US Congressman Massie Say "Secret" Government Plan is Lockdowns Until Mandatory Vaccinations


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
US Congressman Massie Say “Secret” Government Plan is Lockdowns Until Mandatory Vaccinations

US Congressman Massie Say "Secret" Government Plan is Lockdowns Until Mandatory Vaccinations

RELATED: Sweden New Cases and Deaths Plunge, No “Second Wave” Anticipated (Bloomberg)

US Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY)

US Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) is becoming the new Ron Paul, for principled truth-telling. These specific remarks at about the 20 minute mark.

“The secret the government is keeping from you is that they plan to keep us shut down until there is some kind of vaccine, and then whether it’s compulsory at the federal level, or the state level, or maybe they persuade your employers though another PPP program that you won’t qualify for unless you make your employees get the vaccine, I think that’s their plan. Somebody convince me that’s not their plan, because there is no logical ending to this other than that.”


“CDC survival rate of all people who get COVID-19 is about 99.8%, versus flu about 99.9%” (Primary sources: Reason, Montreal Economic Institute, UPenn Medical Center, CDC)

Dr. Carrie Madej Urgently Warns Against Coming DARPA HydroGel in COVID Vaccines, Total Control of Humans Through Artificial Intelligence

Nephew of President JFK, Safe Vaccine Activist Calls Out Bill Gates Plan for 5G Control of Masses

Munkle Video MP4 file download link.

Studies Support Doctors’ Revolt Against Suppression of Hydroxychloroquine in US, Could Save “75,000 to 100,000 Lives”

NJ Gym Owners Defy Gov. Murphy Again Over 99.8% Survival Rate Disease, Re-open, “They Asked for 14 Days to Flatten the Curve…We’re Done with This”

20% of “Operation Warp Speed” Moderna Vaccine Trial Group Gets Sick, as CDC Mortality Rate for COVID Drops Sharply to Flu Levels

RFK Jr. website: Children’s Health Defense

Bill Gates, DARPA & New DNA NanoTech COVID-19 Vaccines, BY DAVID DEGRAW


One Million March in Germany Against Lockdowns for a 99.8% Survival Rate Virus


American billionaires have gotten half a trillion richer during the pandemic, as millions have lost livelihoods
US Congressman Massie Say “Secret” Government Plan is Lockdowns Until Mandatory Vaccinations

US Congressman Massie Say "Secret" Government Plan is Lockdowns Until Mandatory Vaccinations

RELATED: Sweden New Cases and Deaths Plunge, No “Second Wave” Anticipated (Bloomberg)

US Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY)
US Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) is becoming the new Ron Paul, for principled truth-telling. These specific remarks at about the 20 minute mark.
“The secret the government is keeping from you is that they plan to keep us shut down until there is some kind of vaccine, and then whether it’s compulsory at the federal level, or the state level, or maybe they persuade your employers though another PPP program that you won’t qualify for unless you make your employees get the vaccine, I think that’s their plan. Somebody convince me that’s not their plan, because there is no logical ending to this other than that.”


“CDC survival rate of all people who get COVID-19 is about 99.8%, versus flu about 99.9%” (Primary sources: Reason, Montreal Economic Institute, UPenn Medical Center, CDC)

Dr. Carrie Madej Urgently Warns Against Coming DARPA HydroGel in COVID Vaccines, Total Control of Humans Through Artificial Intelligence

Nephew of President JFK, Safe Vaccine Activist Calls Out Bill Gates Plan for 5G Control of Masses

Video MP4 file download link.

