USMB Political Spectrum Poll: Where you at?

Where do you fall on the political spectrum

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Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2009
Please choose from one of the following 7 categories that best describes you:

1. Far Left - everyone else is a right-wing nut

2. Liberal/Progressive - disagrees with conservatives on nearly every issue

3. Left-leaning Centrist - agrees with liberals on most issues, but can at times agree with conservatives on some issues

4. Centrist - can see both sides on most issues and/or does not have a strong position on most issues

5. Right-leaning Centrist - agrees with conservatives on most issues, but can at times agree with liberals on some issues

6. Conservative/Libertarian - disagrees with liberals on nearly every issue

7. Far Right - everyone else is a leftist

This is a self-reporting poll, the result of which are open to the public. Therefore, try to be honest, or you might get called out on your choice.

Also, discussion about your choice and the choice of others is encouraged.
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I'd have to say #6: Some may say that my views on homosexuality in society and narcotics are "liberal."

Some may say my non-interventionist FP views are "lib" as well.
All over the place as far as politics is concerned. I try to be a realist which does not fit any of your definitions.
All over the place as far as politics is concerned. I try to be a realist which does not fit any of your definitions.

Bull shit. You're opinions consistently come straight from the left.

I am a gun owner.
I believe in fiscal responsibility.
I believe in personal responsibility.
I believe in reasonable use of resources such as oil and coal.
I kill and eat meat critters.
I believe in term limits.
I believe in a flat tax with no deductions.
I believe in banning paid lobbyists for any special interest.
I support states rights.

I could go on but with your prejudicial limited understanding it would be useless.
Have a nice day.
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It will be funny to see how many wingers try and portray themselves as 'centrist'
Yep. Why I said I am all over the place politically. My views are my own.
And I am for sure not an average American.

Heck I even fiind myself agreeing with many points Pat Buchannon makes.
However idealism does not mix with reality very well.

Such as I am for balancing the budget and reducing debt. How to do that right now though is problematic at best.
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All over the place as far as politics is concerned. I try to be a realist which does not fit any of your definitions.

Bull shit. You're opinions consistently come straight from the left.

I am a gun owner.
I believe in fiscal responsibility.
I believe in personal responsibility.
I believe in reasonable use of resources such as oil and coal.
I kill and eat meat critters.
I believe in term limits.
I believe in a flat tax with no deductions.
I believe in banning paid lobbyists for any special interest.
I support states rights.

I could go on but with your prejudicial limited understanding it would be useless.
Have a nice day.

Then maybe you are a bi-winged centrist.
It will be funny to see how many wingers try and portray themselves as 'centrist'
Yep. Why I said I am all over the place politically. My views are my own.
And I am for sure not an average American.

Well.. I am definitely conservative or right side on the issues of law enforcement, finances and income, taxation, small government, military, etc

I am more towards the moderate side on many social issues (but not all)...

One thing I generally hate are brain dead wingers on either side... KMAN, rdean, etc
Bull shit. You're opinions consistently come straight from the left.

I am a gun owner.
I believe in fiscal responsibility.
I believe in personal responsibility.
I believe in reasonable use of resources such as oil and coal.
I kill and eat meat critters.
I believe in term limits.
I believe in a flat tax with no deductions.
I believe in banning paid lobbyists for any special interest.
I support states rights.

I could go on but with your prejudicial limited understanding it would be useless.
Have a nice day.

Then maybe you are a bi-winged centrist.

thems fighting words!
I will meet you on the field of honor at sunrise. Bring your second.
One thing I generally hate are brain dead wingers on either side... KMAN, rdean, etc

I agree.

I also hate people from either side that are so closed minded that they can't even engage in a civil discussion with the other side. Those folks tend to be the fringe.

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