Virginia GOP Stands Up To Its Own Voting Laws


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"As Republicans across the country insist more laws are needed to protect election integrity, Virginia Republicans have found themselves in a bit of a voter ID quagmire. Republicans in the state say the nominating contest has been a logistical nightmare. At issue is a decision to quietly allow voters to participate in their complicated primary process even if they left blank parts of the application, including required fields that asked for their state-issued voter ID number and a signature.

Now, Virginia Republicans are facing questions from their own party about their enforcement of voter security measures -- Republican officials have been fighting for weeks about the decision to accept applications to participate in the convention that lack a voter ID number or a signature.
“We're all yelling about what Democrats are not requiring to happen and we're doing the same thing here. It's crazy,” said Jill Cook, the secretary of the Virginia GOP."

Once again, Dems are trying to rig elections to suppress the Republican vote; so the Virginia GOP had no choice but to exempt themselves from their own voting requirements. Also, due to Dems and their diabolical COVID restrictions -- Republicans have decided to have a virtual convention where their voters will be forced to cast their ballots from their car for convenience -- which is basically the same exact thing the Dems did with their drive-up ballot boxes -- which they used to steal the 2020 election....Now they are forcing the GOP to do it too?? These Dems will stop at nothing.
Hoist by their own petard. LOL.
Florida Republicans are having some of the same issues. Looks like they forgot to put the fix in before they started the suppression.:auiqs.jpg:

It's already happening. The backlash against and all the results from these voter suppression laws are going to be fun to watch.
Most Americans know that the GOP are frauds when talking about election integrity.

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