Vatican to indict Nuncio charged with sexual abuse of boys

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This story begins In the Dominican Republic where the Nuncio to Pope Francis was charged with sexually abusing young boys, paying for sexual favors and in one case paying for medicine for a very ill child who was too poor to afford the medicine - in exchange for sexual favors. The Nuncio's assistant also admitted procuring children for the Nuncio when he asked him to and later wrote a letter to the Nuncio stating he was seeking God's forgiveness for having helped him by finding the boys.

The crimes happened in the Dominican Republic but the Vatican said Pope Francis's Nuncio had immunity as he was a personal ambassador to the Pope personally. The Vatican demanded that their own court hear the case and decide the verdict and outcome of this case concerning their own Ambassador and the charges against him. Somehow the Vatican was able to bring the Nuncio back to Vatican City and told the officials in DR that he was under house arrest until the trial.

Now the news has broken that the Ambassador to Pope Francis was seen by eye witnesses walking freely on the streets recently and didn't appear to be under house arrest at all.

According to Scripture, Christians are to abide by the laws of the land. Those who break the law must be tried in the land in which they committed the crime just as non Christians must before a secular court. There is no difference. The Apostle Paul was brought before a secular court to stand trial. Not a religious one. (I had no idea such a thing existed as scripture does not support any such idea) Peter and Silas were jailed with those who were not Christians. They were kept in an ordinary jail in the city - was where they were kept.

As the crimes against these young boys happened in the Dominican Republic the people are demanding that the Nuncio stand trial there. I was not aware that the Vatican had their own court room, judges, and jails. I am wondering who would the judge be? The Pope? This is the Nuncio he appointed. Isn't that a conflict of interests and furthermore isn't the Vatican acting as its own court, judge and jury over its own ambassador a conflict of interests? I don't understand how this could happen. What would have happened if Warren Jeff's had been tried by His own Mormon Church instead of a court of law? What would have happened if the man who blew up abortion clinics would have stood trial in his own church instead of a court of law? Why is there an exception being made for the Vatican?

Vatican indicts its former Dominican ambassador - CBS News

The Holy See recalled Wesolowski in 2013 after rumors surfaced in Santo Domingo that he allegedly paid shoeshine boys to masturbate. Wesolowski has since been defrocked and placed under modified house arrest inside Vatican City pending a decision by the Vatican criminal court on whether to indict him.That decision came June 6, when the Vatican prosecutor asked the head of the Vatican City State tribunal to indict him - a decision that was announced Monday.

The case has been highly sensitive, given that the Polish-born Wesolowski was an ambassador of the Holy See - a direct representative of the pope and not just one of the world's 440,000 priests. Continue reading on link above

Why Is Pope Francis Protecting a High-Ranking Pedophile -

The Papal Nuncio to the Dominican Republic, Jozef Wesolowski, came to the attention of prosecutors when Nuria Piera, General Director ofCadena de Noticias(CDN), a television station owned by the principal newspaper in Santo Domingo,El Caribe,sent a camera crew to chase down rumors that the nuncio had been luring boys to the beach house (a perk of his office) to engage in sex for money. According toThe New York Times, Wesolowski caught the reporters following him and quit cruising for boys on the beach. Instead, he sent a Church deacon, Francisco Reyes, to pander for His Excellency.

(A Papal Nuncio does not represent the city-state of Vatican City. He [always “he”] represents the Holy See, and its personification, the Pope. Each nuncio is personally selected by the Pope and, in Catholic countries, the nuncio is senior in diplomatic protocol to secular ambassadors. Even in non-Catholic countries, the nuncio has all the privileges and immunities of other ambassadors because the Holy See is a signatory to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.)
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I want to provide more articles and evidence of what has happened thus far so bear with me here. This article reveals who was responsible for helping the Nuncio leave the Dominican Republic and return to Vatican City. (against the wishes of the people of that country who were demanding he stand trial there)

Why Is Pope Francis Protecting a High-Ranking Pedophile -

Reverend Mr. Reyes got arrested for solicitation of a minor on June 24, 2013. When nobody from the Church appeared promptly to bail him out, he squealed and named names of alleged child molesters in a letter written on July 2 to, among others, Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus López Rodriguez, who flew to the Vatican and presented the evidence directly to Pope Francis.