Studies Support Doctors’ Revolt Against Suppression of Hydroxychloroquine in US, Could Save “75,000 to 100,000 Lives”

NJ Gym Owners Defy Gov. Murphy Again Over 99.8% Survival Rate Disease, Re-open, “They Asked for 14 Days to Flatten the Curve…We’re Done with This”

20% of “Operation Warp Speed” Moderna Vaccine Trial Group Gets Sick, as CDC Mortality Rate for COVID Drops Sharply to Flu Levels

RFK Jr. website: Children’s Health Defense

Bill Gates, DARPA & New DNA NanoTech COVID-19 Vaccines, BY DAVID DEGRAW


One Million March in Germany Against Lockdowns for a 99.8% Survival Rate Virus


American billionaires have gotten half a trillion richer during the pandemic, as millions have lost livelihoods

Great, another republican nutball to voice a vax conspiracy. This is what passes for elected republican lawmakers these days? Jeesh!
Last edited:
US Congressman Massie Say “Secret” Government Plan is Lockdowns Until Mandatory Vaccinations

US Congressman Massie Say "Secret" Government Plan is Lockdowns Until Mandatory Vaccinations

RELATED: Sweden New Cases and Deaths Plunge, No “Second Wave” Anticipated (Bloomberg)

US Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY)
US Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) is becoming the new Ron Paul, for principled truth-telling. These specific remarks at about the 20 minute mark.
“The secret the government is keeping from you is that they plan to keep us shut down until there is some kind of vaccine, and then whether it’s compulsory at the federal level, or the state level, or maybe they persuade your employers though another PPP program that you won’t qualify for unless you make your employees get the vaccine, I think that’s their plan. Somebody convince me that’s not their plan, because there is no logical ending to this other than that.”


“CDC survival rate of all people who get COVID-19 is about 99.8%, versus flu about 99.9%” (Primary sources: Reason, Montreal Economic Institute, UPenn Medical Center, CDC)

Dr. Carrie Madej Urgently Warns Against Coming DARPA HydroGel in COVID Vaccines, Total Control of Humans Through Artificial Intelligence

Nephew of President JFK, Safe Vaccine Activist Calls Out Bill Gates Plan for 5G Control of Masses

Video MP4 file download link.

Studies Support Doctors’ Revolt Against Suppression of Hydroxychloroquine in US, Could Save “75,000 to 100,000 Lives”

NJ Gym Owners Defy Gov. Murphy Again Over 99.8% Survival Rate Disease, Re-open, “They Asked for 14 Days to Flatten the Curve…We’re Done with This”

20% of “Operation Warp Speed” Moderna Vaccine Trial Group Gets Sick, as CDC Mortality Rate for COVID Drops Sharply to Flu Levels

RFK Jr. website: Children’s Health Defense

Bill Gates, DARPA & New DNA NanoTech COVID-19 Vaccines, BY DAVID DEGRAW


One Million March in Germany Against Lockdowns for a 99.8% Survival Rate Virus


American billionaires have gotten half a trillion richer during the pandemic, as millions have lost livelihoods

Great, another republican nutball to voice a vax conspiracy. This is what passes for elected republican lawmakers these days? Jeesh!

have you seen some of the ones who pass as elected democrat lawmakers these days?....
US Congressman Massie Say “Secret” Government Plan is Lockdowns Until Mandatory Vaccinations

US Congressman Massie Say "Secret" Government Plan is Lockdowns Until Mandatory Vaccinations

RELATED: Sweden New Cases and Deaths Plunge, No “Second Wave” Anticipated (Bloomberg)

US Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY)
US Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) is becoming the new Ron Paul, for principled truth-telling. These specific remarks at about the 20 minute mark.
“The secret the government is keeping from you is that they plan to keep us shut down until there is some kind of vaccine, and then whether it’s compulsory at the federal level, or the state level, or maybe they persuade your employers though another PPP program that you won’t qualify for unless you make your employees get the vaccine, I think that’s their plan. Somebody convince me that’s not their plan, because there is no logical ending to this other than that.”


“CDC survival rate of all people who get COVID-19 is about 99.8%, versus flu about 99.9%” (Primary sources: Reason, Montreal Economic Institute, UPenn Medical Center, CDC)

Dr. Carrie Madej Urgently Warns Against Coming DARPA HydroGel in COVID Vaccines, Total Control of Humans Through Artificial Intelligence

Nephew of President JFK, Safe Vaccine Activist Calls Out Bill Gates Plan for 5G Control of Masses

Video MP4 file download link.

