US General Betrays Trump's And Russia's Position On Syria


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

After the Helsinki summit last week -- which by all means was a huge success -- big deals came out of the secret meeting between Trump and Putin. Trump didn't go into detail about these deals because he knows how dishonest the lame-stream media is and how they will lie about these deals.

However the media in Russia is much more honest and favorable to Trump -- so you can trust them when they reported that the Russian and US militaries will be cooperating with each other in Syria -- this is great news, because initially we were opposed to Assad remaining in power due to Iran backing Assad -- but now due to this deal, we will also be on the side of Russia and Iran in backing Assad and making sure his government remains in power.

Unfortunately, Army Gen. Joseph Votel, U.S. Central Command chief seems to be a bit of trouble maker, I wonder if he is an Obama holdover because his statements are troubling indeed. He says things like "Russia actively worked to make sure that the Syrian regime wasn’t held to full accountability for their use of chemicals.” ..then he goes on to say “These are not things that give me great confidence that just by stepping over into the next level of coordination that things are going to be fine. I don’t,” Gen Votel continued. “It’s Russia. Let’s not forget that it’s Russia.” Are you kidding me General?

Luckily, the Russian Defense Ministry fired back by saying the U.S. should “engage in cooperation with Russia and the country’s legal leadership,” referring to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, whom Russia backs. Now libs are going to whine about how under U.S. law, American troops may not coordinate with Russian forces -- aside from courtesy communications like warnings of where missile strikes are headed to avoid clashes between both sides. However, according to the deal Trump and Putin struck, both of our militaries will be fighting on the same side against terrorist rebels in Syria and helping Assad remain in power -- which is a good thing for both the US and Russia now..
Graduated West Point in 1980,which was during the Cold War.I was in my second year of duty at the time.So maybe,like me,he's just cautious of our former enemy now turned possible ally.The military-with good reason-
doesn't include politics in their war plans.
The general is right, and we have no business working with Russia to support Assad.

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