USMB advice

Damaged Eagle

Behind blue eyes
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 28, 2015
I have hours, only lonely

For all you newbies...

Even though you may feel no one is listening to your point. They are!
Even though you may feel you're right. You most likely aren't!
Even though you may feel the mods aren't paying attention to you. They most certainly are!
Even though you may feel you have world saving news. You probably don't!
Even though you may feel you don't belong here. You most likely do!

Welcome to the USMB and enjoy!!!


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View attachment 519119

For all you newbies...

Even though you may feel no one is listening to your point. They are!
Even though you may feel you're right. You most likely aren't!
Even though you may feel the mods aren't paying attention to you. They most certainly are!
Even though you may feel you have world saving news. You probably don't!
Even though you may feel you don't belong here. You most likely do!

Welcome to the USMB and enjoy!!!



World saving news?

A man once came to save the world and they nailed him to a cross for it. All democrats by the way.

For you see, the world, it don't want to be saved.
I have NEVER felt the mods were not paying attention to me.

One, in fact, has a long history of following me around and ridiculing serious posts of mine by indicating they are funny. Heck, in one thread, alone, it happened over 20 times, so I feel far from ignored.
I have NEVER felt the mods were not paying attention to me.

One, in fact, has a long history of following me around and ridiculing serious posts of mine by indicating they are funny. Heck, in one thread, alone, it happened over 20 times, so I feel far from ignored.

I feel your pain, brotha
View attachment 519119

For all you newbies...

Even though you may feel no one is listening to your point. They are!
Even though you may feel you're right. You most likely aren't!
Even though you may feel the mods aren't paying attention to you. They most certainly are!
Even though you may feel you have world saving news. You probably don't!
Even though you may feel you don't belong here. You most likely do!

Welcome to the USMB and enjoy!!!



Even though you may feel like people are listening to you, they really don't give a shit and go cry to mommy


The OP is a measure of opposites.

Which adds a whole new dimension on the amount of beer required to sustain one's self in the various forums of the USMB.



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