The Pope then quietly recalled his nuncio on August 21 without informing Dominican authorities of either the allegations or the recall, spiriting His Excellency Jozef Wesolowski out of the Dominican Republic just ahead of an investigation of numerous counts of child sexual abuse, which began in early September when CDN ran Ms. Piera’s reports. Only then, did the Church announce that Pope Francis had recalled his nuncio. The Vatican then invoked diplomatic immunity to keep the nuncio from being tried for his crimes in the Dominican Republic.
In this story we see that the Vatican reported he would be under house arrest. See the link.

Vatican puts ex-Dominican envoy under house arrest - CBS News

VATICAN CITY -- The Vatican says it has put its former ambassador to the Dominican Republic under house arrest following allegations he sexually abused young boys in the Caribbean country.

Josef Wesolowski has already been defrocked after the Vatican's canon law court found him guilty in June and imposed its toughest penalty: laicization, or returning to life as a layman. On Tuesday, the separate criminal court opened a preliminary hearing into his case and ordered him placed under house arrest.

A Vatican statement said Wesolwski presented medical documentation detailing health concerns that prevented a more restrictive type of detention. The Vatican has a few small detention rooms inside its police barracks.
This report contradicts the Vatican's claim that they have the Nuncio to Pope Francis in a police barracks. He has been seen walking freely about by eyewitnesses who report the following here:

An auxiliary bishop in Santo Domingo, Victor Masalles, posted a Twitter message on Monday that he was surprised to see the ambassador walking along a street in Rome. “The silence of the church has hurt the people of God,” the bishop said in Spanish.

The Vatican explained Friday that the former ambassador had been “relatively free to move” pending the sentence from the church’s doctrinal office. But it said that now, “all the measures adequate to the gravity of the case will be adopted against the former nuncio,” though the measures were not specified.
So an auxiliary bishop, Victor Maselles, said on Monday that he was surprised to see the Nuncio walking along a street in Rome. The Vatican told the world he was under house arrest / being kept in a police barracks but now they claim he is "relatively free to move"? When is someone going to hold these people accountable? Enough is enough. Many boys were sexually abused by this Nuncio and the Vatican does not even have this man in a confined cell. He is freely walking the streets of Rome!

The Vatican has now come out claiming now that he is under "modified house arrest". Walking the streets of Rome by yourself freely is modified house arrest? Where is the accountability here? This man is a sexual predator. He belongs behind bars. In a Prison. Not a detention room at the Vatican where he comes and goes as he pleases.
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For Nuncio Accused of Abuse, Dominicans Want Justice at Home, Not Abroad

The case is the first time that a top Vatican ambassador, or nuncio — who serves as a personal envoy of the pope — has been accused of sexual abuse of minors. It has sent shock waves through the Vatican and two predominantly Catholic countries that have only begun to grapple with clergy sexual abuse: the Dominican Republic and Poland, where Mr. Wesolowski was ordained by the Polish prelate who later became Pope John Paul II. It has also created a test for Pope Francis, who has called child sexual abuse “such an ugly crime” and pledged to move the Roman Catholic Church into an era of “zero tolerance.” For priests and bishops who have violated children, he told reporters in May, “There are no privileges.”

Mr. Wesolowski has already faced the harshest penalty possible under the church’s canon law, short of excommunication: on June 27, he was defrocked by the Vatican, reducing him to the status of a layman. The Vatican, which as a city-state has its own judicial system, has also said it intends to try Mr. Wesolowski on criminal charges — the first time the Vatican has held a criminal trial for sexual abuse. But far from settling the matter, the Vatican has stirred an outcry because it helped Mr. Wesolowski avoid criminal prosecution and a possible jail sentence in the Dominican Republic.
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Nuncio's assistant who procured children for him made the following confession and police report includes a letter written by him to the Nuncio.

