Vaxxed or not, data suggests people are over Omicron/Delta, and COVID altogether

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
We can return to "normal" today. We could have done it months ago. The only thing preventing that from happening are the politicians and those who still hang on every word of fear porn coming from the media. It's not the disease.

Amid the battles breaking out over vaccine mandates and the impact on those who have chosen not to be inoculated against COVID, there’s strong evidence to suggest that people are “over it,” as the kids say these days.

None of this is meant to dismiss the toll the virus continues to take on the globe, where the death toll has spiraled inexorably higher (over 5 million worldwide and counting), even with the presence of vaccines. To be sure, there are many with underlying conditions, or loved ones considered high risk, who are still cautious or outright paranoid, and with good reason.

Yet evidence everywhere suggests that vast numbers of people — and not just the mostly maskless hordes gathered to watch Phil Collins and Company at the Garden — are moving beyond living in self-imposed exile to a strategy of risk assessment and mitigation. Holiday gatherings, including office parties, are starting to look a lot like they did pre-COVID.

We can return to "normal" today. We could have done it months ago. The only thing preventing that from happening are the politicians and those who still hang on every word of fear porn coming from the media. It's not the disease.

Amid the battles breaking out over vaccine mandates and the impact on those who have chosen not to be inoculated against COVID, there’s strong evidence to suggest that people are “over it,” as the kids say these days.

None of this is meant to dismiss the toll the virus continues to take on the globe, where the death toll has spiraled inexorably higher (over 5 million worldwide and counting), even with the presence of vaccines. To be sure, there are many with underlying conditions, or loved ones considered high risk, who are still cautious or outright paranoid, and with good reason.

Yet evidence everywhere suggests that vast numbers of people — and not just the mostly maskless hordes gathered to watch Phil Collins and Company at the Garden — are moving beyond living in self-imposed exile to a strategy of risk assessment and mitigation. Holiday gatherings, including office parties, are starting to look a lot like they did pre-COVID.

And yet the left are still doing things like paying Branch Covidian Karens to go to Bob Dole's funeral and tweet about who didn't wear a mask. They can't let it go.

We can return to "normal" today. We could have done it months ago. The only thing preventing that from happening are the politicians and those who still hang on every word of fear porn coming from the media. It's not the disease.

Amid the battles breaking out over vaccine mandates and the impact on those who have chosen not to be inoculated against COVID, there’s strong evidence to suggest that people are “over it,” as the kids say these days.

None of this is meant to dismiss the toll the virus continues to take on the globe, where the death toll has spiraled inexorably higher (over 5 million worldwide and counting), even with the presence of vaccines. To be sure, there are many with underlying conditions, or loved ones considered high risk, who are still cautious or outright paranoid, and with good reason.

Yet evidence everywhere suggests that vast numbers of people — and not just the mostly maskless hordes gathered to watch Phil Collins and Company at the Garden — are moving beyond living in self-imposed exile to a strategy of risk assessment and mitigation. Holiday gatherings, including office parties, are starting to look a lot like they did pre-COVID.

What are you saying? We are all going to die!!!!

No, really.
I was over COVID before it was cool...

I was reading a piece on the passing of Michael Nesmith. It was noted that the covid shut down took a lot out of him. That he had become quite weak because of being shut in an not being able to get out. They had a last tour planned but had to cancel it because of the shut down.

Knowing Mike's health was poor (not because of Covid) they went ahead this year with the tour. There were concerns over Covid and what might happen if he would get it. But.......the first few shows had him come out on stage and sing from a chair. A few dates in he came out with a the dated went by he was able to walk out on his own and perform.

So his heart finally did give out but he made a lot of people happy this last year and being shut in would have killed him anyway.

I got the vaccine, not because of Fauci, but because venue's that had performances of people I wanted to see perform were only able to open if they checked vaccinated statuses. I had bought these tickets in 2019 (Sam Bush and Todd Snider).

My point is, shut down's do a lot of harm also. Years people will never get back. We shut down and people are still dying. I am supportive of those who still feel they need to wear a mask. That get the new booster as soon as it becomes available.

I really hate that many people make these decisions based upon their politics. That they would condemn others in an attempt to push politics. (both sides sadly do this)
I was reading a piece on the passing of Michael Nesmith. It was noted that the covid shut down took a lot out of him. That he had become quite weak because of being shut in an not being able to get out. They had a last tour planned but had to cancel it because of the shut down.

Knowing Mike's health was poor (not because of Covid) they went ahead this year with the tour. There were concerns over Covid and what might happen if he would get it. But.......the first few shows had him come out on stage and sing from a chair. A few dates in he came out with a the dated went by he was able to walk out on his own and perform.

So his heart finally did give out but he made a lot of people happy this last year and being shut in would have killed him anyway.

