USA Must Divide Into 2 Seperate Countries


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
There simply is no room at all in red state America for Democrats. There can be no compromise. We have had enough. Democrats have GOT TO GO, and the sooner the better. The US map must change, with red states being one country. Blue states being another.

Then, no more friction. No more partisan investigation. No more twists of taxpayer money, and if Democrats want to engage in election fraud, sanctuary cities, tolerance of Islam, affirmative action discrimination, gun free zones, riot/looting tolerance, etc, the only victims will be other Democrats.
There simply is no room at all in red state America for Democrats. There can be no compromise. We have had enough. Democrats have GOT TO GO, and the sooner the better. The US map must change, with red states being one country. Blue states being another.

Then, no more friction. No more partisan investigation. No more twists of taxpayer money, and if Democrats want to engage in election fraud, sanctuary cities, tolerance of Islam, affirmative action discrimination, gun free zones, riot/looting tolerance, etc, the only victims will be other Democrats.
Always those patriot right wingers wanting to divide. Such traitors. Those red states won't be able to afford much of a military....
The communist democrats are now whining and crying because the election was not the blowout they thought it would be. Half the country stands against them. They did not expect that.
There simply is no room at all in red state America for Democrats. There can be no compromise. We have had enough. Democrats have GOT TO GO, and the sooner the better. The US map must change, with red states being one country. Blue states being another.

Then, no more friction. No more partisan investigation. No more twists of taxpayer money, and if Democrats want to engage in election fraud, sanctuary cities, tolerance of Islam, affirmative action discrimination, gun free zones, riot/looting tolerance, etc, the only victims will be other Democrats.
Nearly every city in the USA is democratic leaning.

Most Trump supporters are in suburb and rural areas.
You cant split a country like that.

Besides the reason USA became the most influential country is because of the U.

Can't you people figure it out it doesn't matter who wins? The country forges ahead with the greatest workforce in the world. The rich get richer the poor get it's always been. Hyper partisan people on both sides should form their own little nation where they can run around with their hair on fire shouting at each other.
There simply is no room at all in red state America for Democrats. There can be no compromise. We have had enough. Democrats have GOT TO GO, and the sooner the better. The US map must change, with red states being one country. Blue states being another.

Then, no more friction. No more partisan investigation. No more twists of taxpayer money, and if Democrats want to engage in election fraud, sanctuary cities, tolerance of Islam, affirmative action discrimination, gun free zones, riot/looting tolerance, etc, the only victims will be other Democrats.
At this stage of the game I would think that the superior choice would be to keep America as a country intact as is @ current. Dividing into two countries would just add another country to have to police against more illegal immigrants attempting to cross over once the communalists bankrupt the new country. Education is the key to getting the duped statist left out of the commie cult idolatry. From what I have read recently the constitutionally based right has picked up somewhere around a million defected lefties. Prez Trump has mentioned about steering the education in country @ current to the country's true recorded history/heritage instead of the revised commie fallacy the statist left has been allowed to get away with. Remember the statist left among the American constituency are still American citizens, they are just the more simple of mind & therefore more easily gulliblized by those with more gray matter between their ears.
Give it a rest. We are ALL Americans

Anyone can sneak in here and be an American.

Not everyone can be a real Texan though.

Not everyone wants to be a Texan. I had a friend who was born & raised in Texas. He left as soon as he was old enough to enlist. He used to say, "If I owned Hell and owned Texas, I would live in Hell and rent out Texas."
There simply is no room at all in red state America for Democrats. There can be no compromise. We have had enough. Democrats have GOT TO GO, and the sooner the better. The US map must change, with red states being one country. Blue states being another.

Then, no more friction. No more partisan investigation. No more twists of taxpayer money, and if Democrats want to engage in election fraud, sanctuary cities, tolerance of Islam, affirmative action discrimination, gun free zones, riot/looting tolerance, etc, the only victims will be other Democrats.
I was just talking to a buddy of mine about this. It seems like our country is running on two different wavelengths. Splitting it in half sounds like a decent plan instead of making half the country feel disenfranchised every 4 years. Give the left the left half and the right the right. Done
There simply is no room at all in red state America for Democrats. There can be no compromise. We have had enough. Democrats have GOT TO GO, and the sooner the better. The US map must change, with red states being one country. Blue states being another.

Then, no more friction. No more partisan investigation. No more twists of taxpayer money, and if Democrats want to engage in election fraud, sanctuary cities, tolerance of Islam, affirmative action discrimination, gun free zones, riot/looting tolerance, etc, the only victims will be other Democrats.


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