Mr. Wesolowski began sending a young Dominican church deacon to procure children for him, law enforcement authorities in the Dominican Republic say.

The deacon, Francisco Javier Occi Reyes, was arrested by the police on June 24, 2013, accused of solicitation of minors and taken to jail. But no one came to bail him out, and the deacon sent an anguished letter dated July 2 to Mr. Wesolowski, to be delivered to him by hand at his office.

“We have offended God” and the church, the letter said, by sexually abusing children and adolescents “for crumbs of money.” The deacon wrote that he had agreed to find child victims for the nuncio so that “your sexual appetite can be satiated,” but that he was now asking God for forgiveness.

“Hopefully you will consider asking for God to help you to walk away from this evil disease of continuing to sexually abuse innocent children,” the letter said, according to a copy obtained by The New York Times from a Dominican Justice Ministry official.

Wesolowski s sexual victims give details to the NYT -

At that time the Nuncio had not been found out yet. By 2014 (last year) there were numerous boys identifying him as "the Italian" the man who had molested them. By seeing a photo of him in the newspapers they recognized him - they had no idea he was the Nuncio to Pope Francis.
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This will break your heart. Read this to the end. First the confession of the Catholic Dominican deacon who assisted the Nuncio in procuring boys in a letter and then the actual crimes including the Nuncio exchanging desperately needed medicine for sexual acts performed by a very ill young boy.
It reads:

The deacon sent an anguished letter dated July 2 to Mr. Wesolowski, to be delivered to him by hand at his office.

“We have offended God” and the church, the letter said, by sexually abusing children and adolescents “for crumbs of money.” The deacon wrote that he had agreed to find child victims for the nuncio so that “your sexual appetite can be satiated,” but that he was now asking God for forgiveness.

“Hopefully you will consider asking for God to help you to walk away from this evil disease of continuing to sexually abuse innocent children,” the letter said, according to a copy obtained by The New York Times from a Dominican Justice Ministry official.

The deacon sent copies of the letter to Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus López Rodriguez, the head of the church in the Dominican Republic, and to a Dominican bishop, Gregorio Nicanor Peña Rodríguez. The cardinal then carried the evidence to the Vatican, where he met directly with Pope Francis, according to interviews with the Dominican authorities. On Aug. 21 last year, Mr. Wesolowski was secretly recalled to Rome.

Six days later, the cardinal called the papal nuncio “a great friend and promoter of peace.”

Neither the cardinal, nor other church officials, reported the allegations to the local authorities, Dominican officials say. Vatican guidelines say that criminal sexual abuse accusations should be reported in countries where reporting is required.

The country’s attorney general, Francisco Domínguez Brito, and the district attorney of Santo Domingo, Yeni Berenice Reynoso Gómez, both said in interviews that they first learned about the allegations against Mr. Wesolowski from Ms. Piera’s television reports, which were broadcast in early September and included a child asserting that he had been abused.

Soon after, church officials here told local news media that Mr. Wesolowski had been recalled because of the allegations against him, prompting Cardinal Rodriguez to confirm that he had gone to the Vatican to address the matter. He and other church officials denied requests for an interview.

‘The Most Terrible Case’

The district attorney, Ms. Reynoso, said her investigators had identified four children aged 12 to 17 with whom the nuncio had sexual contact, but that there were likely others.

The 17-year-old had epilepsy, and the nuncio gave him medicine for his condition in exchange for sexual acts, starting from when the boy was 13, the district attorney said. She said she had “no doubt” about the credibility of the youths’ testimony, because it was corroborated by other evidence.

