USMB's Thirteen Days Till Halloween

Well it seems like I've accidentally made a couple of duplicate videos, but I'm going to post some pictures and then tomorrow's theme will be my worst fear of them all... clowns. *Shudders* Anyways, I'm more afraid of being startled by snakes then I am of snakes themselves. Clowns just terrify me all around but I like being scared when it comes to movies and stuff lol (Oh and snakes are actually fascinating to watch when they're in a video or something and how big they can open their mouths.)

This first pic as actually cute. :)





Found a couple of other cool videos while looking for something else.

Well, just so you guys know I'm going to add some music along with some pictures and tomorrow's theme will be all about Halloween candy, Halloween costumes, and trick-or-treating. :)



I got a couple more videos for the night and then I can't believe it but we only have a few days left until Halloween!!! :D Stay tuned for Monday for a very special Thanksgiving announcement. ;)

Edit: Oh and just a little FYI tomorrow's theme will be all about spooky stories, urban legends, and superstitions.

(Even though this song is talking about something completely different I just had to add it lol)

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(There, that should be more than enough to keep you guys busy with today and tomorrow's theme is Halloween attractions and shows along with a virtual hayride. ;)

(And that will be it for today. Tomorrow's theme is more pictures than videos as it'll be all about horror films and TV shows and stuff. :D)

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