Venezuelan warship attacks German cruise ship and gets sunk.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
A Venezuelan warship fires on a German cruise ship, fails to sink it, rams it, and winds up getting sunk.

It reminds me of this headline.


A Venezuelan warship fires on a German cruise ship, fails to sink it, rams it, and winds up getting sunk.

It reminds me of this headline.

View attachment 318779

the only country Venezuela could win a war against is canada .
A Venezuelan warship fires on a German cruise ship, fails to sink it, rams it, and winds up getting sunk.

It reminds me of this headline.

View attachment 318779

the only country Venezuela could win a war against is canada .
Or possibly France....
As if there's not enough good reason before this to subject Venezuela to mockery and ridicule.

How pathetic is that? A country that boasts of being prepared for war with the U.S., but one of their armed warships can't even win a battle against an unarmed cruise ship that is limping along with one engine down for maintenance.

This images are
directed at Venezuela…
A Venezuelan warship fires on a German cruise ship, fails to sink it, rams it, and winds up getting sunk.

It reminds me of this headline.

View attachment 318779

That's some icebreaker. The Venezuelan navy ought to stick with minty gum instead of playing at war . . .
As if there's not enough good reason before this to subject Venezuela to mockery and ridicule.

How pathetic is that? A country that boasts of being prepared for war with the U.S., but one of their armed warships can't even win a battle against an unarmed cruise ship that is limping along with one engine down for maintenance.

This images areView attachment 318802View attachment 318803 directed at Venezuela…

Also, their warship got sunk by a cruise ship that wasn't even fighting back. LOL
A Venezuelan warship fires on a German cruise ship, fails to sink it, rams it, and winds up getting sunk.

It reminds me of this headline.

View attachment 318779

the only country Venezuela could win a war against is canada .
Or possibly France....
Don't forget the Italians who surrender at the earliest opportunity.
A Venezuelan warship fires on a German cruise ship, fails to sink it, rams it, and winds up getting sunk.

It reminds me of this headline.

View attachment 318779

That's some icebreaker. The Venezuelan navy ought to stick with minty gum instead of playing at war . . .
Trying to ram an icebreaker is not the wisest decision
Trying to ram an icebreaker is not the wisest decision

Not unless you know that you're driving something a lot tougher than that icebreaker. Perhaps the mute donkey serving as captain on that Venezuelan warship took it as a given that a military ship was sure to be tougher than a mere civilian passenger ship.

I don't know that the cruise ship in question qualifies as a true icebreaker, but it was reportedly built extra-tough so that it could withstand going through ice.

A real icebreaker is made to climb over ice, and crush it with its own weight and momentum. Back in late 1986, I spent five weeks aboard the Robert Lemeur, off the coast of Alaska. What an experience that was. It's like being aboard a ship that violently runs aground. Most ships, when they run aground, they have the sense to wait there for a tug or some other rescue to pull them free. Not an icebreaker. It “run aground”, on a hunk of ice, then backs off by itself, and does it again, and again, and again, until that piece of ice has been obliterated. Then it finds another hunk of ice and repeats the process.
Too bad if the warship’s captain survived. Would have been a shoo-in for a Darwin Award.

I read a report (I'm not going to go looking for it right now) that the entire crew of the Venezuelan ship was rescued before it sank. The captain of the Resolute offered to rescue the Venezuelan crew, and stuck around for a while after the incident in order to do so, if needed, but I guess another Venezuelan vessel showed up in time for that purpose.

The mute donkey who was captaining the Venezuelan ship deserves to spend the rest of his life being mocked, ridiculed, and scorned, in the cruelest possible manner.

Seriously, how pathetic are the Venezuelans, that one of their military ships picked a fight with an unarmed, partially-crippled (one engine was shut down for maintenance at the time) civilian passenger ship, and was defeated.

None of them deserve to ever be allowed to live this down.
A Venezuelan warship fires on a German cruise ship, fails to sink it, rams it, and winds up getting sunk.

It reminds me of this headline.

View attachment 318779

Since the cruise ship was under the Portuguese flag, that makes it the first Naval victory for Portugal in over two centuries.
Western disinformation.

I just got some information on the ground that there was an attempted invasion/western backed coup, and that this is disinformation put out by western military intel. Apparently, it failed. Again.

I just saw through a friend of friend's post on FB, with an actual clip of the Helicopters on the border. . . this post;

"Helicopters were filmed airdropping hundreds of US troops on the border of Colombia and Venezuela, while a Portugal flagged ship breached Venezuelan waters, refused orders to leave and then rammed into and sank a Venezuelan navy ship.
Get ready for the war."

I saw the footage of the Helicopters over the border, (I am unable to copy or transfer that video,) but. . . no one in the thread could in fact confirm the identification of which nation they came from. . .
Here are a few stills I managed to save. .

Others felt that since the operation was taking place in broad daylight, that it was in fact a distraction, and that troops would be brought in at a separate location by sub. .


Just an update.

. . I'm guessing the mission failed.

"Venezuelan minister of communication, Jorge Rodríguez, reported this Monday that, in the operations to receive Venezuelan migrants returning to the country through the border between Colombia and Venezuela, three alleged paramilitaries and one of the mercenaries working with Cliver Alcala Cordones under American orders were detected and detained. He indicated that they tried to enter through San Antonio del Táchira, “trying to sneak in with the migrants.” More information about them will be released this Tuesday, including their names and the groups to which they belong. . . . "

A Venezuelan warship fires on a German cruise ship, fails to sink it, rams it, and winds up getting sunk.

It reminds me of this headline.

View attachment 318779

I think it's time to sink his navy. That way they aren't a hazard to peaceful ships, like this one.

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