Social Security plan.

Another example of our mainstream media’s relentless attempt attacking President Trump is when he took decisive action dealing with the Coronavirus threat by restricting travel from China. Our Fifth Column Media immediately accused President Trump of "Xenophobia and Hysteria”, just as they did when he referred to the virus as the Chinese Virus.

Another lie endlessly perpetuated is, that President Trump said the coronavirus is a “hoax”. The truth is, President Trump, during a rally in South Carolina, made a couple of comments accusing democrats of “politicizing” the virus outbreak, and this was the democrats latest “hoax”.

It’s a sad shame there is so much lying taking place, especially by our Fifth Column Media [MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC.], and their countless Yellow Journalists, when the future of our country is at stake.

How is the public at large to make thoughtful decisions during our elections when our mainstream media is in bed with a communist/socialist controlled Democrat Party Leadership?


“Until you realize how easy it is for your mind to be manipulated, you remain the puppet of someone else’s game.”― Evita Ochel
Nope. Just on direct, specific observation.

The man is a dangerous buffoon. He is an arrogant, ignorant, hyper-sensitive, flamboyant, emotional, punitive, nationalist pseudo-strongman, AND I disagree with many of his actions.

Biden is a horrible candidate and the Democratic Party is a shit show. But I refuse to believe this country has decayed to the level of Trumpism. We're better than that.

I hope that makes my vote clear.
Nope. Just on direct, specific observation.

The man is a dangerous buffoon. He is an arrogant, ignorant, hyper-sensitive, flamboyant, emotional, punitive, nationalist pseudo-strongman, AND I disagree with many of his actions.

Biden is a horrible candidate and the Democratic Party is a shit show. But I refuse to believe this country has decayed to the level of Trumpism. We're better than that.

I hope that makes my vote clear.

You're a Marxist and you HATE HATE HATE AHHGGGG Trump.

But the fact is that Trump is BY FAR the best president of your lifetime by ANY objective measure. But you're not objective, you are driven by hatred and rage, not by facts.

New wars? Nope - to the OUTRAGE of the terrorist democrats who DEMANDED we go to war in Syria so they could call him a war monger.

Prison reform, letting black people who Clinton had put in prison for LIFE for pot charges have a second chance.

Highest employment of blacks in history
Highest employment of Hispanics in history
Highest employment of women in history
Lowest unemployment across the board in 70 years

Fastest recovery from a recession in history.

You're not objective, you're just a hack emoting.
Nope. Just on direct, specific observation.

The man is a dangerous buffoon. He is an arrogant, ignorant, hyper-sensitive, flamboyant, emotional, punitive, nationalist pseudo-strongman, AND I disagree with many of his actions.

Biden is a horrible candidate and the Democratic Party is a shit show. But I refuse to believe this country has decayed to the level of Trumpism. We're better than that.

I hope that makes my vote clear.

You're a Marxist and you HATE HATE HATE AHHGGGG Trump.

But the fact is that Trump is BY FAR the best president of your lifetime by ANY objective measure. But you're not objective, you are driven by hatred and rage, not by facts.

New wars? Nope - to the OUTRAGE of the terrorist democrats who DEMANDED we go to war in Syria so they could call him a war monger.

Prison reform, letting black people who Clinton had put in prison for LIFE for pot charges have a second chance.

Highest employment of blacks in history
Highest employment of Hispanics in history
Highest employment of women in history
Lowest unemployment across the board in 70 years

Fastest recovery from a recession in history.

You're not objective, you're just a hack emoting.
Yes, I'm the world's only Marxist CFP/Investment Advisor.

Darn. You Trumpsters are just too clever for me.
Biden admits, if he gets into the details of his planned policy, his supporters would, I quote, "shoot him." :eusa_think:

It took me a while to confirm, and find actual video.

And I cannot find it on any video service. . . but I DID find it on a web-page that caught it from a C-Span feed. . .

Biden to Kenosha: 'They'll Shoot Me' If I Ramble on Policy
Nope. Just on direct, specific observation.

The man is a dangerous buffoon. He is an arrogant, ignorant, hyper-sensitive, flamboyant, emotional, punitive, nationalist pseudo-strongman, AND I disagree with many of his actions.

Biden is a horrible candidate and the Democratic Party is a shit show. But I refuse to believe this country has decayed to the level of Trumpism. We're better than that.

I hope that makes my vote clear.

Yup! You base you vote on Trump's personality rather than his actions which promote an America First Policy, ending our nation's dependence on China for essential products, rebuilding America's domestic manufacturing base and creating good paying jobs, and, ending the neocon's endless wars. Indeed, you surely have identified how to waste your vote. God bless you.


Our country is infested with a Fifth Column movement at MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, who work hand in hand with the Democrat Party socialist/communist leadership to plunder, paralyze and destroy our free market, free enterprise system.
Nope. Just on direct, specific observation.

The man is a dangerous buffoon. He is an arrogant, ignorant, hyper-sensitive, flamboyant, emotional, punitive, nationalist pseudo-strongman, AND I disagree with many of his actions.

