Vanity Fair Research and Article: Origins of Covid


Platinum Member
May 26, 2021

Not seeing a lot of discussions on any MSM or Social Media outlets in regards to this article by Vanity Fair.
IMO, the origin of Covid, and potentially leaking from the Wuhan Lab, is huge but is largely left out of any discussion. Instead lets focus on vax and un-vaxxed, Trump vs Biden. But, if the U.S. was financing research of Gain of Function, military research, and there were concerns of the Labs safety protocols, and then... trying to cover up origins through mis-direction of the initial narratives, the culpability and crimes against humanity is huge.

I understand that we are largely now, in reaction mode. That's important, but I'm surprised why so many don't care about how Covid hit the human population and want to argue and debate, mostly illogically, how a POTUS is too blame when in fact, more than likely, we can't point to a POTUS, but we can point to a lab and we can point to the funding and knowledge of gain of function research and trying to cover up this whole debacle.
Origins of the Wuhan Designer Virus®

Democrats: Oh gracious and most powerful master Xi, Orange Man Bad. We must have POWER in order to further your exalted will.

Xi's Minions: We have a little something we cooked up to subdue Hong Kong and Taiwan. A biological weapon paid for by the American NIH.

Democrats: Does it target and kill white people only, your worship?

Xi's Minions: No you morons, it was designed to kill people in Hong Kong who are protesting the Empire. But if you play it right you can blame it on Trump.

Democrats: Unleash it as soon as you can.
China, China and more China. If bio terrorism was their goal they sure fucked up. The evidence that this was their goal will someday be established. But someday the Pandemic may very well take the lives and and wealth of Americans due to the efforts of the QAnon kooks and those, even before the current pandemic's outbreak, who rejected vaccinations for their children.

What is QAnon?​

"QAnon is a far right-wing, loosely organized network and community of believers who embrace a range of unsubstantiated beliefs. These views center on the idea that a cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles—mainly consisting of what they see as elitist Democrats, politicians, journalists, entertainment moguls and other institutional figures—have long controlled much of the so-called deep state government, which they say sought to undermine Mr. Trump, mostly with aid of media and entertainment outlets."


Not seeing a lot of discussions on any MSM or Social Media outlets in regards to this article by Vanity Fair.
IMO, the origin of Covid, and potentially leaking from the Wuhan Lab, is huge but is largely left out of any discussion. Instead lets focus on vax and un-vaxxed, Trump vs Biden. But, if the U.S. was financing research of Gain of Function, military research, and there were concerns of the Labs safety protocols, and then... trying to cover up origins through mis-direction of the initial narratives, the culpability and crimes against humanity is huge.

I understand that we are largely now, in reaction mode. That's important, but I'm surprised why so many don't care about how Covid hit the human population and want to argue and debate, mostly illogically, how a POTUS is too blame when in fact, more than likely, we can't point to a POTUS, but we can point to a lab and we can point to the funding and knowledge of gain of function research and trying to cover up this whole debacle.

I sure hope that governments and individuals throughout the world sue China in their local courts.

Maybe local assets owned by China can be seized as payment.

If China is responsible for this nightmare, it must be made to pay, if there is any justice in this world (and, yes, I realize that there is precious little justice in this world. Look at how nothing has happened to Czar Putin for his role in the shooting down of that passenger airplane in Ukraine, which sent bodies, including that of a baby, raining down onto the fields below.)

Not seeing a lot of discussions on any MSM or Social Media outlets in regards to this article by Vanity Fair.
IMO, the origin of Covid, and potentially leaking from the Wuhan Lab, is huge but is largely left out of any discussion. Instead lets focus on vax and un-vaxxed, Trump vs Biden. But, if the U.S. was financing research of Gain of Function, military research, and there were concerns of the Labs safety protocols, and then... trying to cover up origins through mis-direction of the initial narratives, the culpability and crimes against humanity is huge.

I understand that we are largely now, in reaction mode. That's important, but I'm surprised why so many don't care about how Covid hit the human population and want to argue and debate, mostly illogically, how a POTUS is too blame when in fact, more than likely, we can't point to a POTUS, but we can point to a lab and we can point to the funding and knowledge of gain of function research and trying to cover up this whole debacle.

How sad is it that a fucking fashion magazine has to do the job our so-called media abandoned?
I sure hope that governments and individuals throughout the world sue China in their local courts.

Maybe local assets owned by China can be seized as payment.

If China is responsible for this nightmare, it must be made to pay, if there is any justice in this world (and, yes, I realize that there is precious little justice in this world. Look at how nothing has happened to Czar Putin for his role in the shooting down of that passenger airplane in Ukraine, which sent bodies, including that of a baby, raining down onto the fields below.)
China, China and more China. If bio terrorism was their goal they sure fucked up. The evidence that this was their goal will someday be established. But someday the Pandemic may very well take the lives and and wealth of Americans due to the efforts of the QAnon kooks and those, even before the current pandemic's outbreak, who rejected vaccinations for their children.

What is QAnon?​

"QAnon is a far right-wing, loosely organized network and community of believers who embrace a range of unsubstantiated beliefs. These views center on the idea that a cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles—mainly consisting of what they see as elitist Democrats, politicians, journalists, entertainment moguls and other institutional figures—have long controlled much of the so-called deep state government, which they say sought to undermine Mr. Trump, mostly with aid of media and entertainment outlets."

I'm not wanting this convo to go down the Bio-war path. That could be plausible, but is also putting the cart before horse. This could be just a lab leak. Until we know for sure how, we can only speculate as to why. Bio-war is hyperbolic at this time.
How sad is it that a fucking fashion magazine has to do the job our so-called media abandoned?
Right!!?? But IMO, it's because the origin was completely politicized at the onset and attempts to curb research pointing to an origin. To say Covid was a lab leak out of China was conspiracy bullshit and owned by the crazy Trumpers. It's illogical to politicize questions around origin. Now the evidence is point more and more to a lab leak.
Democrats still cover for China and the lab. Most still think the virus is natural caused by bats and panglins playing together.
Right!!?? But IMO, it's because the origin was completely politicized at the onset and attempts to curb research pointing to an origin. To say Covid was a lab leak out of China was conspiracy bullshit and owned by the crazy Trumpers. It's illogical to politicize questions around origin. Now the evidence is point more and more to a lab leak.

Big Left will go down with the ship on this because of their need to protect the communist Chinese government, which almost totally owns them.

Not seeing a lot of discussions on any MSM or Social Media outlets in regards to this article by Vanity Fair.
IMO, the origin of Covid, and potentially leaking from the Wuhan Lab, is huge but is largely left out of any discussion. Instead lets focus on vax and un-vaxxed, Trump vs Biden. But, if the U.S. was financing research of Gain of Function, military research, and there were concerns of the Labs safety protocols, and then... trying to cover up origins through mis-direction of the initial narratives, the culpability and crimes against humanity is huge.

I understand that we are largely now, in reaction mode. That's important, but I'm surprised why so many don't care about how Covid hit the human population and want to argue and debate, mostly illogically, how a POTUS is too blame when in fact, more than likely, we can't point to a POTUS, but we can point to a lab and we can point to the funding and knowledge of gain of function research and trying to cover up this whole debacle.
I don't think we'll ever know. And I appreciate the non-partisan tone of the thread. And I'm not sure myself. It seems a bit questionable that the Lab went into basically shutdown on information at the same time the virus "miraculously" started spreading. But then we've had other viruses arise from SE Asia, and there's not a hint of govt creation.


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