Studies Support Doctors’ Revolt Against Suppression of Hydroxychloroquine in US, Could Save “75,000 to 100,000 Lives”

NJ Gym Owners Defy Gov. Murphy Again Over 99.8% Survival Rate Disease, Re-open, “They Asked for 14 Days to Flatten the Curve…We’re Done with This”

20% of “Operation Warp Speed” Moderna Vaccine Trial Group Gets Sick, as CDC Mortality Rate for COVID Drops Sharply to Flu Levels

RFK Jr. website: Children’s Health Defense

Bill Gates, DARPA & New DNA NanoTech COVID-19 Vaccines, BY DAVID DEGRAW


One Million March in Germany Against Lockdowns for a 99.8% Survival Rate Virus


American billionaires have gotten half a trillion richer during the pandemic, as millions have lost livelihoods

Great, another republican nutball to voice a vax conspiracy. This is what passes for elected republican lawmakers these days? Jeesh!

have you seen some of the ones who pass as elected democrat lawmakers these days?....

That "squad" bunch sure suck. If I paid closer attention, pretty sure others might also, but does not excuse this jerk. Sometimes elected lawmakers really need to know when to keep their mouth shut and not fuel conspiracy theories, especially if not bothering to provide evidence, gained from their lofty leadership position. Just sayin' :smoke:
US Congressman Massie Say “Secret” Government Plan is Lockdowns Until Mandatory Vaccinations

US Congressman Massie Say "Secret" Government Plan is Lockdowns Until Mandatory Vaccinations

RELATED: Sweden New Cases and Deaths Plunge, No “Second Wave” Anticipated (Bloomberg)

US Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY)
US Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) is becoming the new Ron Paul, for principled truth-telling. These specific remarks at about the 20 minute mark.
“The secret the government is keeping from you is that they plan to keep us shut down until there is some kind of vaccine, and then whether it’s compulsory at the federal level, or the state level, or maybe they persuade your employers though another PPP program that you won’t qualify for unless you make your employees get the vaccine, I think that’s their plan. Somebody convince me that’s not their plan, because there is no logical ending to this other than that.”


“CDC survival rate of all people who get COVID-19 is about 99.8%, versus flu about 99.9%” (Primary sources: Reason, Montreal Economic Institute, UPenn Medical Center, CDC)

Dr. Carrie Madej Urgently Warns Against Coming DARPA HydroGel in COVID Vaccines, Total Control of Humans Through Artificial Intelligence

Nephew of President JFK, Safe Vaccine Activist Calls Out Bill Gates Plan for 5G Control of Masses

Video MP4 file download link.

Studies Support Doctors’ Revolt Against Suppression of Hydroxychloroquine in US, Could Save “75,000 to 100,000 Lives”

NJ Gym Owners Defy Gov. Murphy Again Over 99.8% Survival Rate Disease, Re-open, “They Asked for 14 Days to Flatten the Curve…We’re Done with This”

20% of “Operation Warp Speed” Moderna Vaccine Trial Group Gets Sick, as CDC Mortality Rate for COVID Drops Sharply to Flu Levels

RFK Jr. website: Children’s Health Defense

Bill Gates, DARPA & New DNA NanoTech COVID-19 Vaccines, BY DAVID DEGRAW


One Million March in Germany Against Lockdowns for a 99.8% Survival Rate Virus


American billionaires have gotten half a trillion richer during the pandemic, as millions have lost livelihoods

Great, another republican nutball to voice a vax conspiracy. This is what passes for elected republican lawmakers these days? Jeesh!

The fact that the two people that liked this post,One a major troll who always ignores corruption in government believing their lies no matter how much the are absurd,and the other one has an intense hate for republicans,proved you are rambling.its conspiracy fact,not conspiracy theory.grow up.
I will refuse the vaccination and Big Brother can throw me in a concentration camp if he chooses to :smoke:
It’s not going to be as easy as that,if you don’t take the vaccine you will not be able to do anything,travel,buy grocery’s or anything,they willl test to see if you have taken it,I’m afraid the difficult choice you are going to have to face is take or die of starvation not being allowed to buy food anymore.are you prepared to go that far? Is,I am.if that was meant for it to be to go out that way for me,then so be it,you can’t fight destiny.
In 1857, the Sepoys (Indian native troops of the British East India Company) revolted over the incident of "Greased Cartridges".

