Voter Burnout: Will It Be Obama's Downfall?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

One thing every poll seems to be ignoring; People on both sides are fed up with politics.

Since Obama took office we've seen his ugly mug on the TV almost daily. I think Democrats, Republicans, and Independents alike are simple fed up with listening to him. He is not generating any excitement at all. The only thing Democrats are running on is fear. Fear of what Romney will take away from them. Little do they realize that as long as we keep spending it doesn't matter who wins. All of the free stuff is history come next year.

I want get this country rolling again. We've been stuck in neutral for over a year now. Sorry, but I don't think I can afford to wait 20 years for things to get better. We need dramatic results starting next year or we are all in a world of hurt.

BTW, what makes everyone assume that all of those Democrat votes are going to Obama. The Democrats I know around here that support him are blacks gays and a few isolated women. I don't think people that were fooled last time are stupid enough to be fooled again. Everyone knows who Obama is now. He's a vengeful little man who feels voting is revenge. Revenge for what? Revenge for one person doing well and another person not so well? Revenge against whites? Revenge against his critics? That revenge comment essentially put the icing on the cake. Envy, hatred, revenge. That's so different from the message he won on 4 years ago.

I don't think enough voters want revenge as much as Obama does. At least I hope not. This country can't have sunk so low so fast to be like Obama. I don't believe it.

One thing every poll seems to be ignoring; People on both sides are fed up with politics.

Since Obama took office we've seen his ugly mug on the TV almost daily. I think Democrats, Republicans, and Independents alike are simple fed up with listening to him. He is not generating any excitement at all. The only thing Democrats are running on is fear. Fear of what Romney will take away from them. Little do they realize that as long as we keep spending it doesn't matter who wins. All of the free stuff is history come next year.

I want get this country rolling again. We've been stuck in neutral for over a year now. Sorry, but I don't think I can afford to wait 20 years for things to get better. We need dramatic results starting next year or we are all in a world of hurt.

BTW, what makes everyone assume that all of those Democrat votes are going to Obama. The Democrats I know around here that support him are blacks gays and a few isolated women. I don't think people that were fooled last time are stupid enough to be fooled again. Everyone knows who Obama is now. He's a vengeful little man who feels voting is revenge. Revenge for what? Revenge for one person doing well and another person not so well? Revenge against whites? Revenge against his critics? That revenge comment essentially put the icing on the cake. Envy, hatred, revenge. That's so different from the message he won on 4 years ago.

I don't think enough voters want revenge as much as Obama does. At least I hope not. This country can't have sunk so low so fast to be like Obama. I don't believe it.
that could be true. if he turnout low on tuesday he in deep deep trouble
We're fucked either way.

In a sense, yes. We need an agenda that will start us heading in the right direction. It will take a while despite who wins. It's just the difference between who will ACTUALLY get us to recovery, if possible.
Along the lines of the OP thread headline, the funniest snippet I have seen so far today in Drudge is this "story:" CNN: TIED [WITH D+11]...


Go ahead. Raise your hand if you believe that will accurately reflect the numbers of Dim vs. GOP voters going to the real polls. :lol::lol:

The poll, released earlier tonight, shows a 49-49 tie among likely voters. But to get that result CNN had to use one of the most skewed samples we’ve seen this campaign (see page 29):

Among those likely voters, 41% described themselves as Democrats, 29% described themselves as Independents, and 30% described themselves as Republicans.

A D+11 sample! By comparison, the electorate in 2008, when Obama-mania was at its peak, was merely D+7, according to exit polls.
-- CNN poll reaches new heights of absurdity | Twitchy
Along the lines of the OP thread headline, the funniest snippet I have seen so far today in Drudge is this "story:" CNN: TIED [WITH D+11]...


Go ahead. Raise your hand if you believe that will accurately reflect the numbers of Dim vs. GOP voters going to the real polls. :lol::lol:

The poll, released earlier tonight, shows a 49-49 tie among likely voters. But to get that result CNN had to use one of the most skewed samples we’ve seen this campaign (see page 29):

Among those likely voters, 41% described themselves as Democrats, 29% described themselves as Independents, and 30% described themselves as Republicans.