“This is the most terrible case that I have ever seen,” said Ms. Reynoso. “He was abusing kids who were living in extreme poverty, in exchange for pills for a boy’s illness. It’s very perverse.”
Wesolowski s sexual victims give details to the NYT -

That is exactly what it is and where is the news media on this story? Why isn't it all over the news on television? Because the Vatican has tremendous power and wealth and they can get away with such crimes. Even handling them behind closed doors. This is wrong. It must be stopped. Let Priests, Bishops, Nuncio's and paedophile Popes (Pope Francis has been accused of paedophile rape by two grown women who said he raped them when they were young children - it has been kept out of mainstream news also) be tried in a secular court of law. Put them on trial and let justice be served.
Pope Francis did not follow these guidelines. He helped the Nuncio return to Rome without the police arresting and charging him and this does not line up with the supposed "Vatican Guidelines". Furthermore, it is against the law. The Nuncio committed sexual abuse crimes against minors in the Dominican Republic and he should be tried before a secular court in that land and sentenced to prison there. Not a vacation at the Vatican while he walks the streets of Rome unsupervised.


Preliminary Procedures

The local diocese investigates every allegation of sexual abuse of a minor by a cleric.
If the allegation has a semblance of truth the case is referred to the CDF. The local bishop transmits all the necessary information to the CDF and expresses his opinion on the procedures to be followed and the measures to be adopted in the short and long term.

Civil law concerning reporting of crimes to the appropriate authorities should always be followed.

I thought appropriate authorities would be law enforcement but it actually does not use that wording. I find the Roman Catholic Vatican rules to be completely unacceptable. Every nation has laws against child molestation and those laws should be enforced by the courts of that land. The secular Courts of that land. Not the Roman Catholic Church which has continually hidden and covered for these paedophiles. Judgment belongs in the Courtrooms of the land the crime was committed in. NOT THE VATICAN.
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B3 Disciplinary Measures

In cases where the accused priest has admitted to his crimes and has accepted to live a life of prayer and penance, the CDF authorizes the local bishop to issue a decree prohibiting or restricting the public ministry of such a priest. Such decrees are imposed through a penal precept which would entail a canonical penalty for a violation of the conditions of the decree, not excluding dismissal from the clerical state. Administrative recourse to the CDF is possible against such decrees. The decision of the CDF is final.
This states that those priests who admit to their crimes are free to live a life of prayer and pennance instead of prison time in a state prison where all other criminals are sentenced. Does anyone else see what is wrong with this picture here?
It appears to the UN is involved in this matter. Poland has also apparently demanded that Pope Francis's Nuncio be extradited to their country to face trial in a secular court for sex crimes against children.

Vatican Ex-envoy to Dominican Republic guilty of abuse -

The U.N. panel asked to be informed of the outcome of the investigation into Wesolowski.

In a statement issued following the report, the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests, or SNAP, urged Polish bishops and Catholics to contact Pope Francis and "insist that he send Wesolowski back to face secular justice in Poland."

Francis last month spoke out against sexual abuse by Catholic clergy and said he would meet with victims.

A priest who abuses a child betrays the body of the Lord, the Pope told reporters, as he called for zero tolerance.

"This is very serious," he said. "It is like, by way of comparison, holding a black Mass. You are supposed to lead them to sanctity and instead you lead them to a problem that will last their entire lives."
I believe Pope Francis is confused about his own Nuncio. Wesoloski is not a priest. He is the Nuncio to Pope Francis. He represents him personally.
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More news on more paedophiles working for Pope Francis.

Accused cleric now works in Pope s archdiocese - SNAP

Accused cleric now works in Pope’s archdiocese
Accused abusive cleric is still on the job

He now works in Pope’s home archdiocese

Church admits charges against him are “credible”

But they keep quietly transferring him overseas

He’s been put back to work twice since allegation

SNAP: “Put him & others accused predators in a center”

A cleric who has been credibly accused of child sex abuse now works in Pope Francis’ home archdiocese. A US-based support group wants the alleged predator kept out of ministry and put into a treatment center.

According to a church newsletter, Brother Richard Suttle now works for the Chicago-based Claretians on a “human rights project” in Buenos Aires - the archdiocese that was run by Pope Francis until just five months ago.[email protected]

This is Suttle’s second church job and transfer to a developing nation since 2008, when the Claretians suspended Suttle, admitting that their investigation showed the child sex abuse allegation against him was credible.