6,000 British and as many as 800,000 Indians died in the 18 months that followed.

The "greased cartridges" were covered in beeswax to prevent moisture from entering the otherwise paper cartridge. The Company Army drill book called for the ends of the cartridges to be bitten off before emptying the powder and ball into the rifle. In fact, the drill book also specified the cartridge could be torn by hand.

Rumors were spread among Hindu troops that the cartridges were covered in beef fat so that biting the cartridge forced Hindu soldiers to break their caste so they could be easily converted by British Missionaries.

Likewise, rumors passed to Muslim troops was that the same cartridges were covered in pork fat for the same reason.

Both rumors were patently untrue, but they led to the deaths of nearly one million people and extended the rule of the British Raj in India over the next 75 years.
US Congressman Massie Say “Secret” Government Plan is Lockdowns Until Mandatory Vaccinations

US Congressman Massie Say "Secret" Government Plan is Lockdowns Until Mandatory Vaccinations

RELATED: Sweden New Cases and Deaths Plunge, No “Second Wave” Anticipated (Bloomberg)

US Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY)

US Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) is becoming the new Ron Paul, for principled truth-telling. These specific remarks at about the 20 minute mark.

“The secret the government is keeping from you is that they plan to keep us shut down until there is some kind of vaccine, and then whether it’s compulsory at the federal level, or the state level, or maybe they persuade your employers though another PPP program that you won’t qualify for unless you make your employees get the vaccine, I think that’s their plan. Somebody convince me that’s not their plan, because there is no logical ending to this other than that.”


“CDC survival rate of all people who get COVID-19 is about 99.8%, versus flu about 99.9%” (Primary sources: Reason, Montreal Economic Institute, UPenn Medical Center, CDC)

Dr. Carrie Madej Urgently Warns Against Coming DARPA HydroGel in COVID Vaccines, Total Control of Humans Through Artificial Intelligence

Nephew of President JFK, Safe Vaccine Activist Calls Out Bill Gates Plan for 5G Control of Masses

Munkle Video MP4 file download link.

Studies Support Doctors’ Revolt Against Suppression of Hydroxychloroquine in US, Could Save “75,000 to 100,000 Lives”

NJ Gym Owners Defy Gov. Murphy Again Over 99.8% Survival Rate Disease, Re-open, “They Asked for 14 Days to Flatten the Curve…We’re Done with This”

20% of “Operation Warp Speed” Moderna Vaccine Trial Group Gets Sick, as CDC Mortality Rate for COVID Drops Sharply to Flu Levels

RFK Jr. website: Children’s Health Defense

Bill Gates, DARPA & New DNA NanoTech COVID-19 Vaccines, BY DAVID DEGRAW


One Million March in Germany Against Lockdowns for a 99.8% Survival Rate Virus


American billionaires have gotten half a trillion richer during the pandemic, as millions have lost livelihoods

Excellent stuff there,thanks for sharing it with us,those people in Germany are brave patriots,wish they all lived here in the states because the sheep in America here just seem to be contempt to go along with the government and what they tell us to do.
US Congressman Massie Say “Secret” Government Plan is Lockdowns Until Mandatory Vaccinations

US Congressman Massie Say "Secret" Government Plan is Lockdowns Until Mandatory Vaccinations

RELATED: Sweden New Cases and Deaths Plunge, No “Second Wave” Anticipated (Bloomberg)

US Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY)
US Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) is becoming the new Ron Paul, for principled truth-telling. These specific remarks at about the 20 minute mark.
“The secret the government is keeping from you is that they plan to keep us shut down until there is some kind of vaccine, and then whether it’s compulsory at the federal level, or the state level, or maybe they persuade your employers though another PPP program that you won’t qualify for unless you make your employees get the vaccine, I think that’s their plan. Somebody convince me that’s not their plan, because there is no logical ending to this other than that.”


