Video: UMass Prof Ester Shapiro calls Trump a Nazi, says white supremacy "baked into" US Constitution, berates student who tries to differ

Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018
Listen to this old witch lie to her students and spread her hatred. How are these people allowed to poison our youth--and get paid for it. The ignorance of history among our people (and George Soros' money) is at the root of the current turmoil.

Where are the Jews calling this woman out?

What I find particularly galling is when Jews cast America and white Christians as fundamentally evil because of slavery when, in truth, Jews dominated the slave trade from long before the United States was even a country. Jews were still happily buying and selling Africans like packaged goods while white Christians were condemning slavery on moral grounds--the first time in human history slavery was ever condemned on that level. The last slave ship to arrive from Africa to North America was owned by Jews and had a Jewish captain who violated the law passed by white Christians against any more slave ships arriving.

And yet today our youth get a constant barrage of these poisonous lies (+ muh hollowcaust) from our Jewish controlled media and from contemptible pigs like this woman. We simply cannot have a country and let an alien and hostile and genocidal people remain in it doing shit like this.
Listen to this old witch lie to her students and spread her hatred. How are these people allowed to poison our youth--and get paid for it. The ignorance of history among our people (and George Soros' money) is at the root of the current turmoil.

Where are the Jews calling this woman out?

What I find particularly galling is when Jews cast America and white Christians as fundamentally evil because of slavery when, in truth, Jews dominated the slave trade from long before the United States was even a country. Jews were still happily buying and selling Africans like packaged goods while white Christians were condemning slavery on moral grounds--the first time in human history slavery was ever condemned on that level. The last slave ship to arrive from Africa to North America was owned by Jews and had a Jewish captain who violated the law passed by white Christians against any more slave ships arriving.

And yet today our youth get a constant barrage of these poisonous lies (+ muh hollowcaust) from our Jewish controlled media and from contemptible pigs like this woman. We simply cannot have a country and let an alien and hostile and genocidal people remain in it doing shit like this.

She is a very radicalized liberal.

in comparison to average Americans she is very far left

But within the academic bubble probably just an average lib
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Here's another inconvenient fact for the "social justice" beta boys
Listen to this old witch lie to her students and spread her hatred. How are these people allowed to poison our youth--and get paid for it. The ignorance of history among our people (and George Soros' money) is at the root of the current turmoil.

Where are the Jews calling this woman out?

What I find particularly galling is when Jews cast America and white Christians as fundamentally evil because of slavery when, in truth, Jews dominated the slave trade from long before the United States was even a country. Jews were still happily buying and selling Africans like packaged goods while white Christians were condemning slavery on moral grounds--the first time in human history slavery was ever condemned on that level. The last slave ship to arrive from Africa to North America was owned by Jews and had a Jewish captain who violated the law passed by white Christians against any more slave ships arriving.

And yet today our youth get a constant barrage of these poisonous lies (+ muh hollowcaust) from our Jewish controlled media and from contemptible pigs like this woman. We simply cannot have a country and let an alien and hostile and genocidal people remain in it doing shit like this.

speaking of contemptable pigs, PIG----I know your church issued literature-----I am past 70---born in the USA of parents born in the USA----and read your church spawned shit and LISTENED TO IT----long ago ------as far back as the 1950s. Slavery was endorsed by the CHRISTIAN CHURCHES and was a deal between the two
major WORLD EMPIRES------since Medieval times.
The two MAJOR WORLD EMPIRES ----for more than
1200 years------THE HOLY MOTHER CHURCH and the CALIPHATE. The only role jews played in your filthy game-----that as MERCHANTS (forced in the role of merchants by your filthy laws preventing jews from owning land) ----it was jews who owned ships
in some INQUISITION refuges like the Netherlands
You PIGS leased them to engage in YOUR FILTH.
If your daughter is a whore------it is not the fault of the Jewish owned shop in which she purchased her underware
Slavery was fundamentally evil.

Slavery IS fundamentally evil.

Well the discussion was the Constitution and we have taken that out of the Constitution but yeah, in the bigger argument it IS evil.

Perhaps you think the ways of the CCP are more fair and just.
Perhaps you salivate over the thought of being the PIG with the rifle?

