Vince Vaughn commits career suicide - Slams affirmative action


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
AA is the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america.

Vince Vaughn Says Affirmative Action Is Racist - The Root

feb 12 2015
Playboy -So you’re not a fan of affirmative action?

Vaughn - - I’ll answer that with a question. Do you believe that using race as a factor in evaluating a person is a good way to operate?

Playboy -The idea is that those who have been at a disadvantage because of race deserve a leg up when it comes to landing opportunities.

Vaughn - But then you’re evaluating someone based on race, which is racism. Rights don’t come to you because you’re a man or a woman or African American or European or Jewish. And I certainly don’t think the federal government should be in the business of deciding things or handing out money based on factors like these.
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AA is the govt saying - "you're white so you can't have this job or go to this college or get this scholarship". Liberals say that's NOT racism!
AA is the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america.

Vince Vaughn Says Affirmative Action Is Racist - The Root

feb 12 2015
Playboy -So you’re not a fan of affirmative action?

Vaughn - - I’ll answer that with a question. Do you believe that using race as a factor in evaluating a person is a good way to operate?

Playboy -The idea is that those who have been at a disadvantage because of race deserve a leg up when it comes to landing opportunities.

Vaughn - But then you’re evaluating someone based on race, which is racism. Rights don’t come to you because you’re a man or a woman or African American or European or Jewish. And I certainly don’t think the federal government should be in the business of deciding things or handing out money based on factors like these.
Well, Martin Luther did say he wanted a day where all God's little children are judged by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin...would MLK be against "affirmative" action?
AA is no worse than any other "class based" privilege. Which is to say that it's just as wrong.
Anything that favors one race over another is of course racist. Anyone that would say otherwise is probably a racist.
But then we have to deal with the many ideological based definitions of "racist." For instance, George Wallace said he wasn't a racist, he was a "segregationist," which apparently satisfied alot of voters as 10 million of them thought he should have been President of the United States.
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Well, Martin Luther did say he wanted a day where all God's little children are judged by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin...would MLK be against "affirmative" action?

What he said and what he believed are two different things. Like all blacks, MLK loved affirmative action.
Well, Martin Luther did say he wanted a day where all God's little children are judged by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin...would MLK be against "affirmative" action?

What he said and what he believed are two different things. Like all blacks, MLK loved affirmative action.
So he spoke hypocritically? MLK would often put it in terms of the poor, black and white. He also spoke positively about reparations. I'd still rather have him out there fighting for the black/poor cause than "Reverand" Al "Let's March" Sharpton and his, "if you think Ferguson was bad..." approach to civil rights in a civil society.
Well, Martin Luther did say he wanted a day where all God's little children are judged by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin...would MLK be against "affirmative" action?

What he said and what he believed are two different things. Like all blacks, MLK loved affirmative action.
So he spoke hypocritically? MLK would often put it in terms of the poor, black and white. He also spoke positively about reparations. I'd still rather have him out there fighting for the black/poor cause than "Reverand" Al "Let's March" Sharpton and his, "if you think Ferguson was bad..." approach to civil rights in a civil society.
I don't think "all" blacks is fair; Thomas Sowell and Ben Carson may think otherwise.
We are all suppose to be EQUAL under our laws in this country

but over the years they have made laws up for certain groups of people like they are more special over the rest the people in country or make it seem they can't through LIFE on their own.

again to me this just creates resentment and hate

and I'm including women, black, homosexual etc

You white men evidently can just go to hell in their eyes.
Well, Martin Luther did say he wanted a day where all God's little children are judged by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin...would MLK be against "affirmative" action?

What he said and what he believed are two different things. Like all blacks, MLK loved affirmative action.
So he spoke hypocritically? MLK would often put it in terms of the poor, black and white. He also spoke positively about reparations. I'd still rather have him out there fighting for the black/poor cause than "Reverand" Al "Let's March" Sharpton and his, "if you think Ferguson was bad..." approach to civil rights in a civil society.

I wouldn't argue race with ShootSpeeders. He's one of USMB's unabashed racists. He's equally ridiculed by the right and left on this board. He doesn't want MLK or Al Sharpton fighting for civil rights, because he doesn't think black people deserve them.
I don't think "all" blacks is fair; Thomas Sowell and Ben Carson may think otherwise.

Sowell yes but clearly not carson. Benny loves AA

Incidentally sowell wrote a book 10 or so years ago about affirmative action.
We are all suppose to be EQUAL under our laws in this country

but over the years they have made laws up for certain groups of people like they are more special over the rest the people in country or make it seem they can't through LIFE on their own.

again to me this just creates resentment and hate

and I'm including women, black, homosexual etc

You white men evidently can just go to hell in their eyes.

People are selfish and want the govt to"take his stuff and give it to me". Nobody has a sense of justice and it's the place of govt to see that people don't just take from others. Sadly in america, the govt encourages such behavior.
I wouldn't argue race with ShootSpeeders. He's one of USMB's unabashed racists. He's equally ridiculed by the right and left on this board. He doesn't want MLK or Al Sharpton fighting for civil rights, because he doesn't think black people deserve them.

I'm the anti-racist since i oppose affirmative action. It's you and sharpton who support taking from white people who are the racists. THINK, hateboy.
We are all suppose to be EQUAL under our laws in this country

but over the years they have made laws up for certain groups of people like they are more special over the rest the people in country or make it seem they can't through LIFE on their own.

again to me this just creates resentment and hate

and I'm including women, black, homosexual etc

You white men evidently can just go to hell in their eyes.
The easier you can divide the voting population into special blocs, the easier it is to tailor a targeted message.

In the future, when whites are in the minority and Al Sharpton X is running Wall St. and President Olivia de Soto Rivera Hernandez is residing in the new White House in East LA, will their attitude toward affirmative action be the same?

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