Community Notification Statement Br Richard Suttle CMF Diocese of Phoenix December 18 2008


The disclosures were made today by SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests.

SNAP also revealed a list of 14 accused child molesting Claretian clerics. The organization prodded religious order officials to house all of its alleged abusive employees in a treatment center and, “for the safety of kids,” permanently post the names of offenders on church websites.

They also urged victims, witnesses and whistleblowers to contact law enforcement with any information or suspicions they have about clergy sex crimes and cover ups in this religious order.

SNAP made the disclosure and the requests at a sidewalk outside the Claretians headquarters in downtown Chicago. The Claretians has long operated in Chicago but moved their US headquarters here a year and a half ago.

“This is gross recklessness and callousness,” said Barbara Blaine, president of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, including the organization’s long time president. “The Claretians are knowingly putting kids in harm’s way and breaking every pledge Catholic officials have made for more than a decade about openness and children’s safety.”

(Her full statement:IL- Credibly accused Catholic cleric works now in Pope s home diocese - SNAP)

Last year, an investigation by the Chicago Tribune found 32 admitted, proven or credibly accused predator priests who have moved or been sent to other nations after allegations against them were reported.
Sex-Abuse Victims to Pope Stop Begging for Forgiveness and Just Stop the Abuse - The Daily Beast

Barbara Blaine, outreach director of the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests or SNAP disagrees. Even though SNAP, now 25 years old, is the most widely recognized global support group for clerical victims with more than 18,000 members, no one from their leadership was invited to meet with Francis.

Ahead of the meeting Blaine, who was raped by her parish priest as a teenager, posed a number of topics she would like to discuss with Francis, if only she were given a chance. First, she says she would like to tell the pope, “Stop talking about the crisis as though it’s past tense, and stop delaying while your abuse panels discusses details. You know the right thing to do. You don’t need a report.”

I find it very telling that Pope Francis didn't permit a single person from SNAP to speak with him. He knows that they know what is going on and he cannot do anything about it without exposing his own past history which includes the rape of two young girls who as adults - came forward to report he raped them as children and child trafficking (before he became Pope). Pope Francis is a paedophile, a child predator and those he selects to be his Nuncio, his own inner circle are involved in the crimes of paedophilia as well. People are known by the company they keep.

The charges against Pope Francis in this story are real but the Vatican has prevented anything to be done so far. The corruption within the Vatican and the Roman Catholic System is very great. These people cover for one another.

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The truth is coming out. Pray for the Catholic people that the LORD will open their eyes and help them find the courage to leave Catholicism. For the sake of their eternal souls and the safety of their children, they must! Before it is too late.

The Vatican is being exposed for what it is: The most criminal organization in existence. The crimes that they have managed to commit against humanity for 2000 years via its criminal priests, nuns, and evil religious leaders are now being discovered worldwide, as it is written that any day now, the Catholic Church will go up in flames and be destroyed forever, as it is the mother of all abominations on Earth.

The Protect Your Children Foundation is documenting and exposing all of its crimes worldwide, alerting entire nations of the dangers that the Catholic Church poses to our children in our communities, as they have been implementing crime schemes of rape, torture, starvation, human experiments, abuse, exploitation and more in its religious institutions, while claiming to 'help children'. The Vatican has utilized its false appearance of mercy, claiming they are representatives of Christ, when in fact, they do this to gain trust and commit crimes. For more info, visit:
Catholic churches in Australia apologize for "Forced Adoptions."

Church says sorry over forced adoptions - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation

The Catholic Church in Australia has issued a national apology over past adoption practices that have been described as a "national disgrace".

The apology was prompted by an ABC investigation into claims of abuse and trauma in Newcastle.

It is believed at least 150,000 Australian women had their babies taken against their will by some churches and adoption agencies between the 1950s and 1970s.

Psychiatrist Geoff Rickarby has treated scores of affected women, and says it is a stain on Australia's history.