Biden is a horrible candidate and the Democratic Party is a shit show. But I refuse to believe this country has decayed to the level of Trumpism. We're better than that.

I hope that makes my vote clear.

Yup! You base you vote on Trump's personality rather than his actions which promote an America First Policy, ending our nation's dependence on China for essential products, rebuilding America's domestic manufacturing base and creating good paying jobs, and, ending the neocon's endless wars. Indeed, you surely have identified how to waste your vote. God bless you.


Our country is infested with a Fifth Column movement at MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, who work hand in hand with the Democrat Party socialist/communist leadership to plunder, paralyze and destroy our free market, free enterprise system.
And yet I specifically mentioned his actions.

You guys are trained to lie. Well, do what you're good at, I guess.

Good Trumpster.
Add anger and hatred to the mix. When you see so-called "journalists" claim that a visit to Kenosha Wi. by the President of the United States would be divisive and then you see the same "journalists claim that a visit to the same city by the democrat candidate would be "unifying" you know the fix is in.
Biden admits, if he gets into the details of his planned policy, his supporters would, I quote, "shoot him." :eusa_think:

It took me a while to confirm, and find actual video.

And I cannot find it on any video service. . . but I DID find it on a web-page that caught it from a C-Span feed. . .

Biden to Kenosha: 'They'll Shoot Me' If I Ramble on Policy

Here is the video:

If he exposed how they intend to accomplish their evil goals, Biden admits what they will do to him.

Nope. Just on direct, specific observation.

The man is a dangerous buffoon. He is an arrogant, ignorant, hyper-sensitive, flamboyant, emotional, punitive, nationalist pseudo-strongman, AND I disagree with many of his actions.

Biden is a horrible candidate and the Democratic Party is a shit show. But I refuse to believe this country has decayed to the level of Trumpism. We're better than that.

I hope that makes my vote clear.

You're a Marxist and you HATE HATE HATE AHHGGGG Trump.

But the fact is that Trump is BY FAR the best president of your lifetime by ANY objective measure. But you're not objective, you are driven by hatred and rage, not by facts.

New wars? Nope - to the OUTRAGE of the terrorist democrats who DEMANDED we go to war in Syria so they could call him a war monger.

Prison reform, letting black people who Clinton had put in prison for LIFE for pot charges have a second chance.

Highest employment of blacks in history
Highest employment of Hispanics in history
Highest employment of women in history
Lowest unemployment across the board in 70 years

Fastest recovery from a recession in history.

You're not objective, you're just a hack emoting.
Yes, I'm the world's only Marxist CFP/Investment Advisor.

Darn. You Trumpsters are just too clever for me.
We just know where the money comes from in real terms and where the pain is headed. Truth!
Anyone who listens to the Fake News MSM is basing their vote on propaganda and lies.

That includes everyone who opposes Trump's agenda.

I have NEVER heard anyone argue against Trump's policies and agendas ... or even something he said ....

And, their argument be based in Facts and Reality.

For example:

Trump called the Neo-NAZIS in Charlottesville "good people".

These arguments against the President are ALWAYS based in Propaganda and LIES.
Zero chance Harris/Biden can be VOTED into office. The terrorist democrats are placing ALL of their hopes on fraud on a massive scale.
This post is so friggin delusional as to defy any logic. The only voter fraud will come from Trumpers who will attempt to vote twice following Trump’s directives. If Trump loses I expect anti-American Russian backed stooges to cause chaos. However good patriotic Americans will rise up, make their voices heard and beat back this human garbage.
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I am basing my vote on Spite.
Spite for the DFL agenda. Spite for Burn Loot and Murder. Spite for a decades long career elitist called Biden. Spite for the regressives that plauge this site.
Spite is a very motivating factor.
Hillary found that out in 2016.
Nope. Just on direct, specific observation.

The man is a dangerous buffoon. He is an arrogant, ignorant, hyper-sensitive, flamboyant, emotional, punitive, nationalist pseudo-strongman, AND I disagree with many of his actions.

Biden is a horrible candidate and the Democratic Party is a shit show. But I refuse to believe this country has decayed to the level of Trumpism. We're better than that.

I hope that makes my vote clear.

Yup! You base you vote on Trump's personality rather than his actions which promote an America First Policy, ending our nation's dependence on China for essential products, rebuilding America's domestic manufacturing base and creating good paying jobs, and, ending the neocon's endless wars. Indeed, you surely have identified how to waste your vote. God bless you.


Our country is infested with a Fifth Column movement at MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, who work hand in hand with the Democrat Party socialist/communist leadership to plunder, paralyze and destroy our free market, free enterprise system.
And yet I specifically mentioned his actions.

You guys are trained to lie. Well, do what you're good at, I guess.

Good Trumpster.

And when you "specifically mentioned his actions" you were referring to personal traits, not political actions designed to deal with problems.



Joe Biden and the Democrat Leadership wants elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their healthcare revenue with the millions of foreigners who have invaded America’s borders. LINK

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