Video: Antifa Journalist Tries To Attack A Black Trump Supporter At A Protest In West Hollywood – Receive Instant Justice

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
USA Supreme ^ | 07.30.2021 | George Rowe
Posted on 7/30/2021, 8:18:10 AM by USA Conservative

The anti-forced vaccination protest was back at the doorsteps of Harlowe yesterday evening. The protesters who were mostly Trump supporters are outraged over the restaurant’s decision to require proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test result to enter their premise. The second night brought more hostility as Antifa members decide to counter-protest which escalated into violence, forcing sheriff deputies to detain four individuals.

When confronted about the aggressive energy taking place that evening, several protestors said bottles were thrown at them and that they were egged by those who opposed them.

And they weren’t lying at one moment a militant Antifa activist and journalist was punched to the ground by a person of color at the protest.

This is the same Antifa Journo who was present and spread disinformation at the Wi Spa events.

The video is slowly becoming viral:

Below is a video of what set off the violence people were protesting the restaurant requiring proof of vaccination.

A pro-vaccine activist (?) attacked one, a fight broke out then that led to them in the alley, where the fight was & Vishal got involved. Video below:

The journalist decided to speak about the attack:

But he is lying as this isn’t the first time he tried to provoke an attack:

West Hollywood Sheriffs called the gathering an unlawful assembly at 9:15 p.m. A protestor insisted they were not there illegally and that they had a right to protest until 10 p.m. before it became unlawful.

At 9:30 p.m., deputy vehicles closed off Santa Monica Boulevard and evacuated the protestors who dispersed peacefully.


This is the same Antifa journalist who was present and spread disinformation at the Wi Spa events. But this time he wasn't so lucky!
USA Supreme ^ | 07.30.2021 | George Rowe
Posted on 7/30/2021, 8:18:10 AM by USA Conservative

The anti-forced vaccination protest was back at the doorsteps of Harlowe yesterday evening. The protesters who were mostly Trump supporters are outraged over the restaurant’s decision to require proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test result to enter their premise. The second night brought more hostility as Antifa members decide to counter-protest which escalated into violence, forcing sheriff deputies to detain four individuals.

When confronted about the aggressive energy taking place that evening, several protestors said bottles were thrown at them and that they were egged by those who opposed them.

And they weren’t lying at one moment a militant Antifa activist and journalist was punched to the ground by a person of color at the protest.

This is the same Antifa Journo who was present and spread disinformation at the Wi Spa events.

The video is slowly becoming viral:

Below is a video of what set off the violence people were protesting the restaurant requiring proof of vaccination.

A pro-vaccine activist (?) attacked one, a fight broke out then that led to them in the alley, where the fight was & Vishal got involved. Video below:

The journalist decided to speak about the attack:

But he is lying as this isn’t the first time he tried to provoke an attack:

West Hollywood Sheriffs called the gathering an unlawful assembly at 9:15 p.m. A protestor insisted they were not there illegally and that they had a right to protest until 10 p.m. before it became unlawful.

At 9:30 p.m., deputy vehicles closed off Santa Monica Boulevard and evacuated the protestors who dispersed peacefully.


This is the same Antifa journalist who was present and spread disinformation at the Wi Spa events. But this time he wasn't so lucky!

Refusing vaccination endangers lives. Therefore, those protesting already have committed an aggressive assault on the public.

They deserve to be stomped. As this Delta wave surges, public tolerance for white-right Trumpoid lunatics is waning. Y'all are now personae non grata in this country. Piss off.
I say shoot to kill the worthless piece of shits.
Unvaccinated people are committing a deadly assault against the population, and so I do indeed advocate that they be stopped "by any means necessary", as Malcolm put it.

Many children will die because of this insanity. And we're to do nothing? No... militantly oppose them. Stomp their fascism down! These punk terrorists are not going to prevail.
Unvaccinated people are committing a deadly assault against the population, and so I do indeed advocate that they be stopped "by any means necessary", as Malcolm put it.

Many children will die because of this insanity. And we're to do nothing? No... militantly oppose them. Stomp their fascism down! These punk terrorists are not going to prevail.
You're a ignorant person. You want me to vaccinate against a virus with an over 99% survival rate? Screw you! Anyway it's coming out that the people that are vaccinated are the super spreaders.
Unvaccinated people are committing a deadly assault against the population, and so I do indeed advocate that they be stopped "by any means necessary", as Malcolm put it.

Many children will die because of this insanity. And we're to do nothing? No... militantly oppose them. Stomp their fascism down! These punk terrorists are not going to prevail.