“CDC survival rate of all people who get COVID-19 is about 99.8%, versus flu about 99.9%” (Primary sources: Reason, Montreal Economic Institute, UPenn Medical Center, CDC)

Dr. Carrie Madej Urgently Warns Against Coming DARPA HydroGel in COVID Vaccines, Total Control of Humans Through Artificial Intelligence

Nephew of President JFK, Safe Vaccine Activist Calls Out Bill Gates Plan for 5G Control of Masses

Video MP4 file download link.

Studies Support Doctors’ Revolt Against Suppression of Hydroxychloroquine in US, Could Save “75,000 to 100,000 Lives”

NJ Gym Owners Defy Gov. Murphy Again Over 99.8% Survival Rate Disease, Re-open, “They Asked for 14 Days to Flatten the Curve…We’re Done with This”

20% of “Operation Warp Speed” Moderna Vaccine Trial Group Gets Sick, as CDC Mortality Rate for COVID Drops Sharply to Flu Levels

RFK Jr. website: Children’s Health Defense

Bill Gates, DARPA & New DNA NanoTech COVID-19 Vaccines, BY DAVID DEGRAW


One Million March in Germany Against Lockdowns for a 99.8% Survival Rate Virus


American billionaires have gotten half a trillion richer during the pandemic, as millions have lost livelihoods

Great, another republican nutball to voice a vax conspiracy. This is what passes for elected republican lawmakers these days? Jeesh!

Says the party that claims Trump is stealing mail trucks.
US Congressman Massie Say “Secret” Government Plan is Lockdowns Until Mandatory Vaccinations

US Congressman Massie Say "Secret" Government Plan is Lockdowns Until Mandatory Vaccinations

RELATED: Sweden New Cases and Deaths Plunge, No “Second Wave” Anticipated (Bloomberg)

US Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY)
US Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) is becoming the new Ron Paul, for principled truth-telling. These specific remarks at about the 20 minute mark.
“The secret the government is keeping from you is that they plan to keep us shut down until there is some kind of vaccine, and then whether it’s compulsory at the federal level, or the state level, or maybe they persuade your employers though another PPP program that you won’t qualify for unless you make your employees get the vaccine, I think that’s their plan. Somebody convince me that’s not their plan, because there is no logical ending to this other than that.”


“CDC survival rate of all people who get COVID-19 is about 99.8%, versus flu about 99.9%” (Primary sources: Reason, Montreal Economic Institute, UPenn Medical Center, CDC)

Dr. Carrie Madej Urgently Warns Against Coming DARPA HydroGel in COVID Vaccines, Total Control of Humans Through Artificial Intelligence

Nephew of President JFK, Safe Vaccine Activist Calls Out Bill Gates Plan for 5G Control of Masses

Video MP4 file download link.

Studies Support Doctors’ Revolt Against Suppression of Hydroxychloroquine in US, Could Save “75,000 to 100,000 Lives”

NJ Gym Owners Defy Gov. Murphy Again Over 99.8% Survival Rate Disease, Re-open, “They Asked for 14 Days to Flatten the Curve…We’re Done with This”

20% of “Operation Warp Speed” Moderna Vaccine Trial Group Gets Sick, as CDC Mortality Rate for COVID Drops Sharply to Flu Levels

RFK Jr. website: Children’s Health Defense

Bill Gates, DARPA & New DNA NanoTech COVID-19 Vaccines, BY DAVID DEGRAW


One Million March in Germany Against Lockdowns for a 99.8% Survival Rate Virus


American billionaires have gotten half a trillion richer during the pandemic, as millions have lost livelihoods

Great, another republican nutball to voice a vax conspiracy. This is what passes for elected republican lawmakers these days? Jeesh!

Says the party that claims Trump is stealing mail trucks.

