US gets dragged into fight as Australia-China war of words escalates


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Here is an ally, along with Japan and Taiwan, that America should partner with. Don't continue down the path of embracing China that is going to collapse so many economies and societies, find strong, outspoken allies, and find common ground.

Notice the bolded text. They tried to recruit an Aussie to spy for them, he went to the Australian counter-intel and wound up dead in a hotel room. At age 32. This is an act of war.

US gets dragged into fight as Australia-China war of words escalates

The animosity brewing between Australia and China over coronavirus reached a fever pitch this week.

But tensions between the trading partners have been simmering for more than a year over alleged plots to plant spies in the government as well as control over strategic islands in the South Pacific that could have consequences for the United States.

The latest spat started after Australia called for an independent inquiry into the origin of the novel coronavirus.

"I think it's incumbent upon China to answer those questions and provide the information so people can have clarity about exactly what happened because we don't want it to be repeated," Australia's home affairs minister Peter Dutton said on April 17.


The country's Nine Network claimed that Chinese operatives had offered luxury car dealer Bo "Nick" Zhao $679,000 to run as a candidate for a parliamentary seat. The 32-year-old ended up dead in a Melbourne hotel room in March after reportedly approaching ASIO, Australia's counterespionage agency.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang brushed off the allegations, claiming Australian politicians and reporters were being paranoid.

"No matter how bizarre the plot is and how their tricks are refurbished, lies are always lies," Geng said. "We have never been and are not interested in interfering in others' affairs."
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I can't help but feel we will have war with China within the next twenty years though I sincerely hope not.
Undoubtedly China deserves to be whipped like a mangy cur.
If China has any sense they will see almost all the world is aligned against it though someone like Xi Jinping
doesn't seem to care.
I can't help but feel we will have war with China within the next twenty years though I sincerely hope not.
Undoubtedly China deserves to be whipped like a mangy cur.
If China has any sense they will see almost all the world is aligned against it though someone like Xi Jinping
doesn't seem to care.

Chinese Communist leaders never care, because they know in a war of attrition, they will win easily against anyone outside of India.

If Communist leaders believed sacrificing 300M of their own citizens would allow them global dominance, they would happily do it. After all, they would still have a Billion left behind them to rule.
I can't help but feel we will have war with China within the next twenty years though I sincerely hope not.
Undoubtedly China deserves to be whipped like a mangy cur.
If China has any sense they will see almost all the world is aligned against it though someone like Xi Jinping
doesn't seem to care.

Chinese Communist leaders never care, because they know in a war of attrition, they will win easily against anyone outside of India.

If Communist leaders believed sacrificing 300M of their own citizens would allow them global dominance, they would happily do it. After all, they would still have a Billion left behind them to rule.

China is a paper tiger.
They may have a lot of people/soldiers but they cant feed them so a war of attrition is the last thing they'd want.
And if the world is against them they will be well and truly fucked.
No one to buy their gas and oil,no one to trade with.
On top of all that their own people hate them and would likely take the opportunity to revolt.
Here is an ally, along with Japan and Taiwan, that America should partner with. Don't continue down the path of embracing China that is going to collapse so many economies and societies, find strong, outspoken allies, and find common ground.

Notice the bolded text. They tried to recruit an Aussie to spy for them, he went to the Australian counter-intel and woun up dead in is hotel. At age 32. This is an act of war.

US gets dragged into fight as Australia-China war of words escalates

The animosity brewing between Australia and China over coronavirus reached a fever pitch this week.

But tensions between the trading partners have been simmering for more than a year over alleged plots to plant spies in the government as well as control over strategic islands in the South Pacific that could have consequences for the United States.

The latest spat started after Australia called for an independent inquiry into the origin of the novel coronavirus.

"I think it's incumbent upon China to answer those questions and provide the information so people can have clarity about exactly what happened because we don't want it to be repeated," Australia's home affairs minister Peter Dutton said on April 17.


The country's Nine Network claimed that Chinese operatives had offered luxury car dealer Bo "Nick" Zhao $679,000 to run as a candidate for a parliamentary seat. The 32-year-old ended up dead in a Melbourne hotel room in March after reportedly approaching ASIO, Australia's counterespionage agency.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang brushed off the allegations, claiming Australian politicians and reporters were being paranoid.

