US Unaware Iran Leading Iraq Fight for Tikrit


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2012
What the heck is going on here and over there? We were surprised by Iranians leading Iraqi troops to try to retake Tikrit?

So, we were never told about it or asked to join forces, yet we supplied the weapons.
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They are saying we will stay out of it, since Iran is involved.
What the heck is going on here and over there? We were surprised by Iranians leading Iraqi troops to try to retake Tikrit?

So, we were never told about it or asked to join forces, yet we supplied the weapons.

If you have become of aware of this then the odds are good that US intelligence has been aware of it for a while now. And yes, they probably were told about it by the Mossad.
The US press and government are fully aware of Iran's fight against the US armed ISIS - but you can't make an enemy (that has never attacked you) look good in front of the people you're trying to tell how evil it is.
In fact, Iran has done more to damage ISIS than America has ever done, and they haven't sent weapons to, or trained ISIS - something America can't claim.
The US press and government are fully aware of Iran's fight against the US armed ISIS - but you can't make an enemy (that has never attacked you) look good in front of the people you're trying to tell how evil it is.
In fact, Iran has done more to damage ISIS than America has ever done, and they haven't sent weapons to, or trained ISIS - something America can't claim.
That's the stupidest thing I've heard since Obabbles remarks this afternoon.
Well, it seems the new defense secretary Carter is concerned with the Iranians fighting with them-

Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Tuesday he is "very concerned" about reports that Iran and Shiite militias are taking over the fight against Islamic State militants in Iraq and potentially fueling sectarian strife in that nation.

Carter, testifying on Capitol Hill for the first time since he started his job in early February, responded to questions about reports that the U.S. military is sitting on the sidelines as the Iraqis launch a major operation in Tikrit, an important Sunni Arab city north of Baghdad that is controlled by the group known as the Islamic State or ISIL.

Instead, Iran is providing open military support to the Iraqi army. Reports suggest Iranian military officers, Iranian-backed Shiite militias and Iranian artillery units are operating on the ground alongside Iraqi regular army forces.

"Are you concerned that Iran has basically taken over the fight?" Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., asked during a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

"I am looking at it with great concern," Carter said.

"Our approach to combating ISIL in Iraq is to work with the Iraqi security forces and a multisectarian government that takes a multisectarian approach to defeating ISIL," he said. "Sectarianism is what brought us to the point where we are, and so I do look at it with concern. We are watching it very closely."
Carter Iranian fighters in Iraq of great concern
The US press and government are fully aware of Iran's fight against the US armed ISIS - but you can't make an enemy (that has never attacked you) look good in front of the people you're trying to tell how evil it is.
In fact, Iran has done more to damage ISIS than America has ever done, and they haven't sent weapons to, or trained ISIS - something America can't claim.
That's the stupidest thing I've heard since Obabbles remarks this afternoon.
Why? Just saying something is stupid without a detailed explanation is, well, "stupid".
Well, it seems the new defense secretary Carter is concerned with the Iranians fighting with them-

Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Tuesday he is "very concerned" about reports that Iran and Shiite militias are taking over the fight against Islamic State militants in Iraq and potentially fueling sectarian strife in that nation.

Carter, testifying on Capitol Hill for the first time since he started his job in early February, responded to questions about reports that the U.S. military is sitting on the sidelines as the Iraqis launch a major operation in Tikrit, an important Sunni Arab city north of Baghdad that is controlled by the group known as the Islamic State or ISIL.

Instead, Iran is providing open military support to the Iraqi army. Reports suggest Iranian military officers, Iranian-backed Shiite militias and Iranian artillery units are operating on the ground alongside Iraqi regular army forces.

"Are you concerned that Iran has basically taken over the fight?" Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., asked during a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

"I am looking at it with great concern," Carter said.

"Our approach to combating ISIL in Iraq is to work with the Iraqi security forces and a multisectarian government that takes a multisectarian approach to defeating ISIL," he said. "Sectarianism is what brought us to the point where we are, and so I do look at it with concern. We are watching it very closely."
Carter Iranian fighters in Iraq of great concern
Republicans chased Sunni's out of Iraq. Now they have come back. That is pretty much the bottom line.

If Republicans followed a "thoughtful" approach, we wouldn't have invaded Iraq, but if we did anyway, we wouldn't have disbanded the Iraq military. But since we did that anyway, we should have just packed up and left. Republicans will never let that happen.
Poor obumble. He's become a mushroom. He's kept in the dark and fed shit.

Why hide this operation? Maybe because the plans would have been leaked by this evil regime to isis.
The US press and government are fully aware of Iran's fight against the US armed ISIS - but you can't make an enemy (that has never attacked you) look good in front of the people you're trying to tell how evil it is.
In fact, Iran has done more to damage ISIS than America has ever done, and they haven't sent weapons to, or trained ISIS - something America can't claim.
That's the stupidest thing I've heard since Obabbles remarks this afternoon.
Why? Just saying something is stupid without a detailed explanation is, well, "stupid".
Some things are stupid on their Obama's.
What the heck is going on here and over there? We were surprised by Iranians leading Iraqi troops to try to retake Tikrit?

So, we were never told about it or asked to join forces, yet we supplied the weapons.

Yeah. I heard that on the news. Iran is fighting ISIS. Guess they don't want they're country overrrun and citizens beheaded.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. For this momment.
How come Rdean always has all the answers?

Because he is not an ignorant Republican voter.

I am quite pleased with the Iraqis wanting to get this started in Tikrit against Daesh on their own. What is wrong with us supplying weapons and bombing some Daesh cowards when the try escaping the death that is coming to them.
How come Rdean always has all the answers?

Because he is not an ignorant Republican voter.

I am quite pleased with the Iraqis wanting to get this started in Tikrit against Daesh on their own. What is wrong with us supplying weapons and bombing some Daesh cowards when the try escaping the death that is coming to them.
At this point with your moron Obabble, I reckon you are anxious to highlight any movement in Iraq...including the Revolutionary Guard calling the shots where brave US soldiers fought and died to free iraq from a despot.
The US press and government are fully aware of Iran's fight against the US armed ISIS - but you can't make an enemy (that has never attacked you) look good in front of the people you're trying to tell how evil it is.
In fact, Iran has done more to damage ISIS than America has ever done, and they haven't sent weapons to, or trained ISIS - something America can't claim.
That's the stupidest thing I've heard since Obabbles remarks this afternoon.

I'll bet you can't explain why.
Fighting isis doesn't make Iran into a good guy fighting for peace and justice. Iran is no different than isis. Isis wants to create an isis caliphate. Iran wants to create an Iranian caliphate.
DT 10887038.
where brave US soldiers fought and died to free iraq from a despot.

They are Brave US soldiers but they did not free Sunni Iraqis or Kurds from a Despot. They just switched despots from a Sunni one to a Shiite one. Thanks to Obama and the Iraqi people the Shiite despot is gone.

You should be praising the 'freed' Iraqis for taking on Daesh in Tikrit on their own. You know - not asking Americans to do the dying for them.

That seems to be disturbing to right wing Americans that other Americans are not being killed in Iraq after the Bush deadline on January 1 2012 has passed.
DT 10887038
At this point with your moron Obabble, I reckon you are anxious to highlight any movement in Iraq...including the Revolutionary Guard calling the shots where brave US soldiers fought and died to free iraq from a despot.

So are you openly cheering for DAIISH terrorist scum and their Iraq Sunni allies that Bush deposed in 2003 to now defeat the Revolutionary Guard and their Iraqi Shiite friends and militias and Peshmerga fighting against DAIISH right now into and around Tikrit.

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