Yeah that troll didn’t even bother to watch the video.
This video by this patriot congressmen proves trump does not believe in the constitution just as I suspected.that congressmen was just following the constitution when he told trump he should get approval from Congress before trying to go to war with Iran and trump yelled at him for that saying he will do things against him to make sue don’t get a primary seat. Even bush was not that bad,he at least got approval from Congress before he invaded Iraq.
US Congressman Massie Say “Secret” Government Plan is Lockdowns Until Mandatory Vaccinations

US Congressman Massie Say "Secret" Government Plan is Lockdowns Until Mandatory Vaccinations

RELATED: Sweden New Cases and Deaths Plunge, No “Second Wave” Anticipated (Bloomberg)

US Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY)
US Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) is becoming the new Ron Paul, for principled truth-telling. These specific remarks at about the 20 minute mark.
“The secret the government is keeping from you is that they plan to keep us shut down until there is some kind of vaccine, and then whether it’s compulsory at the federal level, or the state level, or maybe they persuade your employers though another PPP program that you won’t qualify for unless you make your employees get the vaccine, I think that’s their plan. Somebody convince me that’s not their plan, because there is no logical ending to this other than that.”


“CDC survival rate of all people who get COVID-19 is about 99.8%, versus flu about 99.9%” (Primary sources: Reason, Montreal Economic Institute, UPenn Medical Center, CDC)

Dr. Carrie Madej Urgently Warns Against Coming DARPA HydroGel in COVID Vaccines, Total Control of Humans Through Artificial Intelligence

Nephew of President JFK, Safe Vaccine Activist Calls Out Bill Gates Plan for 5G Control of Masses

Video MP4 file download link.

Studies Support Doctors’ Revolt Against Suppression of Hydroxychloroquine in US, Could Save “75,000 to 100,000 Lives”

NJ Gym Owners Defy Gov. Murphy Again Over 99.8% Survival Rate Disease, Re-open, “They Asked for 14 Days to Flatten the Curve…We’re Done with This”

20% of “Operation Warp Speed” Moderna Vaccine Trial Group Gets Sick, as CDC Mortality Rate for COVID Drops Sharply to Flu Levels

RFK Jr. website: Children’s Health Defense

Bill Gates, DARPA & New DNA NanoTech COVID-19 Vaccines, BY DAVID DEGRAW


One Million March in Germany Against Lockdowns for a 99.8% Survival Rate Virus


American billionaires have gotten half a trillion richer during the pandemic, as millions have lost livelihoods

Great, another republican nutball to voice a vax conspiracy. This is what passes for elected republican lawmakers these days? Jeesh!

Says the party that claims Trump is stealing mail trucks.

I certainly do not speak for a political party. I am just highly resistant to conspiracy theories. Had not heard trump was stealing mail trucks. That must be a new one.
US Congressman Massie Say “Secret” Government Plan is Lockdowns Until Mandatory Vaccinations

US Congressman Massie Say "Secret" Government Plan is Lockdowns Until Mandatory Vaccinations

RELATED: Sweden New Cases and Deaths Plunge, No “Second Wave” Anticipated (Bloomberg)

US Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY)
US Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) is becoming the new Ron Paul, for principled truth-telling. These specific remarks at about the 20 minute mark.
“The secret the government is keeping from you is that they plan to keep us shut down until there is some kind of vaccine, and then whether it’s compulsory at the federal level, or the state level, or maybe they persuade your employers though another PPP program that you won’t qualify for unless you make your employees get the vaccine, I think that’s their plan. Somebody convince me that’s not their plan, because there is no logical ending to this other than that.”


“CDC survival rate of all people who get COVID-19 is about 99.8%, versus flu about 99.9%” (Primary sources: Reason, Montreal Economic Institute, UPenn Medical Center, CDC)

Dr. Carrie Madej Urgently Warns Against Coming DARPA HydroGel in COVID Vaccines, Total Control of Humans Through Artificial Intelligence

Nephew of President JFK, Safe Vaccine Activist Calls Out Bill Gates Plan for 5G Control of Masses

Video MP4 file download link.