I got the vaccine, not because of Fauci, but because venue's that had performances of people I wanted to see perform were only able to open if they checked vaccinated statuses. I had bought these tickets in 2019 (Sam Bush and Todd Snider).

My point is, shut down's do a lot of harm also. Years people will never get back. We shut down and people are still dying. I am supportive of those who still feel they need to wear a mask. That get the new booster as soon as it becomes available.

I really hate that many people make these decisions based upon their politics. That they would condemn others in an attempt to push politics. (both sides sadly do this)

Some months before the #CoronaHoax2020 really got underway, I broke my leg. I was already clearly experiencing some of the adverse psychological effects of being shut in and cut off from the rest of humanity, before the #CoronaHoax started doing this to almost everyone else.

The story about Mr. Nesmith's improving condition, as he was getting out and performing rather than staying shut in out of fear of an overhyped flu bug resonates deeply in me; it echoes my own progress once I was able to start getting out again, and working at some semblance of a job, and which continued even more sharply as I returned to doing construction work.

Right now, I am between projects, waiting for my next one, and already, I find myself deteriorating again, both physically and mentally. I was just saying to my wife, a day or two ago, that I really need to be forcing myself to get out of the house and go out and do things, anything, to fight what the idleness/isolation is doing to me. It's a very nasty cycle in which I am caught, right now. The more I hide out at home, and not go out and doing anything, the worse my psychological condition becomes; and the worse it becomes the more strongly I resist going out and doing anything.

I think that too many people, even when they are experiencing it, do not have anything close to a full grasp of just how harmful idleness and isolation really are to a human being. If people understood this, then there is no way that we'd allow the criminals and tyrants who infest our government to get away with imposing this sort of shit using a fake “pandemic” as an excuse.
My point is, shut down's do a lot of harm also. Years people will never get back. We shut down and people are still dying. I am supportive of those who still feel they need to wear a mask. That get the new booster as soon as it becomes available.

The COVID-1984 never had anywhere close to the potential to do nearly as much harm to us—as individuals and as a society—as what corrupt politicians have done to us under the fraudulent guise of “protecting” us from it.

I really hate that many people make these decisions based upon their politics. That they would condemn others in an attempt to push politics. (both sides sadly do this)

The #CoronaHoax2020 was created for malevolent political purposes. Of course people are going to respond to it politically, either to promote or to resist the malicious agenda for which it was created and which it is being used to promote.
Some months before the #CoronaHoax2020 really got underway, I broke my leg. I was already clearly experiencing some of the adverse psychological effects of being shut in and cut off from the rest of humanity, before the #CoronaHoax started doing this to almost everyone else.

The story about Mr. Nesmith's improving condition, as he was getting out and performing rather than staying shut in out of fear of an overhyped flu bug resonates deeply in me; it echoes my own progress once I was able to start getting out again, and working at some semblance of a job, and which continued even more sharply as I returned to doing construction work.

Right now, I am between projects, waiting for my next one, and already, I find myself deteriorating again, both physically and mentally. I was just saying to my wife, a day or two ago, that I really need to be forcing myself to get out of the house and go out and do things, anything, to fight what the idleness/isolation is doing to me. It's a very nasty cycle in which I am caught, right now. The more I hide out at home, and not go out and doing anything, the worse my psychological condition becomes; and the worse it becomes the more strongly I resist going out and doing anything.

I think that too many people, even when they are experiencing it, do not have anything close to a full grasp of just how harmful idleness and isolation really are to a human being. If people understood this, then there is no way that we'd allow the criminals and tyrants who infest our government to get away with imposing this sort of shit using a fake “pandemic” as an excuse.

It's certainly not fake to those who have died from it and yes, many have.
We can return to "normal" today. We could have done it months ago. The only thing preventing that from happening are the politicians and those who still hang on every word of fear porn coming from the media. It's not the disease.

We should never have left “Normal”.

Nothing about this virus ever called for any of the destructive shit that we have stupidly allowed to be done to us under the fraudulent guise of “protecting” us from it.

If we had simply treated it as yet another routine cold/flu outbreak, then that is all it ever would have been.
I am reading where the Biden lunatic asylum(white house is having a corona outbreak. How is that possible? They wear masks, probably 5 at a time and i heard Fauci has them hooked up to corona shot IV's so they are getting the chemicals pumped into them 24/7. How can they possibly be having an outbreak?
Any White House outbreak has to first ask the question about surfaces. There are surfaces that collect and maintain the communist virus whether or not someone is vaxxed. These are not simply inanimate surfaces. They include surfaces whereupon vaccines are irrelevant: mouth, throat, nasal passages. These can be nomadic and exchangeable in the environment. Can they also mutate on these unvaxxed surfaces of the vaxxed?

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