"No matter how bizarre the plot is and how their tricks are refurbished, lies are always lies," Geng said. "We have never been and are not interested in interfering in others' affairs."
Those descendants of ex-cons seem angry. We have to back them up.

Is this a FOX-news regurgitation of an AP edict, though?

The AP is always beating the war drums. Wholly on board with the MIC and fostering war every chance they get.

The last BS I read out of them involved South America.

Man! I haven't seen any Syria news in a year! What's up over there?

Oh! They have peace now that Obama isn't supporting ISIS trying to overthrow their country?

Their biggest problem is Turkey now.

Wtf? Why are we allied with Erdogan? He is a piece of shit.
War is inevitable only when we make it so.
Nice platitude but history has a different lesson for those paying attention.
Could war with Hitler and the Axis have been avoided short of complete capitulation?

I don't see how.
There was no other way. Could certain things have been handled differently? Sure!

Hindsight is always 20/20. U-boats terrorizing shipping lanes? Had to go, Bubba.

Hitler had to go.
Here is an ally, along with Japan and Taiwan, that America should partner with. Don't continue down the path of embracing China that is going to collapse so many economies and societies, find strong, outspoken allies, and find common ground.

Notice the bolded text. They tried to recruit an Aussie to spy for them, he went to the Australian counter-intel and wound up dead in a hotel room. At age 32. This is an act of war.

US gets dragged into fight as Australia-China war of words escalates

The animosity brewing between Australia and China over coronavirus reached a fever pitch this week.

But tensions between the trading partners have been simmering for more than a year over alleged plots to plant spies in the government as well as control over strategic islands in the South Pacific that could have consequences for the United States.

The latest spat started after Australia called for an independent inquiry into the origin of the novel coronavirus.

"I think it's incumbent upon China to answer those questions and provide the information so people can have clarity about exactly what happened because we don't want it to be repeated," Australia's home affairs minister Peter Dutton said on April 17.


The country's Nine Network claimed that Chinese operatives had offered luxury car dealer Bo "Nick" Zhao $679,000 to run as a candidate for a parliamentary seat. The 32-year-old ended up dead in a Melbourne hotel room in March after reportedly approaching ASIO, Australia's counterespionage agency.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang brushed off the allegations, claiming Australian politicians and reporters were being paranoid.

"No matter how bizarre the plot is and how their tricks are refurbished, lies are always lies," Geng said. "We have never been and are not interested in interfering in others' affairs."
The Aussies are in the same conflict with the Lying Outlaw Slavers of Beijing that we are.

Aussie Media: Massive Leak Of CCP Members "Lifts The Lid" On Global Surveillance State

Just days after leaked video from China exposed details of China having "people at the top of America’s core inner circle of power and influence," which was followed by Eric Swalwell's 'fang-banger-gate' debacle, Sky News Australia reports that a major leak containing a register with the details of nearly two million CCP members has occurred - exposing members who are now working all over the world, while also lifting the lid on how the party operates under Xi Jinping.

This report reinforces details exposed in 2018, when a series of leaked internal documents revealed that China's military reforms are aimed at allowing Beijing to "manage a crisis, contain a conflict, win a war" and overtake the United States in military strength:
“As we open up and expand our national interests beyond borders, we desperately need a comprehensive protection of our own security around the globe,” read the leaked documents, which adds that a strong military is the best way to "escape the obsession that war is unavoidable between an emerging power and a ruling hegemony".

Which led to recent concerns about China's increasingly 'hybrid' war efforts around the world.

As ABC reported in September, a Chinese company with links to Beijing's military and intelligence networks has been amassing a vast database of detailed personal information on thousands of Australians, including prominent and influential figures.
A database of 2.4 million people, including more than 35,000 Australians, has been leaked from the Shenzhen company Zhenhua Data which is believed to be used by China's intelligence service, the Ministry of State Security.
Zhenhua boasts of having the People's Liberation Army and the Chinese Communist Party among its main clients.
Information collected includes dates of birth, addresses, marital status, along with photographs, political associations, relatives and social media IDs.
Zhenhua's chief executive Wang Xuefeng, a former IBM employee, has used Chinese social media app WeChat to endorse waging "hybrid warfare" through manipulation of public opinion and "psychological warfare".

