"Vice" Climate Change episode


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Awesome series and news program. Last night's episode (probably aired some other time) was all about climate change. First part focusing on the denier side then wrapped up with trips to Western Antarctica and Bangledesh. Sufficed to say, we're screwed. Consensus of the scientists actually in Antarctica is the western portion is gonna melt and slip off the bedrock and into the sea and at this point even cutting carbon emissions to zero wouldn't prevent it. Expecting a 1 meter sea level rise by the end of this century, and 3-5 meters in all eventually. They said a 1 meter rise would be "apocalyptic." The news guy said something like, "so this a holy shit moment?" To which one of the scientists replied, "no, it's much worse that that." Sigh. Report from Bangledesh showed how despite perhaps just inches of rise in recent decades, what might be inches on avg, is 7-8 feet in Bangledesh. Coastal villages are continually having to withdraw from the sea as the coastline keep moving further inland. One place they featured said 300 yards further inland since just 2009.

The deniers' side of things as they explained has to do with either honestly not understanding the difference between "sea ice" and "land ice" or deliberately confusing the two. The sea ice it seems is indeed increasing but the land ice, which is what actually rises sea level is kilometers thick. And that's what's melting at unprecedented rates. And of course not surprisingly, all the deniers are sponsored by Big Oil.

If the scientists are right, and there's nothing to be done, then I gotta say I'm kinda with Big Oil. Transitioning to a non-oil economy and infrastructure would cost trillions, and take time. But if there's nothing to be gained doing so, why do it? Use it up the oil, then transition when there's no other choice and be rid of the oil problem once and for all. Over however many centuries then, the change in fuel should be more eco-friendly, and our descendents will reap the benefits. But since it's too late for us then the best thing we can do is use up what's causing the problem.
Wish it were that simple. We have no idea at what point the clathrates in the ocean let go. And increasing the CO2 in the atmosphere brings us closer to that point, where ever it is at. Should we start decreasing putting CO2 into the atmosphere as rapidly as reasonable, then we might avoid seeing that point. Then again, maybe, as some serious people believe, we have already passed that point. In that case, enjoy life while you can. And don't worry about your children's future. They don't have any.
Yup as I recall we were all doomed by 2000, then 2004 then 2010. What year are we all doomed now?

Snow is a thing of the past*

*Recognizing the new USMB stance on allowing vile attacks on Conservatives and defending Progressive spew, I apologize in advance if any Progressives are offended by this statement
Yup as I recall we were all doomed by 2000, then 2004 then 2010. What year are we all doomed now?

Snow is a thing of the past*

*Recognizing the new USMB stance on allowing vile attacks on Conservatives and defending Progressive spew, I apologize in advance if any Progressives are offended by this statement
Ah yes, such vile attacks. Actually posting links to people with expertise in the subject at hand. Terrible, terribly unfair of the damned progressives.
Snow is a thing of the past*

*Recognizing the new USMB stance on allowing vile attacks on Conservatives and defending Progressive spew, I apologize in advance if any Progressives are offended by this statement

What did i miss? Have the left wing rabid dogs obtained a silencing tool on those who speak the truth now?

It's hard to say exactly where the lie is drawn, suffice to say any criticism of a Progressive or their "ideas" could get you in trouble here these day.
Yup as I recall we were all doomed by 2000, then 2004 then 2010. What year are we all doomed now?

Snow is a thing of the past*

*Recognizing the new USMB stance on allowing vile attacks on Conservatives and defending Progressive spew, I apologize in advance if any Progressives are offended by this statement
Ah yes, such vile attacks. Actually posting links to people with expertise in the subject at hand. Terrible, terribly unfair of the damned progressives.

"That situation led the climatologist Daniel Scott, a professor of global change and tourism at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, to analyze potential venues for future Winter Games. His thought was that with a rise in the average global temperature of more than 7 degrees Fahrenheit possible by 2100, there might not be that many snowy regions left in which to hold the Games"

Went to start a fire last night in the old fireplace. Made a tepee with the kindling and have some larger pieces of wood resting on each other on top of the tepee. Taking a cue from the AGWCult, instead of lighted match, I threw an ice cube on the kindling....still waiting on that magikal cooler to warmer heat transference

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