A D+11 sample! By comparison, the electorate in 2008, when Obama-mania was at its peak, was merely D+7, according to exit polls.
-- CNN poll reaches new heights of absurdity | Twitchy
i don,t blame you for being confident on that poll. would worry me if i was obama. do you think your guy won the whole election
Since Obama took office we've seen his ugly mug on the TV almost daily.


now there's a lie that is easy to disprove. the President was being criticized only a few months ago for not being open and holding few press conferences.


you make good point. bit odd to have at him being all over the place and then say he does not do enough media press conferences
Since Obama took office we've seen his ugly mug on the TV almost daily.


now there's a lie that is easy to disprove. the President was being criticized only a few months ago for not being open and holding few press conferences.



You're correct that he's not doing press conferences. However, the news programs have been showing clips of his campaign speeches on a daily basis.

So mudwhistle is right.
We're fucked either way.

In a sense, yes. We need an agenda that will start us heading in the right direction. It will take a while despite who wins. It's just the difference between who will ACTUALLY get us to recovery, if possible.

Ron Paul was the man for that, but Romney is our best hope now.

No one in the GOP primaries wanted Romney, yet they voted for him. Why? Easy to answer...

When a faction (which the GOP base has become) of a party is used to living in an echo chamber and bubble where up is down, and white is black, and where thoughts bubble up from talking pionts sent out in emails, on web sites, and talk radio as well as a major Cable television network .. come from group think .. it's easy to see how a group of Super Wealthy people with Super PACs could get the rabid right wing GOP base to go with the least conservative, the biggest liar...

All the GOP base has to do is turn off the Noise Machine. but they won't, because it keeps them all connected
In a sense, yes. We need an agenda that will start us heading in the right direction. It will take a while despite who wins. It's just the difference between who will ACTUALLY get us to recovery, if possible.

Ron Paul was the man for that, but Romney is our best hope now.

No one in the GOP primaries wanted Romney, yet they voted for him. Why? Easy to answer...

When a faction (which the GOP base has become) of a party is used to living in an echo chamber and bubble where up is down, and white is black, and where thoughts bubble up from talking pionts sent out in emails, on web sites, and talk radio as well as a major Cable television network .. come from group think .. it's easy to see how a group of Super Wealthy people with Super PACs could get the rabid right wing GOP base to go with the least conservative, the biggest liar...

All the GOP base has to do is turn off the Noise Machine. but they won't, because it keeps them all connected
gop don.t love him. but they hate obama enough to get him elected.

dems got to get their base out on tuesday. they must . I keep hearing how gop will destory dems with getting base out on tuesday. well dems need match that stride for stride on tuesday. too much is at stake not to
Since Obama took office we've seen his ugly mug on the TV almost daily.


now there's a lie that is easy to disprove. the President was being criticized only a few months ago for not being open and holding few press conferences.



You're correct that he's not doing press conferences. However, the news programs have been showing clips of his campaign speeches on a daily basis.

So mudwhistle is right.

your defense of the indefensible in defense of your compatriot is admirable...but you're an idiot.

reading and comprehension was never a right wing strong suit:

You went from one discussion over media exposure every day since 2008, to media exposure during the election season.:redface:

One thing every poll seems to be ignoring; People on both sides are fed up with politics.

Since Obama took office we've seen his ugly mug on the TV almost daily. I think Democrats, Republicans, and Independents alike are simple fed up with listening to him. He is not generating any excitement at all. The only thing Democrats are running on is fear. Fear of what Romney will take away from them. Little do they realize that as long as we keep spending it doesn't matter who wins. All of the free stuff is history come next year.

I want get this country rolling again. We've been stuck in neutral for over a year now. Sorry, but I don't think I can afford to wait 20 years for things to get better. We need dramatic results starting next year or we are all in a world of hurt.