All of which leads to today's breaking news from Australia's Sky News who claim that the leak is a significant security breach likely to embarrass Xi Jinping, noting that the data was extracted from a Shanghai server by Chinese dissidents, whistleblowers, in April 2016, who have been using it for counter-intelligence purposes.

“It was then leaked in mid-September to the newly-formed international bipartisan group, the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China - and that group is made up of 150 legislators around the world.

“It was then provided to an international consortium of four media organisations, The Australian, The Sunday Mail in the UK, De Standaard in Belgium and a Swedish editor, to analyse over the past two months, and that's what we've done". reports that the data analysis also revealed that:
...more than 600 party members were working at 19 branches of British banks like HSBC and Standard Chartered in 2016.
Similarly, pharmaceutical giants Pfizer and AstraZeneca, currently involved in the development of coronavirus vaccines, had employed 123 CCP loyalists.
Defence firms like Airbus, Boeing and Rolls-Royce also employed hundreds of party members.

Sky News added that it, “is worth noting that there's no suggestion that these members have committed espionage - but the concern is over whether Australia or these companies knew of the CCP members and if so have any steps been taken to protect their data and people”.

But, as ABC reported in September, a Five Eyes intelligence officer, who uses the pseudonym Aeneas, has pored over the data, and described the technique as "mosaic intelligence gathering" - sourcing vast tracts of information from a wide variety of sources.
"The individual pieces of intelligence are like tiles in a mosaic, which make sense when they are arranged the right way," Aeneas said.
He argued it was a different way to collect information than how many western agencies went about their work.

The narrative does confirm recent comments by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who slammed China for stealing research and intellectual property, calling China's Communist Party the "central threat of our time."

Among the 2.4 million 'CCP members' in the leaked database, we simply have no idea how many are 'bad actors' and how many are merely little-red-book-carrying Chinese citizens, living and working abroad.
Here is an ally, along with Japan and Taiwan, that America should partner with. Don't continue down the path of embracing China that is going to collapse so many economies and societies, find strong, outspoken allies, and find common ground.

Notice the bolded text. They tried to recruit an Aussie to spy for them, he went to the Australian counter-intel and wound up dead in a hotel room. At age 32. This is an act of war.

US gets dragged into fight as Australia-China war of words escalates

The animosity brewing between Australia and China over coronavirus reached a fever pitch this week.

But tensions between the trading partners have been simmering for more than a year over alleged plots to plant spies in the government as well as control over strategic islands in the South Pacific that could have consequences for the United States.

The latest spat started after Australia called for an independent inquiry into the origin of the novel coronavirus.

"I think it's incumbent upon China to answer those questions and provide the information so people can have clarity about exactly what happened because we don't want it to be repeated," Australia's home affairs minister Peter Dutton said on April 17.


The country's Nine Network claimed that Chinese operatives had offered luxury car dealer Bo "Nick" Zhao $679,000 to run as a candidate for a parliamentary seat. The 32-year-old ended up dead in a Melbourne hotel room in March after reportedly approaching ASIO, Australia's counterespionage agency.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang brushed off the allegations, claiming Australian politicians and reporters were being paranoid.

"No matter how bizarre the plot is and how their tricks are refurbished, lies are always lies," Geng said. "We have never been and are not interested in interfering in others' affairs."
If biden is president Australia might as well surrender to china now

because they will get no support from America
I can't help but feel we will have war with China within the next twenty years though I sincerely hope not.
If demo rats can continue to steal presidential elections there will be no war

dems are in bed with and owned by china and will never go to war with their master
I think China is very near a probing attack to see how we respond. How effectively can Biden counter-attack if they have him completely compromised?
China is undoubtedly the world's number one threat. And with Joe Biden in the White House,
with Chinese aid, this nation is greatly compromised.

Corrupt Joe has long been an ally of China.
"Come on man, the Chinese aren't a threat to us" he famously whined during the debates.
China is undoubtedly the world's number one threat. And with Joe Biden in the White House,
with Chinese aid, this nation is greatly compromised.

Corrupt Joe has long been an ally of China.
"Come on man, the Chinese aren't a threat to us" he famously whined during the debates.
Apocalypse Soon—Brush Up On Your Mandarin for the Biden Years.

“The tangled, dysfunctional relationship that we have with China right now has been kept in check during the Trump years. The media’s October cover-up has now practically given the CCP a seat at Cabinet meetings.”​
4 more years !

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