US slaughter intensifies in Afghanistan


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
The US military claimed responsibility for killing scores of insurgents over the weekend as it unleashed its long-awaited offensive against Kandahar, Afghanistan’s second-largest city.
The International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), the NATO umbrella organization for the US-led occupation, reported the largest body counts in two eastern regions of the country.
In eastern Laghman Province, ISAF reported that a US-led air assault killed at least 30 in an “engagement with enemy fighters” in the Alishing district. The report claimed that there were no injuries to civilians in the area.
On Saturday, however, several hundred Afghans demonstrated in the streets of Mihtarlam, the provincial capital, to protest the slaughter of unarmed civilians in the raid. The protesters chanted slogans condemning the US-led occupation.
US slaughter intensifies in Afghanistan

And people wonder why all the world hates us...
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The US military claimed responsibility for killing scores of insurgents over the weekend as it unleashed its long-awaited offensive against Kandahar, Afghanistan’s second-largest city.
The International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), the NATO umbrella organization for the US-led occupation, reported the largest body counts in two eastern regions of the country.
In eastern Laghman Province, ISAF reported that a US-led air assault killed at least 30 in an “engagement with enemy fighters” in the Alishing district. The report claimed that there were no injuries to civilians in the area.
On Saturday, however, several hundred Afghans demonstrated in the streets of Mihtarlam, the provincial capital, to protest the slaughter of unarmed civilians in the raid. The protesters chanted slogans condemning the US-led occupation.
US slaughter intensifies in Afghanistan

And people wonder why all the world hates us...

The funny thing is once you take away their Guns, they all look like Civilians. Considering they do not wear a uniform.
The US military claimed responsibility for killing scores of insurgents over the weekend as it unleashed its long-awaited offensive against Kandahar, Afghanistan’s second-largest city.
The International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), the NATO umbrella organization for the US-led occupation, reported the largest body counts in two eastern regions of the country.
In eastern Laghman Province, ISAF reported that a US-led air assault killed at least 30 in an “engagement with enemy fighters” in the Alishing district. The report claimed that there were no injuries to civilians in the area.
On Saturday, however, several hundred Afghans demonstrated in the streets of Mihtarlam, the provincial capital, to protest the slaughter of unarmed civilians in the raid. The protesters chanted slogans condemning the US-led occupation.
US slaughter intensifies in Afghanistan

And people wonder why all the world hates us...
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww C'mon
Gawd Blass murka !
The greatest, most corrupt.and vile nation in the history of the world !
Go wave your flag and remember.
Palin 2012 !!!!
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The US military claimed responsibility for killing scores of insurgents over the weekend as it unleashed its long-awaited offensive against Kandahar, Afghanistan’s second-largest city.
The International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), the NATO umbrella organization for the US-led occupation, reported the largest body counts in two eastern regions of the country.
In eastern Laghman Province, ISAF reported that a US-led air assault killed at least 30 in an “engagement with enemy fighters” in the Alishing district. The report claimed that there were no injuries to civilians in the area.
On Saturday, however, several hundred Afghans demonstrated in the streets of Mihtarlam, the provincial capital, to protest the slaughter of unarmed civilians in the raid. The protesters chanted slogans condemning the US-led occupation.
US slaughter intensifies in Afghanistan

And people wonder why all the world hates us...

The funny thing is once you take away their Guns, they all look like Civilians. Considering they do not wear a uniform.

Even the women and children?
The US military claimed responsibility for killing scores of insurgents over the weekend as it unleashed its long-awaited offensive against Kandahar, Afghanistan’s second-largest city.
The International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), the NATO umbrella organization for the US-led occupation, reported the largest body counts in two eastern regions of the country.
In eastern Laghman Province, ISAF reported that a US-led air assault killed at least 30 in an “engagement with enemy fighters” in the Alishing district. The report claimed that there were no injuries to civilians in the area.
On Saturday, however, several hundred Afghans demonstrated in the streets of Mihtarlam, the provincial capital, to protest the slaughter of unarmed civilians in the raid. The protesters chanted slogans condemning the US-led occupation.
US slaughter intensifies in Afghanistan

And people wonder why all the world hates us...

Sounds like Vietnam, big body counts and miraculously no civilian casualties...
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The funny thing is once you take away their Guns, they all look like Civilians. Considering they do not wear a uniform.

You invade their country and hang around for ten years, overthrow and replace their government, kill scores of civilians every week, and then complain when the vastly outnumbered and outgunned people fighting you don't "wear uniforms"? In what universe would it make sense for them to wear uniforms everywhere?
The thing I don't get is, why doesn't the US just nukes their butts? Why have a game changing weapon then not use it? And then fight hand to hand and get killed. Makes no bloody sense.
All Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah, etc. fighters are always innocent civilians. Come on! Get with the program.
The thing I don't get is, why doesn't the US just nukes their butts? Why have a game changing weapon then not use it? And then fight hand to hand and get killed. Makes no bloody sense.

That is because you lack the either the intelligence or the knowledge to understand it.
The funny thing is once you take away their Guns, they all look like Civilians. Considering they do not wear a uniform.

You invade their country and hang around for ten years, overthrow and replace their government, kill scores of civilians every week, and then complain when the vastly outnumbered and outgunned people fighting you don't "wear uniforms"? In what universe would it make sense for them to wear uniforms everywhere?

What sense does it make for them to keep on fighting if they're outnumbered and outgunned fucking psychopaths?

And then of the fighting stops, they just go to the west and terrorize people in perpetuity, and the cycle repeats.
Originally posted by Adamo
The thing I don't get is, why doesn't the US just nukes their butts? Why have a game changing weapon then not use it? And then fight hand to hand and get killed. Makes no bloody sense.

If I was the president of an arab state and heard cretinoid statements like this I would immediately declare the development of a nuclear deterrent against the West an absolute, overriding national priority.

I would be insane not to.
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What are the arab people waiting for to depose that bunch of inconsequent children that rule them and put in power serious, responsible leaders commited to protect the Middle East against military "retaliation"?
Arab nuclear scientists addressing the arab league:

When do you think the nuclear deterrent against the West should be fully operational?

Arab leaders:

José;2798290 said:
Originally posted by Adamo
The thing I don't get is, why doesn't the US just nukes their butts? Why have a game changing weapon then not use it? And then fight hand to hand and get killed. Makes no bloody sense.

If I was the president of an arab state and heard cretinoid statements like this I would immediately declare the development of a nuclear deterrent against the West an absolute, overriding national priority.

I would be insane not to.

Afghanistan or Al-Qaeda is going to develop nukes? :lol: Not once they get bombed back to the 12th century. No wait! Isn't that the century they're in now? :lol:
if you can carpet bomb Germany, Irak and Viet Nam and nuke Japan, what's the difference with nuking Afghanistan? They tried to carpet bomb it with B-52s, but that didn't work, the country's too big. So either nuke it or go home. Or both.
Originally posted by Adamo
Afghanistan or Al-Qaeda is going to develop nukes?

I was thinking more along the lines of a regional alliance between all major countries to develop a mutual defence system.

Reasonable counter-argument:

Too many regional political, cultural and religious differences for this plan ever to succeed.

Reasonable reply:

Problaby true... but anyway... wise political leaders should always keep in mind that:

National survival trumps regional rivalries.
Jose, you fucking dumbass, who's going to attack the US if they nuke Afghanistan? Nobody, that's who.

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