BTW, what makes everyone assume that all of those Democrat votes are going to Obama. The Democrats I know around here that support him are blacks gays and a few isolated women. I don't think people that were fooled last time are stupid enough to be fooled again. Everyone knows who Obama is now. He's a vengeful little man who feels voting is revenge. Revenge for what? Revenge for one person doing well and another person not so well? Revenge against whites? Revenge against his critics? That revenge comment essentially put the icing on the cake. Envy, hatred, revenge. That's so different from the message he won on 4 years ago.

I don't think enough voters want revenge as much as Obama does. At least I hope not. This country can't have sunk so low so fast to be like Obama. I don't believe it.

Look at that face. The last time I saw a face with that kind of rage, it belonged to someone throwing a molotov cocktail at a fire truck.

One thing every poll seems to be ignoring; People on both sides are fed up with politics.

Since Obama took office we've seen his ugly mug on the TV almost daily. I think Democrats, Republicans, and Independents alike are simple fed up with listening to him. He is not generating any excitement at all. The only thing Democrats are running on is fear. Fear of what Romney will take away from them. Little do they realize that as long as we keep spending it doesn't matter who wins. All of the free stuff is history come next year.

I want get this country rolling again. We've been stuck in neutral for over a year now. Sorry, but I don't think I can afford to wait 20 years for things to get better. We need dramatic results starting next year or we are all in a world of hurt.

BTW, what makes everyone assume that all of those Democrat votes are going to Obama. The Democrats I know around here that support him are blacks gays and a few isolated women. I don't think people that were fooled last time are stupid enough to be fooled again. Everyone knows who Obama is now. He's a vengeful little man who feels voting is revenge. Revenge for what? Revenge for one person doing well and another person not so well? Revenge against whites? Revenge against his critics? That revenge comment essentially put the icing on the cake. Envy, hatred, revenge. That's so different from the message he won on 4 years ago.

I don't think enough voters want revenge as much as Obama does. At least I hope not. This country can't have sunk so low so fast to be like Obama. I don't believe it.
that could be true. if he turnout low on tuesday he in deep deep trouble

Why, he's winning 2 to 1 in early voting.
Since Obama took office we've seen his ugly mug on the TV almost daily.


now there's a lie that is easy to disprove. the President was being criticized only a few months ago for not being open and holding few press conferences.



In a sense, yes. We need an agenda that will start us heading in the right direction. It will take a while despite who wins. It's just the difference between who will ACTUALLY get us to recovery, if possible.

Ron Paul was the man for that, but Romney is our best hope now.

No one in the GOP primaries wanted Romney, yet they voted for him. Why? Easy to answer...

When a faction (which the GOP base has become) of a party is used to living in an echo chamber and bubble where up is down, and white is black, and where thoughts bubble up from talking pionts sent out in emails, on web sites, and talk radio as well as a major Cable television network .. come from group think .. it's easy to see how a group of Super Wealthy people with Super PACs could get the rabid right wing GOP base to go with the least conservative, the biggest liar...

All the GOP base has to do is turn off the Noise Machine. but they won't, because it keeps them all connected


now there's a lie that is easy to disprove. the President was being criticized only a few months ago for not being open and holding few press conferences.



You're correct that he's not doing press conferences. However, the news programs have been showing clips of his campaign speeches on a daily basis.

So mudwhistle is right.

your defense of the indefensible in defense of your compatriot is admirable...but you're an idiot.

reading and comprehension was never a right wing strong suit:

You went from one discussion over media exposure every day since 2008, to media exposure during the election season.:redface:

"I love the smell of desperation in the morning"

thank you USMB Wingnut Nation

now there's a lie that is easy to disprove. the President was being criticized only a few months ago for not being open and holding few press conferences.



You're correct that he's not doing press conferences. However, the news programs have been showing clips of his campaign speeches on a daily basis.

So mudwhistle is right.

your defense of the indefensible in defense of your compatriot is admirable...but you're an idiot.

reading and comprehension was never a right wing strong suit:

You went from one discussion over media exposure every day since 2008, to media exposure during the election season.:redface:

He's been campaigning for re-election since he won the last one, Corky.

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