I guess that stupid indian guy thought the same. He felt justified in "responding" to the "violence" of the anti-vaxxers, with ACTUAL violence.

And he got his ass kicked as he so richly deserved.
Unvaccinated people are committing a deadly assault against the population, and so I do indeed advocate that they be stopped "by any means necessary", as Malcolm put it.

Many children will die because of this insanity. And we're to do nothing? No... militantly oppose them. Stomp their fascism down! These punk terrorists are not going to prevail.
Just think, Biden has taken full credit for this vaccine, and we don't know the full side effects yet. Except we know it doesn't work as it should.
Unvaccinated people are committing a deadly assault against the population, and so I do indeed advocate that they be stopped "by any means necessary", as Malcolm put it.

Many children will die because of this insanity. And we're to do nothing? No... militantly oppose them. Stomp their fascism down! These punk terrorists are not going to prevail.
You’re mind is absolutely fucked. How do you associate Malcolm X with a vaccine invented almost 60 years after his death?

“The white liberal is the worst enemy to America, and the worst enemy to the black man.”

I can agree with that statement.
Unvaccinated people are committing a deadly assault against the population, and so I do indeed advocate that they be stopped "by any means necessary", as Malcolm put it.

Many children will die because of this insanity. And we're to do nothing? No... militantly oppose them. Stomp their fascism down! These punk terrorists are not going to prevail.
You probably rape children. If kids were dying in mass numbers (which they are not), the only reason why you’d be upset, is because there would be less children you could touch

Refusing vaccination endangers lives. Therefore, those protesting already have committed an aggressive assault on the public.

They deserve to be stomped. As this Delta wave surges, public tolerance for white-right Trumpoid lunatics is waning. Y'all are now personae non grata in this country. Piss off.

LOL, piss off pig. You will never make any of us take the Vax.
This is the same Antifa journalist who was present and spread disinformation at the Wi Spa events. But this time he wasn't so lucky!
That girly boy needs some boxing lessons

but otherwise there is not enough context to comment further
Unvaccinated people are committing a deadly assault against the population, and so I do indeed advocate that they be stopped "by any means necessary", as Malcolm put it.

Many children will die because of this insanity. And we're to do nothing? No... militantly oppose them. Stomp their fascism down! These punk terrorists are not going to prevail.
Talk about a mind dumb robot!
USA Supreme ^ | 07.30.2021 | George Rowe
Posted on 7/30/2021, 8:18:10 AM by USA Conservative

The anti-forced vaccination protest was back at the doorsteps of Harlowe yesterday evening. The protesters who were mostly Trump supporters are outraged over the restaurant’s decision to require proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test result to enter their premise. The second night brought more hostility as Antifa members decide to counter-protest which escalated into violence, forcing sheriff deputies to detain four individuals.

When confronted about the aggressive energy taking place that evening, several protestors said bottles were thrown at them and that they were egged by those who opposed them.

And they weren’t lying at one moment a militant Antifa activist and journalist was punched to the ground by a person of color at the protest.

This is the same Antifa Journo who was present and spread disinformation at the Wi Spa events.

The video is slowly becoming viral:

Below is a video of what set off the violence people were protesting the restaurant requiring proof of vaccination.

A pro-vaccine activist (?) attacked one, a fight broke out then that led to them in the alley, where the fight was & Vishal got involved. Video below:

The journalist decided to speak about the attack:

But he is lying as this isn’t the first time he tried to provoke an attack:

West Hollywood Sheriffs called the gathering an unlawful assembly at 9:15 p.m. A protestor insisted they were not there illegally and that they had a right to protest until 10 p.m. before it became unlawful.

At 9:30 p.m., deputy vehicles closed off Santa Monica Boulevard and evacuated the protestors who dispersed peacefully.


This is the same Antifa journalist who was present and spread disinformation at the Wi Spa events. But this time he wasn't so lucky!

Unvaccinated people are committing a deadly assault against the population, and so I do indeed advocate that they be stopped "by any means necessary", as Malcolm put it.

Many children will die because of this insanity. And we're to do nothing? No... militantly oppose them. Stomp their fascism down! These punk terrorists are not going to prevail.
Well what are you waiting for?
Unvaccinated people are committing a deadly assault against the population, and so I do indeed advocate that they be stopped "by any means necessary", as Malcolm put it.

Many children will die because of this insanity. And we're to do nothing? No... militantly oppose them. Stomp their fascism down! These punk terrorists are not going to prevail.

Its truly a shame everytime I see someone spew out kneejerk reaction comments that havent a shred of actual thought put into them and just parrott the same thing others just like them parrott from others. Youre wrong and worse yet, an alarmist.

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