Studies Support Doctors’ Revolt Against Suppression of Hydroxychloroquine in US, Could Save “75,000 to 100,000 Lives”

NJ Gym Owners Defy Gov. Murphy Again Over 99.8% Survival Rate Disease, Re-open, “They Asked for 14 Days to Flatten the Curve…We’re Done with This”

20% of “Operation Warp Speed” Moderna Vaccine Trial Group Gets Sick, as CDC Mortality Rate for COVID Drops Sharply to Flu Levels

RFK Jr. website: Children’s Health Defense

Bill Gates, DARPA & New DNA NanoTech COVID-19 Vaccines, BY DAVID DEGRAW


One Million March in Germany Against Lockdowns for a 99.8% Survival Rate Virus


American billionaires have gotten half a trillion richer during the pandemic, as millions have lost livelihoods

Great, another republican nutball to voice a vax conspiracy. This is what passes for elected republican lawmakers these days? Jeesh!

Says the party that claims Trump is stealing mail trucks.

I certainly do not speak for a political party. I am just highly resistant to conspiracy theories. Had not heard trump was stealing mail trucks. That must be a new one.

No your afraid of conspiracy FACTS which is what the op posted,stop trolling or go away.
US Congressman Massie Say “Secret” Government Plan is Lockdowns Until Mandatory Vaccinations

US Congressman Massie Say "Secret" Government Plan is Lockdowns Until Mandatory Vaccinations

RELATED: Sweden New Cases and Deaths Plunge, No “Second Wave” Anticipated (Bloomberg)

US Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY)
US Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) is becoming the new Ron Paul, for principled truth-telling. These specific remarks at about the 20 minute mark.
“The secret the government is keeping from you is that they plan to keep us shut down until there is some kind of vaccine, and then whether it’s compulsory at the federal level, or the state level, or maybe they persuade your employers though another PPP program that you won’t qualify for unless you make your employees get the vaccine, I think that’s their plan. Somebody convince me that’s not their plan, because there is no logical ending to this other than that.”


“CDC survival rate of all people who get COVID-19 is about 99.8%, versus flu about 99.9%” (Primary sources: Reason, Montreal Economic Institute, UPenn Medical Center, CDC)

Dr. Carrie Madej Urgently Warns Against Coming DARPA HydroGel in COVID Vaccines, Total Control of Humans Through Artificial Intelligence

Nephew of President JFK, Safe Vaccine Activist Calls Out Bill Gates Plan for 5G Control of Masses

Video MP4 file download link.

Studies Support Doctors’ Revolt Against Suppression of Hydroxychloroquine in US, Could Save “75,000 to 100,000 Lives”

NJ Gym Owners Defy Gov. Murphy Again Over 99.8% Survival Rate Disease, Re-open, “They Asked for 14 Days to Flatten the Curve…We’re Done with This”

20% of “Operation Warp Speed” Moderna Vaccine Trial Group Gets Sick, as CDC Mortality Rate for COVID Drops Sharply to Flu Levels

RFK Jr. website: Children’s Health Defense

Bill Gates, DARPA & New DNA NanoTech COVID-19 Vaccines, BY DAVID DEGRAW


One Million March in Germany Against Lockdowns for a 99.8% Survival Rate Virus


American billionaires have gotten half a trillion richer during the pandemic, as millions have lost livelihoods

Great, another republican nutball to voice a vax conspiracy. This is what passes for elected republican lawmakers these days? Jeesh!

Says the party that claims Trump is stealing mail trucks.

I certainly do not speak for a political party. I am just highly resistant to conspiracy theories. Had not heard trump was stealing mail trucks. That must be a new one.

No your afraid of conspiracy FACTS which is what the op posted,stop trolling or go away.

Massey should have posted a letterhead document or emails, like a whistle blower, but he didn't. Till proven it is just a conspiracy theory he put out for God knows what reason. No trolling the thread or anybody on the board. Why don't you Fk off instead?
What's in the vaccines?
I generally don't accept any injections. However, note that students are FORCED to take several to enroll in Colleges.
Perhaps if there was an independent (trustworthy) laboratory that could verify what's in the vaccines it would help?
Nanobot technology that turns you into a raging lunatic left Snowflake?

Chances are we've been getting some pretty rough dubious shit for years via Monsanto and GMO's

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