Utah Station Highlites Paramedic Who Donated 10 Bucks To Kyle Rittenhouse Defense Fund


Platinum Member
Sep 11, 2017

This is beyond believable.

How is this journalism in any shape,form, or fashion ?

From the article:

ABC4 News investigative reporter Jason Nguyen went to the man’s home “to get his side of things, but those inside the home didn’t want to talk.” No, you went to his home to do an ambush interview because of your political orientation and you wanted to shame him over $10, when he did nothing wrong. I will not be repeating the man’s name, because it’s disgusting that they ever published it.

Then they went to his employer.

There are times when I wonder if we really don't have apes living among us.

I have questions about donating money to a murderer....but whatever.

It was to his defense fund.

And you can have all the questions you want.

But a TV station taking stolen data and using it to go after someone in this fashion is disgusting.

Your lack of understanding on that matter is duly noted (but not found surprising).
LOL this twat’s Twitter is getting blown up.


I have questions about donating money to a murderer....but whatever.
Murderer? Self defense is not murder. Rittenhouse shot people who were trying to kill him.

Why are you taking the side of the child molesting pedophile who attacked the American patriot, you fucking disgusting piece of subhuman scum?

I'd bet against 100:1 odds that bodecea is a Democrat.
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Rittenhouse has not been convicted and very well may not be.
I have questions about donating money to a murderer....but whatever.
Murderer? Self defense is not murder. Rittenhouse shot people who were trying to kill him.

Why are you taking the side of the child molesting pedophile?

Regardless of what happened, there has been no trial and won't be for a while.

So, like a typical leftist, they play judge and jury.

Does not matter.

This thread is about that subhuman reporter who got his hands on a piece of information about a completely legal and none-of-your-business act and chose to gaslight the paramedic.

If he isn't fired....I will want to know why.
I have questions about donating money to a murderer....but whatever.

The more I think about it, what questions do you have ?

1. You misstated the truth: it was to his defense fund.
2. You also called him a murderer. The trial is still six months out. Or do you know something.
3. How is it any business of anyone who gives money to Rittenhouse's fund ?

Please tell us your questions.
An ambush interview attempt over TEN dollars!

The fool felt the need to harass someone at HOME over TEN dollars!

Not remotely newsworthy story.

The irony is that HE is now the story that is newsworthy because it is INSANE in what he was doing, bother people at home over a TEN dollar donation!

Wow, did you hear about a "nurse" who donated TEN whole dollars, ohhh I am excited!

I have questions about donating money to a murderer....but whatever.
your problem is you lack a understanding of the law on self defense.

So many ignorant folks on this board....the video shows it all...it was posted.

I have questions about donating money to a murderer....but whatever.
Murderer? Self defense is not murder. Rittenhouse shot people who were trying to kill him.

Why are you taking the side of the child molesting pedophile who attacked the American patriot, you fucking disgusting piece of subhuman scum?

I'd bet against 100:1 odds that bodecea is a Democrat.

Irregardless he is stupid and that vietnamese journalist should be sent back.

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