View attachment 409096

Even Evel Knievel would be impressed with that jump.
Slavery was fundamentally evil.

Slavery IS fundamentally evil.

Well the discussion was the Constitution and we have taken that out of the Constitution but yeah, in the bigger argument it IS evil.

Perhaps you think the ways of the CCP are more fair and just.
Perhaps you salivate over the thought of being the PIG with the rifle?

View attachment 409096

Even Evel Knievel would be impressed with that jump.

The abyss he could never clear was the emptiness between your ears ;)
Slavery was fundamentally evil.

WAS ? So, today you find it acceptable?

There is well documented slave trade in Africa today. Certainly there is the sex slave trade everywhere now. We also know of millions of Muslims slaves in China. Where is the professor army taking on the issues of their time? -On Zoom calls parroting back the propaganda fed to them by socialist/communist plants from Russia and now China. #usefulidiots
..the MSM/BLM/etc have duped the idiots
..white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
...blacks murder over 3000 per year
blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa
..just like police brutality and racism, white supremacy problems are a MYTH/bullshit
..the MSM/BLM/etc have duped the idiots
..white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
...blacks murder over 3000 per year
blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa
..just like police brutality and racism, white supremacy problems are a MYTH/bullshit

But to be fair.......

It is a small minority of blacks that Chris Rock calls '*******" that you are referring to.

If you simply hate ALL people of color then that's on you.
Slavery was endorsed by the CHRISTIAN CHURCHES and was a deal between the two
Slavery was also opposed by Christian churches

From “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”

As he died to make men holy, let us die to make men free, While God is marching on.
Listen to this old witch lie to her students and spread her hatred. How are these people allowed to poison our youth--and get paid for it. The ignorance of history among our people (and George Soros' money) is at the root of the current turmoil.

Where are the Jews calling this woman out?

What I find particularly galling is when Jews cast America and white Christians as fundamentally evil because of slavery when, in truth, Jews dominated the slave trade from long before the United States was even a country. Jews were still happily buying and selling Africans like packaged goods while white Christians were condemning slavery on moral grounds--the first time in human history slavery was ever condemned on that level. The last slave ship to arrive from Africa to North America was owned by Jews and had a Jewish captain who violated the law passed by white Christians against any more slave ships arriving.

And yet today our youth get a constant barrage of these poisonous lies (+ muh hollowcaust) from our Jewish controlled media and from contemptible pigs like this woman. We simply cannot have a country and let an alien and hostile and genocidal people remain in it doing shit like this.

speaking of contemptable pigs, PIG----I know your church issued literature-----I am past 70---born in the USA of parents born in the USA----and read your church spawned shit and LISTENED TO IT----long ago ------as far back as the 1950s. Slavery was endorsed by the CHRISTIAN CHURCHES and was a deal between the two
major WORLD EMPIRES------since Medieval times.
The two MAJOR WORLD EMPIRES ----for more than
1200 years------THE HOLY MOTHER CHURCH and the CALIPHATE. The only role jews played in your filthy game-----that as MERCHANTS (forced in the role of merchants by your filthy laws preventing jews from owning land) ----it was jews who owned ships
in some INQUISITION refuges like the Netherlands
You PIGS leased them to engage in YOUR FILTH.
If your daughter is a whore------it is not the fault of the Jewish owned shop in which she purchased her underware

To me of interest in all of this blame game is who financed the slave trade. We never get names. It was a business. I believe we were taught there was a company involved. We need names. Names that can be used for the blame game also. Royalty, businessmen, serfs? Who were they? The captains of the ships...were they involved? And if so what were their names? It seems we do not have all the information. For these are men who played a huge role in this.
Jesus was a jew- right? Romans killed him, right? Jews don't "believe" in Jesus like Christians. right?
Muslims, otoh, believe Jesus was a prophet, right?

I wonder what "allah" thinks about all this different dogma?

But, holacaust! Never mind Manifest Destiny- Little sister, Israel (granted it's right by whom) tells Big Brother what to do- can you say Epstein? Can you say never ending UNjust war in the middle east? Who benefits from that?

Follow the money (who has it) see the agenda- close your eyes and see only what's put in your head- by who?

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