"It sounds like some totalitarian country somewhere hundreds of years ago, but in fact it's Australia only 35, 40 years ago," Dr Rickarby said.

The chief executive of Catholic Health Australia, Martin Laverty, says he is sorry for what happened.

He says the organisation is committed to righting the wrongs and wants to develop protocols to assist women affected.

Mr Laverty became aware of the past practices after the ABC began its investigations.

"It's with a deep sense of regret, a deep sense of sorrow that practices of the past have caused ongoing pain, suffering and grief to these women, these brave women in Newcastle but also women around Australia," Mr Laverty said.

Mr Laverty will formally apologise in Newcastle today, and the Maitland-Newcastle Catholic Diocese and the Singleton and North Sydney Sisters of Mercy will also say sorry.
Does that seem alright to you? The Roman Catholic Church stole 150,000 babies from their Australian mothers and now they say - sorry - and that is the end of it? When with this Crime Syndicate be shut down?
One mother's story:
Church says sorry over forced adoptions - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Juliette Clough is one of the women who says she was forced to give up her baby at a Catholic-run hospital in Newcastle in 1970. She was 16 at the time and says she was alone, afraid and desperate.

"My ankles were strapped to the bed, they were in stirrups and I was gassed, I had plenty of gas and they just snatched away the baby," Ms Clough said.

"You weren't allowed to see him or touch him, anything like that, or hold him and it was just like a piece of my soul had died. And it's still dead"

Margaret had a similar experience when her son was taken against her will in 1975, when she was 17.

"Straight away he was taken out of the labour ward. By the records it only took 13 minutes to transfer him from the labour ward to the nursery, so he was gone," she said

The women claim they were not told about single parent benefits or their rights to revoke consent for adoption.

Clare had two babies forcibly adopted.

She says the infants were like products, procured for couples deemed more suitable to raise them.

"I think it was almost like a machine or, you know I don't like the terminology but, a factory in that it was so well lubricated."

Pillows over faces
Greens Senator Rachel Siewert is chairwoman of a Senate inquiry currently examining the country's former adoption practices.

"Women have told stories about going into hospital not realising that they were going to have to give up their babies, but that pillows were put over their faces, that curtains were put up so they couldn't see the baby," Senator Siewert said.

Women have also told the ABC they were given milk suppressing drugs that have now been linked to cancer, as well as barbiturates that caused sedation and in some cases delirium.

Mr Laverty says it is not a period to be proud of.

"The evidence that's come forward really speaks to a shameful and regretful time in the history of healthcare in Australia," he said.

"It wasn't just a small number of hospitals. We now know that there were many hospitals across Australia."

Women have told the ABC there was pressure to sign adoption papers well before consent could legally be obtained, and in some cases documents were forged.

The Catholic Church's adoption agency has previously apologised for misguided, unethical or unlawful practices, after an inquiry by a New South Wales Parliamentary committee in 2000.

Last year the Western Australian Government also apologised, a move Senator Siewert says was extremely empowering for thousands of women there.

But Lily Arthur, from the forced adoption support group Origins NSW, is sceptical about apologies.

"I don't think that anyone can accept an apology for something that's never been basically dealt with legally."
Catholic hospitals using their hospitals for forced adoptions - stealing babies from their mothers! Why has the Vatican not been brought up on charges - child trafficking, stealing babies, murder, rape, paedophilia - this is a crime syndicate, people. NOT a church. OPEN YOUR EYES!
Cash for Babies Catholic Nuns Drug 150 000 Unwed Mothers Steal and Sell Their Babies The Age of Blasphemy

Cash for Babies | Catholic Nuns Drug 150,000 Unwed Mothers, Steal and Sell Their Babies

These nuns did not drug these mothers at these Catholic hospitals and steal their children without the knowledge of the Vatican. It was a well planned out operation and the truth is still being covered up. Catholic Hospitals throughout Australia were doing it. It was a child trafficking operation. They are still involved in such crimes today - when will the world wake up?

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