Zone1 Veterans, Muslim and Jewish groups file support for Sikh recruits suing Marine Corps


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
(RNS) — Muslim, Jewish and interfaith groups, as well as U.S. veterans, are rallying behind three prospective Sikh recruits who earlier this year sued the United States Marine Corps in their push to attend training while maintaining their turbans and beards.

Sikhs who serve in the Marine Corps can keep their beards and unshorn hair — which are articles of their faith — under a turban while on duty, according to the service’s grooming regulations, but are forbidden from doing so during combat deployment and in the course of recruit trainings.

Jaskirat Singh, Aekash Singh and Milaap Singh Chahal sued the Marine Corps in April in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, claiming the Corps is violating their First Amendment rights to free exercise of religion by refusing to grant them a full religious exemption.

In August, a judge denied a preliminary injunction to allow them to begin basic training without removing their articles of faith, which include what’s known as the “Five K’s”: kesh (unshorn hair), kanga (wooden comb), kara (metal bracelet), kachera (under-shorts) and kirpan (ceremonial knife). All three men requested accommodations for their turbans, beards and karas. One requested accommodations for all articles of faith.

They had a lot more support than one would think. That went pretty well.

So this means all military members can show their articles of faith openly?

Like a silver cross draped around their neck on the outside of their uniform?

Like a jewish skull cap instead of standard headgear?

Openly carrying rosaries and prayer beads?

Openly carrying Bibles, Korans, and such?

Long hair and/or beards if your religion requires it?

What's good for the goose should be good for the gander...



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