US AG 'PUSHED' To Enforce Tbe Law Protecting USSC Justices


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Why does the US AG have to be 'PUSHED' to do his job, which is to enforce US law, especially when it comes to enforcing laws to protect USSC Justices?

"Attorney General Merrick Garland is facing growing political pressure to enforce federal law that prohibits picketing outside of Supreme Court justices’ homes for the purpose of influencing a decision.

Federal U.S. code 1507, states that any individual who "pickets or parades" with the "intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer" near a U.S. court or "near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer" will be fined, or "imprisoned not more than one year, or both."

Former US AG William Barr says the law is 'crystal clear'.

So it can't be that Garland doesn't know or is confused by the bill. It must be that Garland REFUSES to enforce the law, protecting the criminal leftists violent protestors.

Perhaps Garland still holds some misguided animus towards the Justices due to the fact that he (luckily) was denied a seat on the bench.


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